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‘Nother Lock down


Web wheeler
Jun 6, 2020
Member Number
:mad3:Not that you guys care but Ontario province wide lock down is happening December 24th.

edit: Boxing Day is doomsday

I guess things did get shittier before the end of the month... some punk almost got tased in Alberta for not leaving a skating rink. If he was a minority this would have made major news but...

I don’t think the virus is fake but JFC I’m tired of this bullshit. Canada has gone full retard
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Female police officers thread had the video of the kid. Thanks for the R
[memphis said:
;n240845]:mad3:Not that you guys care but Ontario province wide lock down is happening December 24th.

I guess things did get shittier before the end of the month... some punk almost got tased in Alberta for not leaving a skating rink. If he was a minority this would have made major news but...

I don’t think the virus is fake but JFC I’m tired of this bullshit. Canada has gone full retard

At least the .gov (or the queen) is paying you to stay home unlike the crooks in Washington.
Out elected officials are deciding today if they will close restaurants and 'non essential' businesses again through the beginning of January.
I'm fine with lockdowns. It'll keep the roads clear for motorcycle riding when the warmer weather gets here.

Honestly though, gov't can "strongly encourage" staying home instead of STAY AT HOME OR GO TO PRISON, right? I mean, can they officially MAKE you not leave your house? I can't see that working out too well.
If you let the government tell you what to do at this point, you're a fucking bitch.


My Dad's side of the family sent out a group text about Christmas plans. We won't see each other this year, so we're alive to see each other next year. :shaking:

They then go into the discussion of it even "being legal to travel to see each other". Like a dumbass, I finally responded that of course its legal. Well, according to the news... I just stopped responding there. Stay at home and be scared I guess. :rolleyes:
The irony is, if people would avoid contact, stay home, wear masks, wash hands, etc. etc. then the lockdown you're bitching about wouldn't need to happen...but since people just don't give a shit and go out and spread it, this is what happens. Serves you right for fucking yourselves over.
The irony is, if people would avoid contact, stay home, wear masks, wash hands, etc. etc. then the lockdown you're bitching about wouldn't need to happen...but since people just don't give a shit and go out and spread it, this is what happens. Serves you right for fucking yourselves over.

The irony is, if people would avoid contact, stay home, wear masks, wash hands, etc. etc. then the lockdown you're bitching about wouldn't need to happen...but since people just don't give a shit and go out and spread it, this is what happens. Serves you right for fucking yourselves over.

Just kill yourself and you won't have to worry about getting it or spreading it
The irony is, if people would avoid contact, stay home, wear masks, wash hands, etc. etc. then the lockdown you're bitching about wouldn't need to happen...but since people just don't give a shit and go out and spread it, this is what happens. Serves you right for fucking yourselves over.

Uhhh.... Didn't they try the lock down thing when this all began? If it was suppose to be so effective why is this virus still around?

Irony is that some people still believe what the government is telling them about the virus. :rolleyes:
Uhhh.... Didn't they try the lock down thing when this all began? If it was suppose to be so effective why is this virus still around?

Irony is that some people still believe what the government is telling them about the virus. :rolleyes:

Looks like it worked pretty well to me...we had cases growing, they locked down for the beginning, it crept down to almost nothing, things opened up/back to school, cases shot up.

Uhhh.... Didn't they try the lock down thing when this all began? If it was suppose to be so effective why is this virus still around?

Irony is that some people still believe what the government is telling them about the virus. :rolleyes:

Just 15 days to flatten the curve and stop the spread.....
Looks like it worked pretty well to me...we had cases growing, they locked down for the beginning, it crept down to almost nothing, things opened up/back to school, cases shot up.

Ooooh.....now do one for places that that had strict lockdowns where everyone was "following the rules"
Looks like it worked pretty well to me...we had cases growing, they locked down for the beginning, it crept down to almost nothing, things opened up/back to school, cases shot up.

Now, find a state, or country whose curve looks substantially different than that. Be sure to compare entities where there were severe restrictions and those where few or no restrictions existed.
Looks like it worked pretty well to me...we had cases growing, they locked down for the beginning, it crept down to almost nothing, things opened up/back to school, cases shot up.

It’s reflects the increase in testing showing positive results.
The irony is, if people would avoid contact, stay home, wear masks, wash hands, etc. etc. then the lockdown you're bitching about wouldn't need to happen...but since people just don't give a shit and go out and spread it, this is what happens. Serves you right for fucking yourselves over.

You failed most science classes didn’t you? I ask because my next question is can you name a virus we successfully vaccinate against. Flu doesn’t count as the average leas than 50% accuracy and sometimes miss everything all year.

So if a vaccine wont stop it and obviously masks dont work. Or else only maskless people would be getting sick and dying The maskless people have been maskless for 9 months yet there is no discernible difference in infection rates between states with mask mandates and without. There is no real difference between states with no regulations on covid and states with lockdowns and mask mandates.

So please in all your wisdom can you tell use what good lockdowns and masks actually do? Every country that did lockdowns and said they worked are doing them again. These counties had more strict mask laws as well as lockdowns than America. So why are they doing them again?

Here is a really big hint. Nothing is going to make a difference short term, 2-5 years. By then they may have gotten a vaccine figured out so its not hurting a higher percentage than its helping. We get it your a chicken little., and thats fine. But for you to flog science in the face and demand the rest of the world to change so you can feel safe makes you a narcissistic fuck stick in all reality.

My argument is this in return: If you expect us to all wear masks and go through lockdowns until its what you would consider safe? Then I very humbly request you and everyone else buy train and carry a firearm for my safety. There are no less that 250,000 defensive gun uses every year and the CDC estimates its probably around 500k DGU’s yearly. I make the argument that forcing people to carry firearms will help save more people from peril than wearing a mask and staying locked inside.
Try and prove me wrong:flipoff2:
Hell, S.F just reported that they have had more O.D. Deaths than covid by a ton and their O.D. rate is much higher than precovid along with the the lockdowns most likely allowed a significantly more amount of what would normally be considered functional addicts to stay home and get paid for nothing. Suddenly more people are dying than before.

You, Someguy, are a Kool Aid drinker to the core. I bet Lenin is very proud of the useful idiot you have become. :flipoff2:
Looks like it worked pretty well to me...we had cases growing, they locked down for the beginning, it crept down to almost nothing, things opened up/back to school, cases shot up.

I will die on my feet before I live on my knees before man.
My body, my choice.
your irrational fear does not and will not have a bearing on my actions.
Except then I have trouble finding people to mount tires for me as I burn through them at a rabid pace :(

Three tire spoons and a bottle of RuGlyde. Done. I've never paid anyone to do my tires for me.
You failed most science classes didn’t you? I ask because my next question is can you name a virus we successfully vaccinate against. Flu doesn’t count as the average leas than 50% accuracy and sometimes miss everything all year. . :flipoff2:

Small Pox




I dunno but I suspect there are more. :ghost:

But yeah, common flu vaccine is debatable as there new annual mutations and the per capita vaccine use is insufficient.
I trust my family Dr on this. You have to trust SOMEONE. Same MD that took the time out of her busy PANDEMIC day to counsel me on airline travel 2 weeks ago. "Don't let this rule and run your life. Do what is important to you. Use common sense and wash after you touch contact something. And have a good trip"

I enjoy the discussion here and the flow of ideas. On a flu shot I trust my DR. Over anyone in this BB. Any and every time.
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I'm fine with lockdowns. It'll keep the roads clear for motorcycle riding when the warmer weather gets here.

Honestly though, gov't can "strongly encourage" staying home instead of STAY AT HOME OR GO TO PRISON, right? I mean, can they officially MAKE you not leave your house? I can't see that working out too well.

might want to ask that kid on the paddle board if one can get arrested. :flipoff2:
At least the .gov (or the queen) is paying you to stay home unlike the crooks in Washington.

So where does the government get the money? You know Cheney paid for the endless wars he started by borrowing money from the Chinese, or that Obama just printed more money. Which way do we go? If history has taught us anything major corporations will end up with most of it because thay know how to exploit the system
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