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American Airlines: Can I Sell a Flight Voucher?


Ordinary Average Guy
May 21, 2020
Member Number
Okay, so around May (I think) my wife wanted to fly out to Colorado for her sister's birthday, and was going to take my oldest son. Things were dying down with COVID-19 then, restrictions were being relaxed, etc. I knew it was risky.

Fast forward to Sunday and the wife tells me American requires all passengers wear masks the entire flight. My wife suffers from anxiety, and especially when her face is covered for long periods of time. So, she hasn't been wearing a mask. I said, call and ask if they'll give a cash refund, and we'll all just drive out.

She calls American and waits on hold for 40 minutes. Dude comes on, cancels the flight, and says the cash refund will be deposited back to our PayPal. Well, right after my wife got an email to rebook with a voucher.

Now we're stuck with a voucher, as I don't think they're going to return our money. Wife called again today to confirm this, and the woman said that man had no right to tell us that.

My question is can we sell this voucher to someone who will use it?We have no reason to fly within the next two years and that money will be lost. Has anyone sold a voucher, or heard of it? I'd sell it at a discounted price just to recoup some money for the drive out to Colorado!

Also you pussies on here pushing masks can fuck off.
I had three tickets for memorial day, plans cancelddtand they did vouchers, after a week i called the airline direct and they told me since the flight was not available anymore ( i dindnt know that) they would refund it. I got refund next day back to card. So maybe see if that flight is still running and use that?
I have no love for the airlines, they are the only fucking company in the world that can just flat out not give you a fucking refund! I have two vouchers for our trip we were going to take to Fla but because of the Rona we couldn't take the trip, I wish the cc company would step up and take our money back those thieves!
I don't think they're transferable directly, but you can use it to book travel for someone else. Basically you'd have to make the reservation and have that 'someone else' give you whatever total $$ you agree on.
Thanks for the replies guys. I'll try what Redtruggy said. The flight was from Pittsburgh to Colorado Springs...it's a hard hit to the pocket book. Couldn't have been a cheap flight to Vegas.

And yeah, fuck the airlines for not giving refunds. We're trying to cancel way in advance, plenty of time for them to sell that seat.
Airlines are required to give you a refund if the flight is cancelled. They play the voucher game to keep your money, but legally they must refund you.
Flight wasn't canceled, OP had his wife cancel them. OP is stuck with that voucher and isn't getting his money back without a fight.

Some of you have the most horrible reading comprehension I have ever witnessed. :shaking:
Get on Colorado's Craigslist, find cool ass vehicle, fly to Colorado, buy vehicle, drive back.
While its a shit deal for the OP, how does he deserve a refund? The airline did not cancel the flight, OP wife canceled the reservation. Better question is why the OP didnt get travel insurance: A. Knowing that the Rona was still around and that shit could change. B. Knowing that his wife can’t comfortably wear a mask OP should have known this could be a problem if the rules change again and once again purchased travel insurance.

Yes Airlines are right there with Rail Roads for their ability to tell you to fuck off and get away with it.

its actually too bad OP’s wife doesnt identify as a protected class individual then I bet the OP gets the money back vs taking a chance with bad PC PR. :flipoff2:
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While its a shit deal for the OP, how does he deserve a refund? The airline did not cancel the flight, OP wife canceled the reservation. Better question is why the OP didnt get travel insurance: A. Knowing that the Rona was still around and that shit could change. B. Knowing that his wife can’t comfortably wear a mask OP should have known this could be a problem if the rules change again and once again purchased travel insurance.

Yes Airlines are right there with Rail Roads for their ability to tell you to fuck off and get away with it.

its actually too bad OP’s wife doesnt identify as a protected class individual then I bet the OP gets the money back vs taking a chance with bad PC PR. :flipoff2:

I agree with all you said, except the insurance. I was looking at American Airlines "refundable" tickets, and if I'm reading right, it's only refundable within the first 24 hours of purchase.

I've never flown, or booked flights, this is my wife's ball game. I drive everywhere. But, talking with a few people, I can sell these vouchers, at least to friends or family. Some have expressed interest in them, so maybe I can still dump the voucher.
I have sold an AA voucher About a year ago. We got one after they screwed our flights up. I think like $1300 or so worth of vouchers. I sold them for $1000. I had to book the tickets and just put the other peoples names on them. Took me about 6 weeks to find a buyer. Lots of offers for $400-500 for the $1300 voucher.

and fuck AA. I will never willingly fly them again too many better choices.
Thanks for the replies guys. I'll try what Redtruggy said. The flight was from Pittsburgh to Colorado Springs...it's a hard hit to the pocket book. Couldn't have been a cheap flight to Vegas.

And yeah, fuck the airlines for not giving refunds. We're trying to cancel way in advance, plenty of time for them to sell that seat.

And they will, if even to a standby. Fuck airlines.
Hey you guys!

Seriously, though, American Airlines refunded every cent. Right back to my bank account.

I had to call and speak to a woman who told me how to get it back. You have to put in each ticket number into the Refund Request page. She said they're scrubbing policy and giving back money right now. For those of you who have vouchers, you might be able to still do it. It's worth a shot, unless you fly often.

Go here: aa.com/refunds

Good luck!

Hey you guys!

Seriously, though, American Airlines refunded every cent. Right back to my bank account.

I had to call and speak to a woman who told me how to get it back. You have to put in each ticket number into the Refund Request page. She said they're scrubbing policy and giving back money right now. For those of you who have vouchers, you might be able to still do it. It's worth a shot, unless you fly often.

Go here: aa.com/refunds

Good luck!


Good to hear!!
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