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69 EB - Fuel selector VALVE


An Unknown but Engorged Member
May 20, 2020
Member Number
Near the Triad, Lookin' at the freeway

So I have the main and aux tanks and it looks like the Fuel selector valve (Aux/Main) shit the bed.... no fuel from either tanks to the pump, and the tanks are feeding the selector valve.

What is the new hotness for this? I remember a few years back there was an electric selector valve that could be operated off the gauge selector switch, but dunno of that is still a thing or if there is something better.

Is there a rebuild kit for the original selector valve?

I don't think there is a rebuild kit out there, but the OEM one is just o rings, I had all the O rings I needed in what ever O ring kit Amazon sold me.
The electrics are junk.
I always liked the mechanical one, especially if it had an off position for theft prevention and no markings. Getting 300 feet down the road and stalling is about as good as it gets
I always liked the mechanical one, especially if it had an off position for theft prevention and no markings. Getting 300 feet down the road and stalling is about as good as it gets
Used to hang out with a bunch of EB owners in the 90's. The go-to gag if someone had two tanks was to set their fuel selector valve in the middle (maybe that was off, don't remember) when they weren't looking and watch them pull over to the side of the road as they were trying to leave :emb:
I always liked the mechanical one, especially if it had an off position for theft prevention and no markings. Getting 300 feet down the road and stalling is about as good as it gets
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