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Thats cool. I know another Bill in central NY that was 76 when I met him a few years ago. He was ripping through the field above his house hitting jumps on a yz250[?] as I was going down his drive.
Thats cool. I know another Bill in central NY that was 76 when I met him a few years ago. He was ripping through the field above his house hitting jumps on a yz250[?] as I was going down his drive.
Couple years ago I went riding with a buddy and a few of his friends in AZ. One of the guys was 80 and still on a dirt bike. I had to pick his bike up for him twice, but he still kept a pretty good pace.
We have a few guys in our group in their 80's still out trail riding. Always a worry when they tip it over though.

You break a hip old man??? :laughing:
Wonder how them dirty hippies got all the way out there? Let alone what drug that trailer out there?
Would be great if every one of those tree fuckers got charged with unlawful detainment. One charge per person in that row of cars!

Fuck it, it's the middle of the desert. They all vanished and nobody knows anything. Must have been aliens.
They drug the crap outta the other lane pretty quick too!

I shouldnt be surprised, but look how far back traffic is backed up. Have a hard time believing that there isnt at least half a dozen guys stuck in that, that are out of fucks to give.
I think if I were stuck in that line I'd get out of my truck, pull my plates, mask up. Then pull up to that trailer with a chain and drag it 1/4 mile down the road before getting out and unhooking, dirty hippies and all. There's a shit ton of white Fords out there that look just like mine. Could have been anyone.
I think if I were stuck in that line I'd get out of my truck, pull my plates, mask up. Then pull up to that trailer with a chain and drag it 1/4 mile down the road before getting out and unhooking, dirty hippies and all. There's a shit ton of white Fords out there that look just like mine. Could have been anyone.

only problem is the 37 wanna be "influencers" that just filmed you removing your plates:laughing:
How do you know?
They threw me in jail in Ignacio, CO on the Ute rez for being in the casino underage when I was a kid.

I got pulled over and kicked around on the side of the highway on the Navajo nation for going 3mph over the limit and "looking suspicious".

(That's injun talk for being paleface on the rez in the middle of the night).
I was disappointed he didn't push the trailer off the road when he swung back around. That would have won the internet for August:smokin:
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