When I bought the metal for the building in 2004 it was not very common. Lots of things I would do differently now but it is a cool place as-is.
The apartment/house is 24x40 two story. I was a drunk single guy that already owned a couple of nice houses, and a nice shop, I wanted a bigger shop. I built a one bedroom massive man cave. I now have a 10year old daughter and a way hotter than I deserve woman. The kid has an amazing open bed room, my office is her personal space, I have a 10x24 bedroom that came from cutting my closet In half. The pictures are of my now half size closet, so I did not really lose anything. I put up a 2x6 wall at the back of the apartment and made the whole first 25x60 bay all part of the living space. The 20x40 at the back made a nice work our room/craft space and has all the freezers and food storage. If you include that space the living area is 2800 sq
I am now starting a 2000sq ft on slab 1 story 3bed 2.5bath house with an attached 48x32 garage. It is at the opposite end of my 12.5 acres. As much as I would like to move back out west I enjoy where I am. I have a licensed bird dog training field, I am a licensed game bird breeder so I have unlimited quail to train on. I can shoot deer, bear, turkey and a few others, legally on my small piece of land. It makes a great place to call home. It is always nice to come back to after a West coast trip or a Wisconsin trip.