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Riding dirt

There's dirt under the snow...

Deadly! Are those kids size hand guards?? Been struggling to find a solution for my boy's bike to save his knuckles.

Does it have the tunable clutch like the newer ones have? How's the hit for him on the pipe?
Still learning about it. Then hand guards seem big, so I think they're regular adult size. The previous owner told me he put those on there so his grandkids could dump the bike as much as they want without any issues. I have to say they're perfect:

I think the clutch uses springs instead of washer stacks for the engagement. You can tune it by adding washers as they kid gets better. Owner gave me a spare in a bag that was already setup more aggressive. Right now the engagement is pretty chill. He can crack it wide open to start without much drama. It's actually far more forgiving than his Stacyc in that regard. I almost want to set him up with a bit more bite right out of the gate because it seems like it would be harder to ride the current setup on more technical trails where he wouldn't have time to get up to speed like a track.
Slapped a frame cradle under the klx125. Could have built my own, but there was a dude on thumpertalk cranking them out for a very reasonable price with all the figuring and thinking done already.

Next on the project list is swapping in some kx 85 forks and fork tree. I still need to hunt down an axle and fork guards.
Slapped the 85 fork on my klx. Next is a CR85 rear shock, but all my fun money is going to KOH for the time being.


Need to do a longer brake line so I can route it properly, and some new fork guards shipped out today.
That's gonna be one hell of a pitter for a very long time after the kiddos outgrow it :smokin:
yeah, I figured if I'm gonna have a little beater, it should at least be a fun little beater. I'm bringing it down with me to KOH to follow the kiddo around on. Try not to run me over if you see a large human on a small green bike wringing it out as hard as he can just to keep up with the flow of traffic
yeah, I figured if I'm gonna have a little beater, it should at least be a fun little beater. I'm bringing it down with me to KOH to follow the kiddo around on. Try not to run me over if you see a large human on a small green bike wringing it out as hard as he can just to keep up with the flow of traffic
I'd way rather stop in and do a chinese fire drill with you :flipoff2:
Got this in my the build thread for my jeep, but figured I'd post it here. Started building a little rack for my kid's 50 so we can use our jeep as a sag wagon in the desert when he poops out. Needs a few more things to be strong and hold the bike properly. Going to try to finish it up tonight.


Ooh that thing is nice! I keep telling myself that one day I'll bite the bullet and get something fancy like that.

I've never bought a brand new thing that wasn't a tool to make money with. Every gun, bicycle, backpacking gear...I buy it all used. When one of my friends heard I'd bought it new he said "Holy shit dude! I didn't realize you bought that unit new! Power move! I thought new was against your religion!":laughing:
Awesome, it should serve you well. If you find the TPI to be wonky or have some issues they've been out long enough that fixes should be readily available.Enjoy!
Well, I placed 16 out of 20, made a couple mistakes on badly flagged corners, and whiskey throttled the bike into the woods and wedged it over a log...that cost me a solid 5 minutes. Got caught up in a tangle on a road gap hillclimb, as I got it going again, the front end came up and I started to slide off the back. Clutched it down and slapped myself in both nuts with the fender. Had to take a minute to collect myself at the top.
There were 3 different handlebar tall logs to get over too, always after a super tight rooty section. I was calling them asshole logs in my head coming up to them.:lmao:.

Great race though, 3 laps, 2:54:13. I'm still absolutely fuckin pooched. No grip strength to speak of:laughing:
Well, I placed 16 out of 20, made a couple mistakes on badly flagged corners, and whiskey throttled the bike into the woods and wedged it over a log...that cost me a solid 5 minutes. Got caught up in a tangle on a road gap hillclimb, as I got it going again, the front end came up and I started to slide off the back. Clutched it down and slapped myself in both nuts with the fender. Had to take a minute to collect myself at the top.
There were 3 different handlebar tall logs to get over too, always after a super tight rooty section. I was calling them asshole logs in my head coming up to them.:lmao:.

Great race though, 3 laps, 2:54:13. I'm still absolutely fuckin pooched. No grip strength to speak of:laughing:
Handlebar tall logs?!?! Holy shit, I get jumpy anytime they’re more than skid plate tall. You are all that is man!!

Honestly they weren't even the worst logs. There was one little 10" one that was on a corner loaded with roots, so you're turning and SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER it's a log to pop over while roots are trying to kick the bike sideways!
Then there's the pair that are about 1 bike length plus a foot apart. Last year they did a highlight reel of people eating shit on them. They had plenty of fodder.
Rode today, first real ride on the 350... 1.4 hours on the hour meter and burned every drop that sx tank holds plus a 20oz bottle of gas as well, goona need a bigger tank :laughing:

Got it stuck in the bottom of a canyon for a lil bit, over did it to the point that I was puking on the side of the hill, and back at the truck noticed that a bottle of beer was kinda heavy:lmao:

good ride:smokin:
Went for a family ride, got the wife cruising old roads. Just before loading up I went for a single track rip with the boy. Got to a mud hole/creek crossing with a bridge halfway across it to a stump. I went first, was a little deep so I said I'd take his bike across and he can walk around on the tussocks. Stepped off the bridge, slipped, and fell into 16" of slop. Turns out the second half of the bridge was underwater.

Fuuuuuuck this. Heaved his 50 upright, waded out, and told him to ride up the hill and wait for me. Went to get my bike, turned around, got off the line on my way back through and ended up with both tires under water hosing my back with swamp mud and water, filled by boots...but didn't suck water into the motor which is nice. And broke my shifter tip off when I leaned the bike over just wrong earlier in the day.
Went for a family ride, got the wife cruising old roads. Just before loading up I went for a single track rip with the boy. Got to a mud hole/creek crossing with a bridge halfway across it to a stump. I went first, was a little deep so I said I'd take his bike across and he can walk around on the tussocks. Stepped off the bridge, slipped, and fell into 16" of slop. Turns out the second half of the bridge was underwater.

Fuuuuuuck this. Heaved his 50 upright, waded out, and told him to ride up the hill and wait for me. Went to get my bike, turned around, got off the line on my way back through and ended up with both tires under water hosing my back with swamp mud and water, filled by boots...but didn't suck water into the motor which is nice. And broke my shifter tip off when I leaned the bike over just wrong earlier in the day.
Some days the riding is good, and other days then riding is still better than sitting at home on the couch.
The Moms were out of town this weekend so I took my kids over to 2big bronco 's house for some dirt bike riding and also some unscheduled redneckery. After loading them up with donuts, we turned them loose on his property:



See that sweet rubber mat over The Tetanus Tunnel™? Funny story about how it got there, pretty much summed up in this one pic.


Also I'm pumped because my oldest started to figure out how to get the wheels off the ground on his dirt bike.
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Went out for my first real ride in 10+ years today, holy oh fuck has that time away taken a toll. At least my buddy that went with also hasn't been riding, he bought a TE300 a while back but hasn't really trail ridden it much. Thought I'd killed him at one point on the first single track we hit, I got out to the end of the trail and waited, and waited, and waited some more. Finally heard him about the time I was getting back on the bike to go find him, turns out he fell over and decided to just take a fuckin' smoke break before he got going again.
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