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Wreck of the HMS Royal Oak

Ballsy U boat commander eased in a small side channel. 4 bow torpedos with one hit. Turned around fired sturn tube. IDK hit or miss. Turned back again with 2 more bow shots. Boom boom, ship sinks. Made a hasty escape.
Thing is the Brits moved the fleet to Scapa Flow for better security. Challenge accepted. Polish and Chekz flew ASW missions out of Inverness, Scotland and the Orkney Islands during the war. Fearless bastards they were. Also flew night and day bombing runs over Germany in the Wellinton bombers.
Ballsy U boat commander eased in a small side channel. 4 bow torpedos with one hit. Turned around fired sturn tube. IDK hit or miss. Turned back again with 2 more bow shots. Boom boom, ship sinks. Made a hasty escape.
Thing is the Brits moved the fleet to Scapa Flow for better security. Challenge accepted. Polish and Chekz flew ASW missions out of Inverness, Scotland and the Orkney Islands during the war. Fearless bastards they were. Also flew night and day bombing runs over Germany in the Wellinton bombers.
that is what I said:grinpimp:
Here is an interesting video on the sinking and a survey of the wreck:

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