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9th circuit court fuckery

The US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit just ruled that there is “no right” to carry a firearm, either openly or concealed, according to the NRA.

The gun rights organization said the ruling affects multiple states under the Ninth Circuit, although several of which are “constitutional carry” states that don’t require a permit.

The case, GEORGE YOUNG, JR. V. STATE OF HAWAII, challenged the state’s firearm laws demanding that residents seeking a license to openly carry a firearm in public must demonstrate “the urgency or the need” to carry a
firearm and must be “engaged in the protection of life and property.”

According to the opinion:

After careful review of the history of early English and American regulation of carrying arms openly in the public square, the en banc court concluded that Hawai‘i’s restrictions on the open carrying of firearms reflect longstanding prohibitions, and therefore, the conduct they regulate is outside the historical scope of the Second Amendment. The en banc court held that the Second Amendment does not guarantee an unfettered, general right to openly carry arms in public for individual self-defense. Accordingly, Hawai‘i’s firearms-carry scheme is lawful.

Furthermore, the Ninth Circuit also pointed out that it has “previously held that individuals do not have a Second Amendment right to carry concealed weapons in public,” hence why the NRA reported the case also concerned concealed carry.


Pg 127 starts conclusions and dissent

(I started a thread and deleted it, because I only saw reports of the tweet. Here is the case filed Today)

(Cross post from where i posted it a couple of hours ago)
huh. so it is well established that you don't have a right to carry concealed, and now recognized that you separately don't have a right to carry open.

i'm curious what their opinion will be when the CA lawsuit from years ago finally get's taken up where the state says you have neither right at the same time.

absurd bullshit that will only encourage illegal concealed carry
This gets interesting with all the right to carry states.
I really wish Trump had had 4 more years to appoint ~moderates & constitutionalists to the courts :frown:

The Ninth Circus needs an enema, ideologically speaking - this activist shit is wearing thin.
yes. The are ZERO ccws held by civilians in Hawaii.

and despite all that kind of bullshit, gun violence is still a thing

Every-State-Fact-Sheet-2.0-042720-Hawaii.pdf (everytownresearch.org)

granted, 67% are suicides in HI vs 61% overall in the USA and i don't believe those should count as gun violence as they are not intentional violence against other persons.

across all states, Hawaii has the 49th-highest rate of gun homicides in the country

i'm a little surprised they aren't the bottom of the barrel for gun homicides. kind of hard to make the IL claim that chicago is only violent because of MN or TX when you are an island state of generally homogenous people.

they are 16th from the bottom for overall homicide rate, despite being 2nd from the bottom in firearm homicide rate. weird right? weird that firearms laws are not a good predictor concerning violence against others.

Hawaii Murder/Homicide Rate 1979-2018 | MacroTrends

i don't understand how anybody can support anything gun control related :shaking: there isn't even a public safety aspect
and despite all that kind of bullshit, gun violence is still a thing

Every-State-Fact-Sheet-2.0-042720-Hawaii.pdf (everytownresearch.org)

granted, 67% are suicides in HI vs 61% overall in the USA and i don't believe those should count as gun violence as they are not intentional violence against other persons.

i'm a little surprised they aren't the bottom of the barrel for gun homicides. kind of hard to make the IL claim that chicago is only violent because of MN or TX when you are an island state of generally homogenous people.

they are 16th from the bottom for overall homicide rate, despite being 2nd from the bottom in firearm homicide rate. weird right? weird that firearms laws are not a good predictor concerning violence against others.

Hawaii Murder/Homicide Rate 1979-2018 | MacroTrends

i don't understand how anybody can support anything gun control related :shaking: there isn't even a public safety aspect

The chief of police is a wrinkly old lesbian that doesn’t want people having guns. 2 cops were killed by a crazy fuck that stole a gun a couple years ago.
Blows my mind how far they can stretch the simple words "shall not be infringed". Keep stretching bitches, keep stretching..WOLVERINES! :flipoff:
" and English law"

same BS Ginsturd used. We are NOT controlled by the Monarchy!!!
yes. The are ZERO ccws held by civilians in Hawaii.
It’s late & my eyes must be a little weak, but when I read this I read “there are zero COWS held by civilians “

I was like, “this is a weird place to throw in that interesting piece of trivia. Who owns the cattle in Hawaii????”
Because thats the only way he could say long history of. Because America has a very brief history of the government controlling guns. England on the other hand has a very long history of the monarchy controlling the serfs.

Well, that, and it's a lie too. The Magna Carta guaranteed gun rights, so that's pretty longer.
Highest overturned court in our country. Come and get them bitches.

it should be likely to get overturned, but we could just as easily get a denial to hear and a "it isn't our job as a federal high court to interfere with how states treat their subjects"
Well, that, and it's a lie too. The Magna Carta guaranteed gun rights, so that's pretty longer.

You're thinking the English Bill of Rights. The Magna Carta predates the invention of firearms by like 100 years.
it should be likely to get overturned, but we could just as easily get a denial to hear and a "it isn't our job as a federal high court to interfere with how states treat their subjects"

Then it would be everyone's job to interfere with the court
Highest overturned court in our country. Come and get them bitches.

Way too many fundamental decisions were 5-4. Waaaay too close. And there is the Obamacare decision :mad3:
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