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New Year, new golf cart adventures


Just won't quit
Feb 22, 2021
Member Number
Edwards Commiefornia
So the offroad fr/amily decided to get together for New years and do a little trail riding to kick off the year right. Did a polar plunge (as polar as it gets for AZ, high 50s outside and 49-50* water) at midnight just for laughs. Got some epic rain and thunderstorms, and some nice, dust free wheeling in.
Figured you guys would enjoy the Bra and panty tree and the "stripper pole"
Had another fun weekend. Just around the corner at jawbone canyon. Ran some fun trails, had a few beverages, and hit a concert at jawbone canyon station for a few hours. All in all a great day with my babe and some close friends.
Started the install on blinkers and street legal stuff. Need to swap screws out, but it was what I had.
Also started the install on the second fuel tank. The 4 seat talons use the same front layout as the 2 seaters. And the 2 seaters have a fuel tank under the passenger seat. Trail tank is pushing 400+ now. I bought a stock used tank, fuel pump unit and fittings for around 200. Trail tank gets 11 gallons over the stock 7.7. With 2 tanks I'm now 15.4. I'm doing a fuel transfer station instead of direct plumbing, but using the stock pump for a transfer pump. Will alleviate the necessity of fuel system tie ins, and if anyone else runs out of fuel I can carry emergency fuel. Or transfer and refill my stock tank as needed. I can get roughly 120 miles out of a standard full tank. So that puts me close to 250 miles with the additional tank.





best part is it utilizes otherwise wasted space under the passenger seat. Honda would have done better to put a storage box under the passenger seat instead of wasting it.

so can you flip a switch on the dash and pump from the aux tank into your main tank or do you have it set up like a slip tank with a nozzle of some sort?
so can you flip a switch on the dash and pump from the aux tank into your main tank or do you have it set up like a slip tank with a nozzle of some sort?
I was going to tie it directly into the fuel system with check valves as a secondary complete fuel system, but decided against it for complexity reasons. Just going to have an auxiliary transfer station under the hood so I can also use it to fill other toys/vehicles. The upside is I will also have a complete spare fuel pump assembly for my existing system.
Transfer tank is in. Turned out close to factory.
Not intrusive at all, they should have come this way.
Door closed you can barely see it.
Just waiting on the junction box to mount the fuel rated disconnect, the vent and the key switch under the hood. Key switch was just to make sure it couldn't accidentally be turned on.
This past weekend we did a 220 mile round trip run over 2 days from mesquite Nevada to the toroweap overlook on the north rim of the Grand Canyonroad was fairly rough for the first 20 miles or so, then it turned into a wandering mud pit for most of the rest of the drive. Overall it was a nice mix of terrain, but bitterly cold across the plains. Toroweap overlook is one of 2 spots you can drive to the edge of the canyon, with no fences, safe guards, or tour busses full of people. Our group have the entire area to ourselves and it was awesome.
Fantastic scenery abounds.
Lots of tall climbs
A few long distance sections
Our overnight accommodations at the bar ten ranch (they serve dinner and breakfast, have on site fuel sales, showers and other recreational activities)
Great photo opportunity
Highly recommend a group trip. One sxs had both clutches fail just before the hill/ rockcrawl section and I ended up having him on a rope for 40+ miles on the way back to mesquite. All in all a fantastic trip and a lot of fun memories.
This past weekend we did a 220 mile round trip run over 2 days from mesquite Nevada to the toroweap overlook on the north rim of the Grand Canyonroad was fairly rough for the first 20 miles or so, then it turned into a wandering mud pit for most of the rest of the drive. Overall it was a nice mix of terrain, but bitterly cold across the plains. Toroweap overlook is one of 2 spots you can drive to the edge of the canyon, with no fences, safe guards, or tour busses full of people. Our group have the entire area to ourselves and it was awesome.
Fantastic scenery abounds.
Lots of tall climbs
A few long distance sections
Our overnight accommodations at the bar ten ranch (they serve dinner and breakfast, have on site fuel sales, showers and other recreational activities)
Great photo opportunity
Highly recommend a group trip. One sxs had both clutches fail just before the hill/ rockcrawl section and I ended up having him on a rope for 40+ miles on the way back to mesquite. All in all a fantastic trip and a lot of fun memories.
badass pics.. :usa:

I think I need to do the trip to Toroweap Overlook from St George when we go to Sand Hollow. Cross seeing the GC off the bucket list.
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