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Irish Buttered Carrots (and plz add you own bomb-ass side dishes)


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May 20, 2020
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If you ever have to attend a holiday meal, potluck, or otherwise asked to bring something, I present a side dish that couldn't be easier or cheaper and will absolutely murder. Great for Thanksgiving, Christmas, St. Paddy, & Easter feasts as it is a savory dish that compliments those meals perfectly.

Irish Buttered Carrots


I doubled up the recipe from the posting on the food-blog. This is good for six adults with just scant leftovers (if any), so adjust accordingly.
  • 2 pound peeled carrots
  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter (KerryGold if available - true Irish butter)
  • 3 cups milk (I used 1/2&1/2 watered down 1.5 cups water and 1.5 cups of cream)
  • 3-6 cloves peeled garlic
  • 4-5 bay leaves
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • Pinch ground nutmeg
  • 2-4 tablespoons chopped parsley


  1. Cut the carrots in half lengthwise if you need to for cooking. I did not do this as presentation looked better with whole carrots.
  2. Put the carrots, garlic, and bay leaves in a skillet and pour the milk on top.
    Simmer 20 to 30 minutes or until the carrots are fork tender. Add the butter about half-way through. Remove the carrots and keep them warm.
  3. Add the cream and the nutmeg to the pan and simmer until thickened, about 10 minutes. If you want your sauce to be a little thicker, add a flour or cornstarch and water slurry (careful, not clumps!). Remove the bay leaves and garlic before adding the carrots back to the pan. Simmer in the sauce until warm.
  4. Serve garnished with chopped parsley.

The garlic/bay leaf/nutmeg flavor profile is amazing. I was surprised the recipe did not call for any salt or white pepper but those would over-power and are definitely not needed.

For Spring feasts, asparagus with a hollandaise sauce are also traditional but much harder to make (emulsions can be tough without lots of practice) This couldn't be simpler and every knuckle dragger here can slam dunk it. :smokin:
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