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They looked almost like they were set up to let you roll completely over and end up back on your feet...

Aaron Z
My thoughts exactly.

However, the crowds at rallies will think nothing of manually rolling/flipping cars back upright to get teams going again.

So there’s that.
the radar picked up on something else. A pitch hadn’t been thrown. I’ve seen them false on things but it’s usually a low speed

I was looking for someone slumped over in the stands. :laughing:
Anyone remember this old site meme:

jesus_lolcount fullygrunted.JPG
I dig the fuck outta that.
The '94 thomas built bus I just bought has floors made of 6" c-purlin run across the frame rails, so it'll surely hold up to a lot more weight than that
Oh, and the 11" (or whatever the industry standard was) frame rails run right up to within a foot of the rear bumper, so you could put one hell of a bumperpull hitch on there (or a goose ball real far back)
All those cops should be fired and lose their drivers licenses for running 130 mph through town and that F’ed up pit
These are the same guys who pitted that pregnant lady right after lighting her up because she was on a causeway and trying to make it to a safe place to pull off. She pulled to the side, reduced speed, and turned her emergency lights off and they pitted her. He did this less than a minute after he tried to pull her over. She was doing 84 in a 70, hardly a crime worth risking someone's life. They escalated it far beyond reason. She's suing them and I hope she screws them for everything and that cop gets fired.

The same Arkansas State Police raced through town at break neck speeds to pit this guy at 109 mph, which resulted in the death of the truck driving.

They did this while creating a greater hazard to the public than just letting him go and tracking him down later. Insane, these guys should be charged with criminal negligence and endangering the public.

"At publishing time, Victoria's Secret had tried to win back its key teenage boy demographic by unveiling a new model: Amy Schumer." :barf::barf::barf:
My boss is a pretty straight laced guy, Several years ago his company credit card got compromised and was used at Victoria's secret. A couple months later he started to get The catalogs mailed to him at work. :laughing:
Win for being cool. Fail for being slow and not very secure. Didn’t know where to put this. I get fuck you money every room of my house will have something like this lol.

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