WTF are the little white, bar graph looking things and why am I missing some

It was proven in a different thread that it’s a warning system to keep people from being drama queens. The bars fill up as people dislike your posts. Full bars get you a ban. As was demonstrated there, drawing attention to your dislikes encourages future ones, and speeds up the inevitable.

It’s been speculated that HGTD’ing removes the dislikes in that thread from your counter, so that’s always an option.
Ted Kaczynski is a shining beacon of light here at irate4x4, if that doesn't tell your friends everything they need to know about this board, i'm not sure what else to do :flipoff2:
It was proven in a different thread that it’s a warning system to keep people from being drama queens. The bars fill up as people dislike your posts. Full bars get you a ban. As was demonstrated there, drawing attention to your dislikes encourages future ones, and speeds up the inevitable.

It’s been speculated that HGTD’ing removes the dislikes in that thread from your counter, so that’s always an option.

Is that why ActionFag hasn't been here in days?
So passively aggressive....

Like me, love me, send notifications every time and by who..

Disslike? It’s just a bar and who knows why or by who.

Shenanigans seem to be on the horizon with this...
There's a dislike button? :laughing: What could go wrong with that? I call BS on this statement.

Seriously, you guys need to pay more attention to detail. There’s a dislike button, but it goes away if you get too many bars in your drama meter. Your opinion matters less and less as you piss off everyone on the board.
Was speaking of the presidential race.

there is currently a libertarian in congress :flipoff2:

do you remember the first time a Republican won? Fuck, they are 1 of the 2 major parties now :eek:
Was speaking of the presidential race.

never going to happen if nobody bothers to vote. Hell, in a solid left or right state, all of the out of power party should vote L or G or GM (giant meteor) as a red vote for prez in CA is a waste of a vote and doesn't even make a statement. Kind of like voting blue in, well, anywhere. :flipoff2:
Well arn't you a goodie two shoes motherfucker with all your pretty bright white bars n shit. GTFO:

He speaks of truth, goodness, and the American way. Fuck you if you don't like apple pie and Mr. and Mrs. America and all the men at sea. Apple pie is fucking delicious and guaranteed to catch you some fish too.
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