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May 19, 2020
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Central NM

"The efforts of the Manhattan Project finally came to fruition in 1945. After three years of research and experimentation, the world’s first nuclear device, the “Gadget,” was successfully detonated in the New Mexico desert. This inaugural test ushered in the nuclear era."

Robert Oppenheimer: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”.

We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.

Old guy here in town claimed that the weather in NM changed after the blast, historically the Mountainair they dry land farmed pinto beans, very few people had wells, they would come to town and fill up their tanks for household water. That changed in the 1950s the rains quit coming lots of people just had to pack up and leave, story goes that the local stores peole just walked in and signed deeds over to their property to pay the bills. We are still in a drought, you can drive by places and see where it was marshy at one time.
Mom was saying in Mora county where they lived at the time it didn't quit raining all till October when it turned to snow
Robert Oppenheimer: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”.

not the first time he quoted hindu text either.

it's got to be a total mindfuck to know that what you're about to do has the possibility of destroying the entire planet, but that if you don't do it the entire planet as you know it will be destroyed anyhow.

certainly he felt guilt, as he later stated that the physicists knew that they could never undo their sin.
it's got to be a total mindfuck to know that what you're about to do has the possibility of destroying the entire planet, but that if you don't do it the entire planet as you know it will be destroyed anyhow.

certainly he felt guilt, as he later stated that the physicists knew that they could never undo their sin.

I wonder if the folks that created disco had the same apprehensions.
Old guy here in town claimed that the weather in NM changed after the blast, historically the Mountainair they dry land farmed pinto beans, very few people had wells, they would come to town and fill up their tanks for household water. That changed in the 1950s the rains quit coming lots of people just had to pack up and leave, story goes that the local stores peole just walked in and signed deeds over to their property to pay the bills. We are still in a drought, you can drive by places and see where it was marshy at one time.
Mom was saying in Mora county where they lived at the time it didn't quit raining all till October when it turned to snow

That's a trip

I can't believe I've never considered how nukes have messed with our weather
Find Papoose lake on Google maps, it’s south of Groom lake (Area 51). Look to the west of Papoose lake you will find a shit load of craters from :nuke: testing
And there is also a site with concentric rings that looks like target from satellite view.

Havent looked for it in almost 20 years so unsure where to point for others to see it.

Find Papoose lake on Google maps, it’s south of Groom lake (Area 51). Look to the west of Papoose lake you will find a shit load of craters from :nuke: testing
And there is also a site with concentric rings that looks like target from satellite view.

Havent looked for it in almost 20 years so unsure where to point for others to see it.

we've got a bunch of those here in NM.

This one from memory was about 6 rings and had buildings or other things around at various points.

Near groom lake.

Had good roads to it also.

Yours has a lego block.
Open twice a year and totally worth the trip. Standing directly underneath where it was detonated is pretty awe inspiring.

I worked up at the GEODSS site just a few miles north of Trinity. We were able to ask security to escort us on request to ground zero. I have been to 1. Trinity, 2. Bikini (Worked at the Reagan missile range) and 3. Nagasaki. Sort of sick but would like to visit Hiroshima to fill out my bingo card. I have had lunch at a little dive cafe in San Antonio many times; same place Robie Oppenheimer and crew would have eaten. WSMR is a really neat place to work; tons of history just laying around. :smokin:
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About ten years later they were cooking goats and sheep...

When I was stationed at Fort Lewis I was sent to a month long NBC (Nuke, Bio, Chemical) course. Basically learned how to estimate bomb yields for nukes, and map down wind contamination zones. We watched a bunch of old DoD films on the subject. Scary shit
I have become death, destroyer of worlds.
What depth ?
mix gas or just air ?

I detest decompressing.

Many mix gasses these days, but then the emulsion is the ultimate ride.
The sand is at 170.

you obviously are a diver or have some knowledge, there are many factors to the type of gas/gasses used as you know.

I have personally been to 187ft on lite nitrox But for a trip like that I would use trimIx to reduce risks and deco times.
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