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bought $750 worth of scrap iron


ugh, that guy again?
May 19, 2020
Member Number
pine city MN
6'x24" planer and a no2 universal B&S horizontal that's just barely new enough to have a #50 spindle

both are missing some shit, and by god if I was there on the day they came in I'd have really fucking made out like a bandit
someone cleared out the milling machine's internal door cavity thing of its dividing head drive changegears and took the motor drive step pulley mount off
the planer is missing the transfer rod that spins both the crossram leadscrews synchronously
I'm just about certain they were hauled in by the kinda retard that'd throw away tooling like the dividing head and shit... fuck
Oh well, got what I got and it'll likely sit in my yard for a while before I can get it under roof (gotta make a roof first lol)


this pic was a while back, I really wanted someone else to buy them (and was not going to drive my truck/trlr in the salt) but oh well nobody did


think lodge and davis was the reseller and pease was the manufacturer

5/16" chain for scale

belt shifter and an idler on this side are broken, the drive pulley on the other side is broken

rack drive table
one side's drive belt is crossed over itself for reverse
belts shift side to side and goes from the inboard drive pulley to the two outer idlers
I'm likely to just do it electrically with a three phase motor being slammed from forward into reverse, only need the one drive pulley and none of the belt shifting mechanism

pinion that drives the bull gear don't even got that much wear on it


two handles on the feed box are broken off and I can't seem to get the feed box to engage
it's driven off a real interesting archaic roller chain on the back of the spindle, it has two rollers right next to each other, then a wide space, then another two rollers close together
the teeth on the sprockets go in the wide gap

note the missing drive pulley bits
oh well, woulda really liked to have the step pulley parts but it looks like it's gonna get a truck transmission or something to drive off of just the one largest step, got an old ford 3spd


image limit dadgummit

guess I only had the one more picture, oh well
the mill scaled out at 2600lbs and I paid $250
planer scaled 4000lbs even
planer was a $500 deal worked out much earlier, mill was just a "well shit I'll see what he wants for it, truck could use some ballast" thing so he threw it on the scale, I just eyeballed the planer and threw out an offer, we didn't weigh the planer until I was pulling out
I guess the planer was a good bit more expensive per pound? (and a good bit less valuable but more precious for rarity's sake) Oh well. I thought it was a lot heavier than it turned out to be.

planer looks a lot like this one in an 1891 era advert, note the bevel gears and crank handle up top, that's missing on mine
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I was jealous about the 50-taper horizontal until I got to the part about it missing parts. Every time you use it you're gonna be pissed off that your setup isn't as good as the factory one all because some POS couldn't be satisfied with is employer handing him a small bonus in the form of "go get rid of that", he had to take a souvenir for his man-cave. You're gonna be time and money ahead bringing that mill back to where you got it and throwing a vertical head onto the planer to make a bridge mill.
I was jealous about the 50-taper horizontal until I got to the part about it missing parts. Every time you use it you're gonna be pissed off that your setup isn't as good as the factory one all because some POS couldn't be satisfied with is employer handing him a small bonus in the form of "go get rid of that", he had to take a souvenir for his man-cave. You're gonna be time and money ahead bringing that mill back to where you got it and throwing a vertical head onto the planer to make a bridge mill.
nah, the missing bits there aren't really critical to function
the dividing head drive bits for cutting helicals aren't something that I see myself using, and I fucking hate flat belts anyways

this gives me a chance to shrinkfit a triple v-belt pulley (or a serpentine belt ring off a damper if the vee belts are too thick for the casting) onto the second or third step
I've got a lot of 50-taper tooling, too
maybe even a couple face mills that'll drop onto the spindle nose, but I mighta sold those because they were the old inserted kind that you needed a t&c grinder to use
Does the mill have power Y/Z or just X? I don't see conventional vertical shafts but it might predate that and use some abomination under the table.

Now that I think about it yeah you probably won't use the power universal table all that much on a horizontal. You'd want it more more on a vertical mill because it's kind of an easy button for making curved slots and pockets.
Those are both sweet. The planer is just plane cool.

If I had way more room for unnecessary but cool tools, I could have picked up this planer with a bridgeport head for way too cheap a few years ago.


Keith Rucker had a good series of videos on his channel about restoring his big planer. I got to see it in person when it was half done when I dropped some parts off at his shop about 4 years ago. He mentioned that he was considering mounting a grinding head on to it to do be surface grinding jobs on it.
Does the mill have power Y/Z or just X? I don't see conventional vertical shafts but it might predate that and use some abomination under the table.

Now that I think about it yeah you probably won't use the power universal table all that much on a horizontal. You'd want it more more on a vertical mill because it's kind of an easy button for making curved slots and pockets.
I haven't figured out what all is going on under the table
I can see it having power to the knee, power to the x and power to the y since they've all got direction toggle levers with stops to kick the feed out
it has some crazy gear shit going on in the right handwheel, and it has a driveshaft underneath the x leadscrew which seems to counter-rotate to the x screw, so maybe you can indeed disengage the power x feed and have it drive the divhead PTO gearing alone, dunno

haven't yet gotten the spinny at the feed box input to come out of the feed box output
Where did you gain your machining knowledge?
same place I learned all the dumb junk I know;
being too stupid to realize that I shouldn't bother learning another trade

dad dragged home a lathe when I was about 10 and I read a bunch of books, talked him into a bridgeport clone a few years later, then spent a lot of time in the antiques section of practicalmachinist once I got unmonitored internet access.

He still "dreams about learning how to use them" but just doesn't seem to have it in him to start making a mess. Maybe it's for the best that he doesn't destroy all the tooling that I've bought over the years.
oh right kinda forgot, there was also a DC tombstone there that I picked up for $50, looked like it had been thrown from about 6' up, and it's new enough that it's all aluminum and plastic inside

amperage range selector had fallen outta place, took it all the way apart to get at the damn switch and put it back together after beating the sheetmetal a little straighter, burned half a rod to see if it was working and it did both AC and DC, we'll see how long it lasts
same place I learned all the dumb junk I know;
being too stupid to realize that I shouldn't bother learning another trade

dad dragged home a lathe when I was about 10 and I read a bunch of books, talked him into a bridgeport clone a few years later, then spent a lot of time in the antiques section of practicalmachinist once I got unmonitored internet access.

He still "dreams about learning how to use them" but just doesn't seem to have it in him to start making a mess. Maybe it's for the best that he doesn't destroy all the tooling that I've bought over the years.
Lucky you, don't take your experience with your cool dad lightly.

I'm in the boat of wanting to do everything myself plus the tool addiction I got as a kid = buying tools for various types of work. I love big old machines and admire the people who know how to use them.

I bought a dividing Hardinge head complete with 11-12 clocking disc and it has a three jaw chuck on it also. The old guy I bought it all from had other machines too, a tiny old school knee mill, a small shaper, a small precision grinder (can't think of it's correct name) and a nice pretty good sized old school belt driven lathe. He basiclly wanted the lathe just gone but I have no room for it or need for it.
Yeah but does the garbage disposal work without tripping the breaker. :flipoff2:
No idea, never powered it up.

I kinda regret not getting the tiny mill but no idea what I would use it for really, then I thought maybe firearm machine work?!? But I have a nice Variable speed Bridgeport knee mill.
little baby shaper next to the mill would be cool too, too bad all the little ones were more of toys than actual machines, only started getting into 'real' shapers at the 16" mark
my 12" smith and mills doesn't quite make the cut since it lacks an outboard table support
B&S ought to have power feed on all 3 axises. Vintage Machinery has a bunch of manuals, though you have to hunt a bit to figure out what you need.

I'd try to clean rust off the ways as much as you can, oil the snot out of everything and cover it well asap. Looks like it's on the edge of the rust being bad enough to be a major problem, and even covered it will likely get worse sitting.
Vintage Machinery has a bunch of manuals, though you have to hunt a bit to figure out what you need.
near as I can tell it's from right around '19-21 and there was some very rapid development in that time
by the mid 20s they had all speeds geared and double overarms
I'd try to clean rust off the ways as much as you can, oil the snot out of everything and cover it well asap. Looks like it's on the edge of the rust being bad enough to be a major problem, and even covered it will likely get worse sitting.
it's been out in the weather for at least 6mo at this point
I oiled it up, but I'm not really concerned
high purity cast iron doesn't rust like the cast dogshit that everything is made of now
the overarm clamp was functional without any banging, and the overarm came free with a good yank on awkward footing

it'll be under roof pretty soon, just gotta dig more shitty fiberglass outta the chicken shed in order to make room
And parents and significant others are so worried about kids and partners getting into pron online... There are much, much worse things to get into online... :laughing:
thinking about it, drinking and sportsball would have been a much better line of hobbies for a young 486 to have gotten into
'social development' wise
thinking about it, drinking and sportsball would have been a much better line of hobbies for a young 486 to have gotten into
'social development' wise
But then you'd probably be another blue voting member of the rainbow club. Would you be able to live with yourself?

I look at my apartment living, Honda Fit driving, avacado toast eating coworkers every day and it makes the shitboxes and the machine tools and the bullshit all worth it.
Somehow I've never been able to convince women of my merits that they'll find me in my workshop, not a bar, and that they'll never have to worry about me dragging home another woman, just old equipment, machinery, and vehicles...
Hell go back far enough and I might have even turned out straight, who knows.

See what those antique machinery forrums do to people. First its just a small lathe and next thing you know your blowing truckers in the bathroom
See what those antique machinery forrums do to people. First its just a small lathe and next thing you know your blowing truckers in the bathroom
Somehow I've never been able to convince women of my merits that they'll find me in my workshop, not a bar, and that they'll never have to worry about me dragging home another woman, just old equipment, machinery, and vehicles...

I've long said something along those lines. They say that girls mature earlier than boys, but that means they shape their worldview with a lot less experience - basically a worldview from your teen years versus a worldview from your twenties.

Mind you, neither one really knows shit at those ages...
I've long said something along those lines. They say that girls mature earlier than boys, but that means they shape their worldview with a lot less experience - basically a worldview from your teen years versus a worldview from your twenties.

Mind you, neither one really knows shit at those ages...
Except jimmynumbers
finally got the mill unloaded and under roof
the planer is probably gonna stay in the rain for a long while while I decide on what kind of shed I want to build
I keep thinking floating slab with 4' concrete stem walls
but then I remember the entire concept of 'time preference' and drop back to "well hell I should just toss some poles straight into the dirt and fuck together a shed on them, only gotta be good enough for my lifetime, fuck the next asshole"

the welder burns rods good, only got 30a of electric to it through about 250' of 10/2 with about ten or fifteen wire nuts in the mix
reminded of how 7018s run really easy and provide a lot of weld for their size, 6013s that are complete trash in AC actually work sorta halfass okay in EP, and the EN arc sounds a lot different than the EP, which strikes me as strange
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