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Irate Motorcycle Group.

Motovloggers! Who do you like and why?


Red Skull Member
Nov 3, 2020
Member Number
First off my name's Jim, I'm a squid with about 4 years of little riding experience and motovloggers on YouTube have not only prevented me from killing myself on my bikes but motivate me to get off my ass and ride. I think they deserve some of our consideration, so who do you like and why? Here's my list:

Bret Tkacs - great for ADV advice
FortNine - Funny ADV guy and honest product Schiller
SubD - Hooligan who hangs out with Bob
ShadetreeSurgeon - Floridaman of motorcycles
Cheyleesi - Shadetrees right hand midget
CycleCruza - Let's go for a ride!
Professional Monkey - Reasons
DanDantheFireman - I honestly don't know why I watch him but I do
EverRideADV - Good guy, schills his services but gives great video of southern Utah doing it

Who's on your list?
Itchy Boots- cool adventure travel stuff
Mike on Bikes- nerdy racy physics stuff
Alberto Naska- " " "" "" ""
Yammie Noob- asst'd shenanigans
Fast Eddie/Motojitsu- skills and other info
MCRider- same
Ride Like A Pro/Jerry Palladino- same with 'big' bikes
Motorcyclist Magazine- bike reviews

WARNING- these may have the opposite effect of prevention of killing oneself :flipoff2:

Max Wrist- hooligan shenanigans
Coolin Catt- stunting shenanigans (sportbike biased)
Arttu Stenberg/Rock ON Vlogs- stunting shenanigans (supermoto biased)
Pol Tarres- ADV shenanigans

I'll edit/add more as I think of 'em...
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Nice, I haven't heard of least half of those, I'll have to check them out!
I’d add Dork In The Road to this. I think his gear reviews are good, and he’s good at trying to shame you into hitting some trails you’re not qualified for. Which, of course, is the only way to get better.
Oh hello old ass dead thread.

Haven't seen Torture Test Magazine mentioned here.
Dude has a penchant for going really really fast in the nevada/cali desert on clapped out ass turd bikes. Also been featured in RMATV/MC youtube content more than a few times.

Lately he's been more into covering his ventures in endurance racing, but a bunch of his older torture test videos and bike reviews are stellar IMO.
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