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Whoops a Suburban?


A$$hole in training
Aug 5, 2020
Member Number
So, I may be an idiot, or maybe I'm lucky, I'm not entirely sure yet, and only time will tell (If you ask my wife, she might say that I'm an idiot, :lmao: and we don't need to wait for time to tell us anything). It goes like this; I'm bored, with a little time to kill before I head off to grab the young fella from school. I get on my fancy laptop and check my email. I notice another update from the local auction house that politely reminds me that their next online auction closes Saturday, March 6. I think to myself, "self, you love window shopping for other people's junk that you have no intention of buying, and you have a little time to kill." So naturally, I hit the link to go to the auction website. Now I get on there, and start browsing; remember this is casual, window shopping, I have no job (COVID BABY), no money, and no time to work on the junk I have.

I don't know how you fine Stars and Stripers do it, but this particular maple-flavoured auction house only shows you prices when you login and put in your deposit. Now, being curious, and having extensive and good credit (I don't know how or why, maybe because I'm not 18 anymore????) I slap the fully-refundable deposit down so I can really dig into the finer points of window shopping for other peoples sh*tboxes. I spied a little corolla with low miles, and a stick shift, and thought, "that's a great first car for my boy!" He is 6. Then I got browsing into the trucks, and there was lots of new, spendy stuff, and a half-a-dozen clapped out, "Seller reports engine problems," kind of garbage.

I bounced back to the cars, looked hard at a couple minivans and some really ugly pseudo-suvs, and then right at the end there were two suburbans. One really nice 2011 with low miles and a decent body, and then a 2003 with right around 200k miles on the clock. I clicked on the 2011, looked it over until my curiosity was satisfied, and then I clicked on the 2003 to do the same. I backed out, and then thought, "I don't know if I counted how many seats were still in that Sub," so I clicked to go look it over one more time. Then I noticed that the box for this suburban is now a nice little green colour, and inside the box it said, "Bid with you, $1200."

I somehow bid on it by accident, with my old-man, ham-fisted, computer skills. :homer: The box to click to open the detailed view of the ad and the box you click to bid are side by side, and my dumb-a$$ decided to click on the wrong one. I have heard of kids accidentally buying stuff on their parents phones and ipads and the like, or people getting worked-up at live auctions and bidding on junk that nobody needs, but I may be the first donkey that I know of that has pulled a bone-headed stunt like this.
It has been about 5 hours now, and nobody else has bid on this sucker. I'm the only bidder. This auction has been going since Thursday morning, and it closes tomorrow AM (Saturday).

Update to follow tomorrow. Either I have a new-old suburban to pay for, or I'm in the clear. I chickened out and told my wife, so far she hasn't divorced me. I think she's waiting for the outcome.

Thoughts, build options, ideas, criticism? :lmao:

Good luck?
I did the same a year or so ago with carmax. Watched the cars I wanted (sell for too much) closed the screen and put in my pocket. Sometime later I pulled out my phone to see I bought a wrecked Corolla for $2xxx. Yeah, fuck you carmax. I havent logged on to the website since.

If it's like any other online auction for the public, the last hour will go full retard. Recently I was high bidder on a truck for a week at $800. Last hour it sold for over $5000. I was out at $1000.

I have no job (COVID BABY), no money, and no time

um what? How are you unemployed on the government tit... and still have no time? In the land of free shit, losers are still getting upwards of $1000 a week to fuck up the market.
Someone on Pirate bid on a BLM(?) truck just to boost money & won. Was an interesting thread to read-
um what? How are you unemployed on the government tit... and still have no time? In the land of free shit, losers are still getting upwards of $1000 a week to fuck up the market.
I don't have any time because I'm looking after the kids while my wife works. The government tit decided early on that I wasn't eligible for their milky discharge, since I had been on parental leave already, so no COVID handouts here.

Where abouts is this local auction house located?

It's in Edmonton.

Though O am very confused on the no no job & no time thing.

It confuses me also, but little kids are deranged mess-making monsters, so taking care of them leaves not a minute for my shit.
If only you accidently clicked to send a resume on a job application site. :laughing:


I think this story would have been a whole lot cooler if it had panned out differently, but somebody else bid on the suburban first thing this morning. :smokin: With an hour left, I'm in the clear, and back out of the dog house.
I think I had already accepted the idea that I was getting stuck with this thing, so I'm a little bummed that it turned out this way. I guess I walk away with the lesson that I shouldn't trust my fat fingers anywhere near the world of auctions, or anywhere else I could accidentally spend money.
I think this story would have been a whole lot cooler if it had panned out differently, but somebody else bid on the suburban first thing this morning. :smokin: With an hour left, I'm in the clear, and back out of the dog house.
I think I had already accepted the idea that I was getting stuck with this thing, so I'm a little bummed that it turned out this way. I guess I walk away with the lesson that I shouldn't trust my fat fingers anywhere near the world of auctions, or anywhere else I could accidentally spend money.

Go bid again, It would make things more interesting for us.:flipoff2:
He already used up the fat finger excuse, what's another good one? The kids did it when he set the phone down?

"I was trying to make sure that I was out bid when it happened again :eek: I'm just as disappointed as you are."

"Don't worry we'll make money on this deal when we sell it"

It arrives...

"sorry it's a pos looks like we're keeping it, it will need a little work but nothing too serious"
BUT, did he say, "hey, I bid 1200 bucks accidently on a 'burb'", Or did he say "I accidently bid on a suburban"? Devils in the details, might allow for one more bid... =-)

You should be a lawyer!

Once I was in I was ALL in! ;)
Exactly how the fuck do you bid on something "by accident"? I do a lot of online auctions and everyone of them that I know of you have to be registered, signed in and click the confirmation popup place a bid.
Exactly how the fuck do you bid on something "by accident"? I do a lot of online auctions and everyone of them that I know of you have to be registered, signed in and click the confirmation popup place a bid.

I am a registered user, and I was signed in so I could look at the bids. As far as confirmation pop-ups go, these guys must not have heard of them. It was one stray click.
I sweet talked my wife into doubling down on my mistake, with talk of needing a camping vehicle, but somebody else wants this more than me, so I'm letting it go after bidding up to $1500.
I don't think I have told my wife what I spend on shit really ever. I mean maybe the first year of marriage, but pretty much I just do it. if I want a new truck I go get it. but then she has not worked in 30 years, drives around in a escalade with my credit card. so what the hell would she care.
I don't think I have told my wife what I spend on shit really ever. I mean maybe the first year of marriage, but pretty much I just do it. if I want a new truck I go get it. but then she has not worked in 30 years, drives around in a escalade with my credit card. so what the hell would she care.

I dont get it either. I've never asked my gf/wife if I could buy anything, and shes never cared. Its baffling to think you have to ask for permission.

I'm not quite up to Escalade and credit card. But her truck is much nicer than mine.

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