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40 Year Old WHITE MALE's Opinion on Captain Marvel

Spent 60 seconds on it and quit. Let me know if I missed something interesting after that.
Spent 30 seconds on it. We get it you hate women.
He couldn’t even remember bill Murray’s name!!!! Fuck him!!!!
I loved watching Wonder Woman as a kid!!!
fuck him!!!!!!

OP is dumb fir bringing this shit video in here....
fuck him too!!!!
It's just 3:52 of some dude making fun of white males being sexist and racist.

Ya'll didn't miss anything.
Made it 45 seconds. Pointless drivel and an annoying presentation.

Superhero movies suck anymore. They're played out. WGAF who's in them anyway?
He couldn’t even remember bill Murray’s name!!!! Fuck him!!!!
I loved watching Wonder Woman as a kid!!!
fuck him!!!!!!

OP is dumb fir bringing this shit video in here....
fuck him too!!!!


You're awful lippy for being a limp-wristed Wonder Woman watching cuck.

You're awful lippy for being a limp-wristed Wonder Woman watching cuck.

One day super man is flying around the city when he spies with his super vision wonder woman in a penthouse apartment rolling around naked on the bed with the balcony door open.

"I'm faster than a speeding bullet..." He thinks to himself, "I could zoom on in there, get it done, and zoom out, and she would never know!" He decides to go for it. *woosh!*

"What was that?!?' Asked a startled wonder woman

"I don't know.. " replied The Invisible Man "but something just went up my ass!"
I initially avoid the movie because of the sjw hub bub surrounding it.

When i watched it it was meh and with out the bs just another story fillermovie to setup another character.

Good thing its only 2year to late.
What I liked about this is it was half true. Fuck them, jet fuel definitely takes the temper out of steel.

Women superhero movies suck too. The last time women were heroic, the men of France had gorged themselves on ergot-infested grain, started hallucinating, and put Jean of Arc in charge of the army. The army was defeated and Jean of Arc was burned at the stake. The End.
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