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3 months? That's it?!?

At least 3 months? They haven't proven longer effectiveness yet.
Gates figured out a long time ago that you can make more money if you make the consumer subscribe monthly or yearly to his anti viruses

Except the only antivirus Microsoft has is Defender which has been built into Windows for years. Gates also hasn't run Microsoft for like 10+ years.
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Get everyone on it and its good for 3 months. Then infections wont spread for 3 months. Stoping the infections until they have essential gone away is the goal.
Get everyone on it and its good for 3 months. Then infections wont spread for 3 months. Stoping the infections until they have essential gone away is the goal.

Sure. Except it will take longer than 3 months to get everyone vaccinated. Then you have foreign visitors, illegal entries, and so on. The whole things BS. Yes its serious but its been blown way up to for political reasons. This is more of the same.
At least 3 months? They haven't proven longer effectiveness yet.

yup indeed. just like anybody with natural antibodies is on a 3-6 month safe window based on estimates before it mutates again.

so of course the news or whoever the OP heard it from needs to focus on the 3 month side of the house :rasta:

2 weeks to flatten the curve? nah, 3 months between vaccinations? Yeah!

stay masked up fo lyfe! you never know who might be on a different 3 month cycle than you, don't want to expose them to the mutated strand! Stay indoors, stay inactive, live on delivery pizza so that you can stay healthy!
Just saw on the news that the moderna vaccine is only good for 3 months. Seriously? OMG We Are Saved!!!

hey at least they are telling you this time. H1N1 vaccine was only effective for a short time also. My wife, a Nurse, didn't know herself until she caught it a few months after taking the vaccine.
Is it the same for Pfizer? I searched and couldn’t find it.
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