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Americans Have Lost Sight of What Fascism Means


Jul 8, 2009
Member Number
Gatesville, TX
Liberals and liberal institutions feel understandable discomfort in portraying China as an enemy, since this is what Trump has done—often with considerable resort to xenophobia and without distinguishing between the Chinese regime and the Chinese people. To attack and focus attention on China also runs the risk of boosting the Trump administration’s narrative that China is America’s new enemy. That Trump might be right on one thing is certainly possible, but that doesn’t make the idea of agreeing with him any less uncomfortable.


op-ed from the atlantic, i won't copy/paste the whole thing because it is long and good, but the above paragraph is pretty interesting

Sarah Jeong to wonder, “‘Is the United States better, worse, or the same as China?’ … In 2020, this is becoming a genuinely difficult question to answer.” After all, Jeong reasoned, “China brutally represses its political dissidents; in America, law enforcement in military camouflage have grabbed protesters off the streets and shoved them into unmarked vans.”

this statement, a quote not from the author, highlights how incredibly beyond absurd the comparison between Chinese repression and American repression of political dissent really is. BEYOND absurd, though, for all his other great points, isn't properly abused by the author, in my opinion
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They absolutely have. So many words are getting completely bastardized in today's hyper-political, hyper-partisan environment. "Fascist" basically just means "anything a left wing person disagrees with".
They absolutely have. So many words are getting completely bastardized in today's hyper-political, hyper-partisan environment. "Fascist" basically just means "anything a left wing person disagrees with".

in the article he quotes orwell from 1944 talking about how facism has been applied to everything, including dogs, and makes a comment about how the atlantic ocean seems to have spared the US from the same treatment for several decades :laughing: global phenomenon.

or, intentional communist conspiracy.

2015 article


They have co-opted the meaning of words to deceive the uninformed, uneducated and apathetic public. This is not a new concept and it has been in practice for decades. It has, however, become a more prominent tactic of the political left in recent years.

2019 article, talking about tyrants in general


[circa 400BC]

Ancient and sacred laws of religious amnesty were violated. Fathers killed their sons. Besides which—and this is what’s been keeping me up at night—words lost their meaning. Here is what Thucydides writes (3.82, my translation):
They even changed the agreed-upon meanings of words to the opposite of the right ones. Rash impudence was called “courageous loyalty”; careful deliberation, “specious cowardice”…. Getting revenge was considered better than never being wronged in the first place…. The cause of all this was hunger for power motivated by greed and ambition.

If this has not started to sound to you like the identitarian Left, you are not paying close enough attention​

1987 article


Russians redefine words in Oxford Student Dictionary, New York Times 9 Apr 1985


I will show that founder L. Ron Hubbard promotes hate to his members, to create a polarity and dehumanization which will allow members to commit any illegal, uncivilized, and inhumane act deemed expedient by the organization.
How he does this is described in his own policy directives. In HCO PL 5 October 1971: "Propaganda by Redefinition of Words":
"A long term propaganda technique used by socialists (Communists and Nazis alike} is of interest to PR practitioners. I know of no place it is mentioned in PR literature. But the data had verbal circulation in intelligence circles and is in constant current use. The trick is -- WORDS ARE REDEFINED TO MEAN SOMETHING ELSE TO THE ADVANTAGE OF THE PROPAGANDIST.
Lots of people in this country have also completely lost sight of what communism means. It gets thrown around as meaning anything/anyone to the left of the extreme right wing.

you fuckin' communist :shaking: accusing some large group of whatever nonsense of unity in thought :flipoff2:

[BLM and critical race theory are, however, explicit vehicles of communism]

Lots of people in this country have also completely lost sight of what communism means. It gets thrown around as meaning anything/anyone to the left of the extreme right wing.

Ask this gal running for mayor in Oregon what communism means.

I thing the left knows what it is and wants that type of society here in the states... so long as they control all the power and money. The antifa idiots are brainwashed thinking if we go this way everything they want will be paid for. Not sure where the deep down hate is coming from and why they’re so violent.
We fought a war against em....REMEMBER?!
REMEMBER where else on earth has a country welcomed ALL peoples into it's borders?

Time to close em!:lmao:
If people knew what fascism was, they would probably be one without even knowing it. It has broad terms but the basics are:

nationalism, the country and it's people first
strong military
private property and business
pro-nuclear family
anti-drug use
anti-crime, bring back the death penalty
right wing welfare rather than left wing

The economy under Trump was doing great the first 3 years because of similar attributes. The economy under communism the last 8 months has crashed as it always does.

But of course, muh nazis were fascist so that makes it bad when whites do it. Communists, big banks and corporations use that comparison to squash any pro-nationalist movements. You can see how that's turned out 75 years later. Completely cucked every white nation from Iceland to Greece. Slaves to banks, consumerism, rapefugees, and man-hating pink-haired harpies with mental issues.
The vast majority of Americans never knew what fascism is in the first place.

Idiots throwing accusations about fascism, socialism, conservative, liberal, right wing, blah, blah, blah . . . don't understand the big picture. All of the above are just forms of Orwellianism . . . i.e. a bunch of Big Government elitists who seek to micromanage free people. Fawk them all.
If people knew what fascism was, they would probably be one without even knowing it. It has broad terms but the basics are:

nationalism, the country and it's people first
strong military
private property and business
pro-nuclear family
anti-drug use
anti-crime, bring back the death penalty
right wing welfare rather than left wing

The economy under Trump was doing great the first 3 years because of similar attributes. The economy under communism the last 8 months has crashed as it always does.

But of course, muh nazis were fascist so that makes it bad when whites do it. Communists, big banks and corporations use that comparison to squash any pro-nationalist movements. You can see how that's turned out 75 years later. Completely cucked every white nation from Iceland to Greece. Slaves to banks, consumerism, rapefugees, and man-hating pink-haired harpies with mental issues.

here you go, you dense bastard.

the commonly accepted authority on the 14 characteristics of fascism.

https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fa...l,people are rallied into a unifying... More

Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights

Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause

Rampant Sexism

Supremacy of the Military

Controlled Mass Media

Obsession with National Security

Religion and Government are Intertwined

Corporate Power is Protected

Labor Power is Suppressed

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

Obsession with Crime and Punishment

Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

Fraudulent Elections

America, trump, "muh whites", are NOT fascists, fascism is not some grand ideal that "hitler only did wrong because of the way he exterminated undesirables" :shaking:

yeah, you can twist your shit vague handful of comments as being hallmarks of fascism, but you are exactly as dishonest as the people who say "the bill of rights is based on the 10 commandments" uh, well, I guess in number...
If people knew what fascism was, they would probably be one without even knowing it. It has broad terms but the basics are:

nationalism, the country and it's people first
strong military
private property and business
pro-nuclear family
anti-drug use
anti-crime, bring back the death penalty
right wing welfare rather than left wing

The economy under Trump was doing great the first 3 years because of similar attributes. The economy under communism the last 8 months has crashed as it always does.

But of course, muh nazis were fascist so that makes it bad when whites do it. Communists, big banks and corporations use that comparison to squash any pro-nationalist movements. You can see how that's turned out 75 years later. Completely cucked every white nation from Iceland to Greece. Slaves to banks, consumerism, rapefugees, and man-hating pink-haired harpies with mental issues.

Me thinks you proved the OP correct.
here's a fun quote, not entirely un-related to fascism :rasta:

The proletarians cannot become masters of the productive forces of society, except by abolishing their own previous mode of appropriation, and thereby also every other previous mode of appropriation. They have nothing of their own to secure and to fortify; their mission is to destroy all previous securities for, and insurances of, individual property.


edit: this is a powerful line that plays out, again and again through communist revolutions and societies. In china, Mao Zedong-Thought labeled it "continuous revolution".

The distinguishing feature of Communism is not the abolition of property generally, but the abolition of bourgeois property.

The proletarians are defined as those who have nothing of their own, the lowest of the low that barely exist, if they are to exist at all, by solely trading their labor for enough means to exist.

The moment you have a thing that is or can be owned, or otherwise defended as 'personal property', you become a petty or greater bourgeoise and are therefore fit to be denounced, re-educated, beaten or killed. it cannot be (and never really has) any other way, without stepping back from communism in some aspect.

this is not wholly removed from the extremism of fascism, where the single party nature of "the state" directs how you can act, think and even recreate. the rigid societal structure is the root of the violent connection between the two and where and why the "great American experiment", for all it's faults, endures with the struggle that enables class mobility and actively rewards it. Be it rags to riches, or the protection of bankruptcy and the ability to go from riches to rags with no hope of redemption.
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Gulag Archipelago!!!!! Been listening to the audio book!!!
How in the fuck do our universities study more on nazi Germany and not communist Russia????
There’s a Fkn statue of Lenin standing tall on the downtown streets of Seattle for fucks sake!!!!!!
Imagine erecting a statue of hitler!!!!!!
Some US citizens (unions) wave that commie Fkn flag so proudly!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!
No way can they understand!!!!!
here you go, you dense bastard.

the commonly accepted authority on the 14 characteristics of fascism.

https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fa...l,people are rallied into a unifying... More

America, trump, "muh whites", are NOT fascists, fascism is not some grand ideal that "hitler only did wrong because of the way he exterminated undesirables" :shaking:

yeah, you can twist your shit vague handful of comments as being hallmarks of fascism, but you are exactly as dishonest as the people who say "the bill of rights is based on the 10 commandments" uh, well, I guess in number...

There is no hard and fast definition of Fascism, but I disagree with the TERRIBLE list you dug up much more.

Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

-Most Nations were very Nationalist before the age of extreme Globalism, there is no particular connection btw Nationalism and Fascism. You proved 88mitsu correct

Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights

-True, but no more true for Fascism than Communism, as pointed out by smart HS students everywhere, Communism is far worse

Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause

-Every government on Earth ever.

Rampant Sexism

-What? You actually posted this? The Nazis and Italians were more sexist than say FDR? Your list is OBVIOUSLY from a Socialist perspective, you naive numpty.

Supremacy of the Military

-Like the Red Army or the PLA?

Controlled Mass Media

-Like the USSR and PRC?

Obsession with National Security

-Like the USSR and PRC?

Religion and Government are Intertwined

-Fascism has no particular relationship with religion, usually suppresses it. You are proving 88mitsu correct again.

Corporate Power is Protected


Labor Power is Suppressed


Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

-Nazis loved Wagner and Opera and all German music, Italian Fascists same thing. This list was made by intellectual elites who are changing the definition. You are proving 88 mitsu correct again.

Obsession with Crime and Punishment

-Like the KGB, Stasi, PRC, etc?

Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

-Like the USSR, PRC, etc?

Fraudulent Electionsd


You backed up everything 88mitsu said.

You fell for a list made up by some modern Lefties which has nothing to do with anything.

They suppressed Nationalism exactly as 88mitsu described, exactly as modern Socialist/Communists would.

You are not a good leader for this thread lol
There is no hard and fast definition of Fascism, but I disagree with the TERRIBLE list you dug up much more.


You backed up everything 88mitsu said.

You fell for a list made up by some modern Lefties which has nothing to do with anything.

They suppressed Nationalism exactly as 88mitsu described, exactly as modern Socialist/Communists would.

You are not a good leader for this thread lol

hey, I didn't make the list and i'm well aware of it's communist (ideallic communist, not rational ones) roots.

the 14 points of fascism are vague, but 88mitsu's version is more vauge and worse.

I'm not about to say that fascism is any better than communism :laughing: of course there is massive overlap between fascism and communism, they are both highly illiberal, unenlightened and despotic
fuk ewe evernoob. i am sick of temptation to like your posts.....you sikkk fawk i hate to agree with.

of course on my best days i just aint worth a fawk....and today is not a good day:flipoff2:

just to be clear, using a copeout such as "there is no definition for fascism" is the direct equivalent for Antifa saying "Antifa isn't a thing, it is just an idea, it has no definition" because NEITHER want to admit that their bullshit notions despise liberty and favor despots :flipoff2:

(well, the true communists will admit it, but they do it with their new word definitions)
just to be clear, using a copeout such as "there is no definition for fascism" is the direct equivalent for Antifa saying "Antifa isn't a thing, it is just an idea, it has no definition" because NEITHER want to admit that their bullshit notions despise liberty and favor despots :flipoff2:

(well, the true communists will admit it, but they do it with their new word definitions)

to be clear. facisim....socialism....communism....all denominations of the same control currency in my conclusions...and have read many of the same books as posters here.

coming to different conclusions of course.:flipoff2::flipoff2:
to be clear. facisim....socialism....communism....all denominations of the same control currency in my conclusions...and have read many of the same books as posters here.

coming to different conclusions of course.:flipoff2::flipoff2:

hey, I think the article in the first post is an interesting perspective, but i'm also highly confident that the author only cares about china as a threat because of the ughuauauures solely because they are muslim majority region. he says fuckall about the Mongolians, Tibetans, Taiwanese, hong kongers, etal. that china is today abusing as well, and the massive amounts of human abuse for everybody.

the author has no other link to those people outside the feigned concern of religion.

the fact that people publicly called the UN human rights council a "black eye" for appointing china as a panel member is, at least, somewhat comforting.
hey, I didn't make the list and i'm well aware of it's communist (ideallic communist, not rational ones) roots.

the 14 points of fascism are vague, but 88mitsu's version is more vauge and worse.

I'm not about to say that fascism is any better than communism :laughing: of course there is massive overlap between fascism and communism, they are both highly illiberal, unenlightened and despotic

I recommend this old article


Susan Sontage observed (roughly): "Communism is the most efficient form of Fascism" which sent ripples through her upper-crust Socialist/Communist world.

I also suggest Hitchens' touching Obit on Sontag:


He remained an unapologetic Commie until the end. That's the thing about Chris, he gives you just enough to hate him so that he doesn't appear an infallible god. Damn I miss him.

Anyway I thought your thoughts on the subject are converging to where Sontag converged. She challenged her Lefty elite friends, you(I) have to respect that.
just to be clear, using a copeout such as "there is no definition for fascism" is the direct equivalent for Antifa saying "Antifa isn't a thing, it is just an idea, it has no definition" because NEITHER want to admit that their bullshit notions despise liberty and favor despots :flipoff2:

(well, the true communists will admit it, but they do it with their new word definitions)

It's just that setting up a strawman seems to apply to this subject too. The Left sets up these definitions of political philosophy, assigns people to them, and dismisses them and anyone who they say subscribes to them.

Your post basically 'falls for that' or reinforces their game. Don't play their game.
I recommend this old article


Susan Sontage observed (roughly): "Communism is the most efficient form of Fascism" which sent ripples through her upper-crust Socialist/Communist world.

I also suggest Hitchens' touching Obit on Sontag:


He remained an unapologetic Commie until the end. That's the thing about Chris, he gives you just enough to hate him so that he doesn't appear an infallible god. Damn I miss him.

Anyway I thought your thoughts on the subject are converging to where Sontag converged. She challenged her Lefty elite friends, you(I) have to respect that.

''I repeat: not only is Fascism (and overt military rule) the probable destiny of all Communist societies - especially when their populations are moved to revolt - but Communism is in itself a variant, the most successful variant, of Fascism. Fascism with a human face.''

that's a good quote. it is pretty similar, in some aspects, to the article in the original post. though the modern remains inexplicably a biden sympathetic

In Against Interpretation, published in 1966, she saw more clearly than most that the future defeat of official Communism was inscribed in its negation of literature.

it's almost comical how accurate this may actually be :laughing: goes along with the quote:

“The South believed an educated Negro to be a dangerous Negro. And the South was not wholly wrong; for education among all kinds of men always has had, and always will have, an element of danger and revolution, of dissatisfaction and discontent. Nevertheless, men strive to know.”

W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk

nevermind the crushing destruction of forced acceptance, the damning starvation of land reform, the insane dehumanizing efforts to reduce people to cattle....the destruction of literature and the curiosity it brings, the education it contains and the universal notions of liberty it highlights through simple empathy and emotion, if nothing else
It's just that setting up a strawman seems to apply to this subject too. The Left sets up these definitions of political philosophy, assigns people to them, and dismisses them and anyone who they say subscribes to them.

Your post basically 'falls for that' or reinforces their game. Don't play their game.

I will accept no defense of fascism on the basis that "most people will realize that what they want is fascism anyways". don't care who it is by. if somebody wants to toss up some half list, such as "well, muslisiislnii liked puppies and mao had them killed....you like puppies, don't you?" i'm more than happy to offer up different lists to berate and deride. I'll abuse monarchies, colonialism, fascism, communism, islam, Christianity, pagans, raiders and chiefs. Private property and individualism, the foundational basis of capitalism, and self regulated market trade in all things is a greater ideal. hell, we can corrupt that utopia on the basis of national level cooperation for a very few issues, but the discussion of those must continue.

but yes, that list I posted up has certainly been used to "prove" republicans throughout the years are "fascist" or "elements of fascism", but that is where my 10 commandment to 10 amendments equivocation comes in.
here you go, you dense bastard.

the commonly accepted authority on the 14 characteristics of fascism.


Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights

Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause

Rampant Sexism

Supremacy of the Military

Controlled Mass Media

Obsession with National Security

Religion and Government are Intertwined

Corporate Power is Protected

Labor Power is Suppressed

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

Obsession with Crime and Punishment

Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

Fraudulent Elections

America, trump, "muh whites", are NOT fascists, fascism is not some grand ideal that "hitler only did wrong because of the way he exterminated undesirables" :shaking:

yeah, you can twist your shit vague handful of comments as being hallmarks of fascism, but you are exactly as dishonest as the people who say "the bill of rights is based on the 10 commandments" uh, well, I guess in number...

Capitalism is an economic model, Fascism is an ideology. Most of the shit on that list, we have here in the US.

So I guess Americans have lost sight of what fascism means. Time to start throwing pedophiles in the oven and give welfare checks to married families instead of deadbeat single moms. :flipoff2:

I guarantee if we lived in a monarchy there would be a 100 foot tall stone wall on the Mexican border. :flipoff2:
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