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Woops...How fast is "Fast"?


Name of Pheel...
Feb 15, 2021
Member Number
Central Valley, CA
For a straight axle rig, how fast is considered fast these days through average 12-18" whoops? Just interested in a baseline so I can judge where I'm at. Not racing, just having fun.
You run around JV at all? We’ve got a well built professionally shock tuned race car. There’s stuff out that ourselves and competitors couldn’t go over 26 mph on. Then 45 mph stuff, then 70 mph stuff. 14” of travel and bypasses not able to exceed 26 mph is annoying. Same basic setup with 18 to 20” of wheel travel and you can double that speed.

I’ve never seen anything I would consider “average whoops”. That shit goes from manageable to bomb crater and back to manageable in matters of feet.
I just came back from JV. Let's say the road from the lakebed out to the saddle past the dunes and then to Outer Limits. The whoops in that stretch, not the smooth side of the road.
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Id say if your as fast as an old scout your alright 😁
Don't be shy. I'm not calling anyone out for a race and I don't think my rig is fast. I'm thinking it's OK based on 2nd gear pinned to 3rd gear cruising mid throttle through that stretch. I don't even have a speedo...lol. My best guess is 60-70mph, but that's purely speculation and I need to make some adjustments.
I did 60 mph through the whoops heading out to sun bonnet and aftershock.

different rig, but the section you’re comparing was mid-40’s, with a leaf sprung front
How fast your rig can go through any particular height whoop is going to depend a lot on your wheelbase and whoop frequency.

I hadn't really thought about that. Also depends on how much jarring the driver is willing to put up with. I can go fast as I really care to, I'm just going to dial it in so it does the same speed more smoothly. Whatever that is....
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