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2020 Barrett lake ca


another toyota from P.R.K
May 19, 2020
Member Number
First 50 club
Headed in 28 aug.
Anyone been in this season?
Anything to report on as to changes to trail or campground?
We went in Friday night and came out Saturday afternoon. Trailer parking seems to be kind of a joke. We parked our trailers before Wrights Lake in a big dirt turnout area on the right. The trail itself seemed easier than the last time we ran it in 2016 but that could just be me lol. There was only about 7 or 8 rigs camped at the lake friday night. Still plenty of camp sites at the lake too. Fire restrictions are still in effect but it was so hot even at night we didn't want a camp fire lol.
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Just fixed the rear arb the guys in Santa Rosa sorta built.
Got the rig set, a handful of club guys at the ready...
I know we have a few locals up there.
How is the smoke up thata way?
It was pretty smokey at my house today. I'm about 80 miles from Wrights Lake. I saw some pictures of the Rubicon from this weekend and it seemed just as smokey there.
Fixin to call the rangers station and check into access.
Smoke is what it is, we don't need to complicate matters gettin out if it hits the fan.
Weather was awesome, air was clean down at the lake, slight haze in the am.
Sunday morning coming out the ceiling was much lower.
Trail has been powdered up bigtime!
Great run...Purty near full up, guessing 30 rigs, the mad hatters were in force.
Also some hilanders
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