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bordering on illiterate
May 19, 2020
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Ok. so what were the tragedies of 2020 again?

Australia was on fire
Biden/ bernie battle,
PBB implodes
Race war.

It seems like I'm missing stuff.

Didn't we almost go to war over something?

What else?
The Neocons were tring to get us into a war with Iran, but the Orange man didn't buy into it, he had the military reach out and swat them then told them to back off or he would do it harder next time
CIA tried to coup Venezuela. Then Venezuela made a massive purchase of oil technology from Iran with Gold.
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The Fed created a SPV to spend money into the global economy and illegally bought securities without penalty
CCP took Hong Kong and nobody seems to be willing to challenge their authority to do so despite it breaking the agreement with the Europeans.
The Neocons were tring to get us into a war with Iran, but the Orange man didn't buy into it, he had the military reach out and swat them then told them to back off or he would do it harder next time

Calm down there big guy:laughing:
The american people and small business gets forced out of work and the big companies got billions for their inconvenience.
Trump pulled the plug on the WHO and kicked off rouge Chinese companies off the stock exchange that wouldn’t allow audits done on them.
Kim Jong-Un faked a heart attack.
Joe_W stuck his nose in the air to irate4x4.
Stock market takes a big shit.
Fed prints up a few more trillion.

Just so we understand. The fed didn't just print up a few trillion. The treasury sold a few trillion tax payer backed treasuries to fund Fuck You In The Ass "stimulus" with. The fed then expanded its balance sheet a few trillion and then created liquidity outside the market through the IMF so that we could fund foreign debt and bail out whole countries so that they don't dump our treasuries. Plus now we're buying junk bond debt. We're likely going to see states and cities default on pensions and retirees. Don't worry though. The FED has it covered, Equity holders. We're going to inflate asset prices. That way our tax revenue can cover the interest on all this new debt we're using to fund our out of control, overbearing, defunct, over-spending Socialist Democracy. We can call it the Disunited States of America

So in short we made more treasuries to save the value of old treasuries so we could take out more debt and collateralize ourselves. Fucking brilliant.
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