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20 years ago today - Gore concedes


Rusty Spoons
May 22, 2020
Member Number

Twenty years after he conceded the presidential race to George W. Bush, former vice resident and Democratic nominee Al Gore said Sunday he had no regrets about his decision to accept defeat.

CNN's Jake Tapper asked Gore on "State of the Union" if he ever had any regrets about conceding.

“No, I have not,” said Gore. “Winston Churchill once said of the American people, he said they generally do the right thing after first exhausting every available alternative. And there were no remaining alternatives, after a final Supreme Court decision.”

“The only intermediate -- there is no intermediate step between a final Supreme Court decision on a matter of this sort and violent revolution. And those who talk about continuing the fight after it is over with are being disrespectful of American democracy, which is, in Lincoln's phrase, the last, best hope of humankind,” Gore added.

Bush won the 2000 election after a month-long legal battle and a Supreme Court decision handed him Florida's electoral votes.

Gore – who had conceded the race on election night, then withdrew the concession – called Bush to concede for a final time after Florida was decided.

Tapper also asked Gore for his thoughts on the current legal battles Republican leaders have waged to reverse or disqualify the results of the election that gave the win to President-elect Joe Biden.

“Well, many conservative and Republican legal scholars have described that lawsuit as ridiculous and really unintelligible,” said Gore. “And, of course, the Supreme Court summarily dismissed it, with all of the Supreme Court justices nominated by President Trump dismissing it as well. So, that lawsuit got the result that it deserved.”

Gore appealed to those who are still supporting Trump’s re-election to “put the country first.” He expressed hope that once the electoral votes were cast on Monday people would begin to let go of their efforts to overturn the election.
Fuck this globalist hockey stick graph hypocrit. Just repeating lies. His science has been debunked, piece of shit
Back in the days when a politician could take an L with some grace.

Does anyone think the Donald will leave a letter like this one from Bush to Clinton on his last day?

In the words of killary... do not concede no matter what. Its funny that it is not ok for one side but would have been perfectly fine for the other....:usa:
Back in the days when a politician could take an L with some grace.

Does anyone think the Donald will leave a letter like this one from Bush to Clinton on his last day?


Back when elections were a bit more honest and there were not videos all over the place of them cheating. And the thousand plus signed affidavits of fraud. And the part where it is statistically impossible for them to win with 500 less counties than Hillary or obama. Then there is Obama with the whole government spying on Trump and his campaign. Times are a bit different. But your a dumbass blind " can't see any evidence " democrat cheerleader.
your a dumbass blind " can't see any evidence " democrat cheerleader.

If you’re going to call someone a dumb ass make sure you spell all the words in your rambling dissertation correctly otherwise it’s hard to take you seriously. Master third grade English and then maybe your opinions about the electoral process will be worth reading. I’ve never said that vote counting this past election was 100% accurate and correct. Were there shenanigans? It sure looks that way. Enough to change the outcome? Nope. I’m not a cheerleader for the democrats. Instead I consider myself to be anti-asshole as far as our leadership is concerned and there’s been plenty of behavior the past four or five years on both side of the aisle to draw my ire. The letter that I posted was written by George Bush, a republican, in a praising manner. I was too young to vote for him but I did vote for his son. However you just do you and continue to see what you want to see.
If you’re going to call someone a dumb ass make sure you spell all the words in your rambling dissertation correctly otherwise it’s hard to take you seriously. Master third grade English and then maybe your opinions about the electoral process will be worth reading. I’ve never said that vote counting this past election was 100% accurate and correct. Were there shenanigans? It sure looks that way. Enough to change the outcome? Nope. I’m not a cheerleader for the democrats. Instead I consider myself to be anti-asshole as far as our leadership is concerned and there’s been plenty of behavior the past four or five years on both side of the aisle to draw my ire. The letter that I posted was written by George Bush, a republican, in a praising manner. I was too young to vote for him but I did vote for his son. However you just do you and continue to see what you want to see.

That's okay I'm sure he doesn't take you seriously either .

Did I spell all the words to your liking ? :flipoff2:

btw I couldn't get past your first sentence in that wall of text , really stfu.
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"I’ve never said that vote counting this past election was 100% accurate and correct. Were there shenanigans? It sure looks that way. Enough to change the outcome? Nope. I’m not a cheerleader for the democrats."

Sure looks to me like you are cheerleading for the dems. You admit that it sure looks like there was cheating, but you dont have the balls to open your eyes and see it. You are exactly what is wrong with this process, and you and your buddies are exactly why this coup is going to stand.

"you just do you and continue to see what you want to see."

I hope Trump lights those horrible gold fucking drapes on fire on his way out the door. That house is now meaningless.
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