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1 beer bet

2big bronco

Og irate
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Prunedale ca
First off please do not post in this thread unless you have the honest intention of following through with the bet.

Everyone guesses the number of members on this forum 1 month from now (June 20th at 3:15 pm). Your guess locks you in for all numbers 20+ or minus to keep others from shutting you out completely. For example a bet of 1000 means no one else can bet 990-1010 and so on. Everyone who participates and loses has to send the winner 1 half decent beer from their area before July 30th. If you don't then your a douchbag and should probably be forced to go camping with OB :flipoff2:.

My guess is 1720
Or if the winner prefers, I could send one of Colorado’s edible treats. Everybody likes brownies right?

First off please do not post in this thread unless you have the honest intention of following through with the bet.

Everyone guesses the number of members on this forum 1 month from now (June 20th at 3:15 pm). Your guess locks you in for all numbers 20+ or minus to keep others from shutting you out completely. For example a bet of 1000 means no one else can bet 990-1010 and so on. Everyone who participates and loses has to send the winner 1 half decent beer from their area before July 30th. If you don't then your a douchbag and should probably be forced to go camping with OB :flipoff2:.

My guess is 1720

Could we get clarification on the amount of beer to send? I have a couple of half drunk beers on my home office space. Some have beer and some have chew spit.
Wait, when does voting stop? I may want to adjust based on data I collect between now and then...
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