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5mi long trump parade driving down the NJ Garden State Parkway right now

Saw this one on FB.


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Hope there is no biden parade....
We had one here in bumfuck, PA last weekend. Some dumfuck lib jumped out in front of a jeep and stabbed the tires. :rolleyes:
I just went to visit my parents and there was one (trump parade) driving south on 101 heading toward San Francisco about 10 miles north of the GG bridge. On the way back they were stuck in traffic behind a rollover accident.
Listening to state police they can't get enough units to break it up :lmao:

Why would they want to or need to? Just some folks all headed the same way on a public highway....I suppose if they were looting and burning and dragging motorists out of their cars it would be OK.....shakes head...........
Heard they had a Trump rally around Tucson. 80 miles long on the highway. The one I witnesses around Cincinnati a few months ago was like that. The loop from KY to northern Cincinnati in both directions was packed with Trump flag waving vehicles. NEVER seen such a turnout before.

Its clearly better then anything the left is doing to show their support for Biden / Harris. Let’s see, they’re rioting burning down cities and looting businesses, desperately trying to keep stories out of the news like oh say, the hunter & big man joe laptop proving they’re guilt of everything they falsely accused trump of, running around on the web canceling people that they don’t agree with, attacking trump supporters violently etc etc etc. it’s really sad you agree with the lefts brown shirts activities and then make a snide comment about peaceful trump supporters just doing the all American thing.
Ran into an unending Trump Train on Rte 50 Sacramento coming home from bike ride. Was not expecting anything and there it was. Lasted morme than we did, over 15 minutes and still going strong streaming past us with no end in sight. Alter driving home we saw it again from the street looking up to the raised section of freeway. I told her we will never see anything like this again . . . . ..

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Why would they want to or need to? Just some folks all headed the same way on a public highway....I suppose if they were looting and burning and dragging motorists out of their cars it would be OK.....shakes head...........

This is my question as well. :confused:

Unless they are impeding the flow of traffic, why should it be an issue?
Hell, they had a Trump parade on Rodeo drive. .
This is a once in a lifetime occurrence.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Colorado flips red. Trump flags galore today down in Denver

I went down to Denver this morning, long lines of vehicles with Trump and Old Glory and Gadsden etc flags were everywhere on 470 going into Bandimere and I70 heading towards Bandimere when I went to Golden at 8:30 AM and when I drove home at 2:30 there was a huge Line of Trump and US flagged vehicles crawling in the right lane on 70 westbound getting off on Wadsworth. I've never seen so many flags. It almost brought on some allergies when I first saw them:usa:. There were several US etc flagged vehicles parked on 285 by the Loaf n jug east of Crow Hill too.

this pic was from Alameda down the frontage road to Morrison

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I went down to Denver this morning, long lines of vehicles with Trump and Old Glory and Gadsden etc flags were everywhere on 470 going into Bandimere and I70 heading towards Bandimere when I went to Golden at 8:30 AM and when I drove home at 2:30 there was a huge Line of Trump and US flagged vehicles crawling in the right lane on 70 westbound getting off on Wadsworth. I've never seen so many flags. It almost brought on some allergies when I first saw them:usa:. There were several US etc flagged vehicles parked on 285 by the Loaf n jug east of Crow Hill too.

this pic was from Alameda down the frontage road to Morrison

Awesome.. yea my folks went to that, they said it took them 3 hours to get out of Bandimere and nobody was mad about it.
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