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5mi long trump parade driving down the NJ Garden State Parkway right now

We had about 15 Antifa / BLM protesters in front of the Police Station with megaphones and dressed in black. A block down the street was 300-400 plus people with American flags, Trump flags, and all sorts of MAGA stuff with trucks, Harleys, and other rigs driving by for hours. The cops stayed near the Antifa crowd to keep them out of trouble and to prevent them from getting themselves hurt, and everyone got into their rigs and made a miles long parade through town with no issues.

Tuesday is going to be interesting. I'm hoping it will be such a crushing sweep that they just throw in the towel, but Crazy Nancy has sworn that Trump will not stay in office even if he wins the election.

Curious what the longest Trump train is?

Brief search claimed 95+ miles in AZ, but no official news report or certain numbers.
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