White House deadpool?


Don't Re Member
May 19, 2020
Member Number
San Mexico
All tested positive for coronavirus;

- Donald Trump

First Lady
- Melania Trump

- Kellyanne Conway

Campaign Mgr
- Bill Stepien

- Ron Johnson

RNC Chair
- Ronna Mcdaniel

Senior Counselor
- Hope Hicks

- Mike Lee

- Thom Tillis

and I'll throw in...

Former Gov
- Chris Christie

Chris Christie may be the 1st to go? :homer:
But there is only about one fatality for every 900 infections.
Christy = Beefy = Clogged Artery Hyper tense Fat Lardo Boy

I'll wager one of our Mods go before our orange savior, the Mango Mussolini :flipoff2:
Christy = Beefy = Clogged Artery Hyper tense Fat Lardo Boy

I'll wager one of our Mods go before our orange savior, the Mango Mussolini :flipoff2:

Gary doesn't work here. :flipoff2:

The fire is all but out. Safe.
Don't you know everyone dies of Coronavirus? Just ask the media or a liberal.......

Get your facts outta here, no room for that kind of stuff in this thread.


Trump will be within the "suddenly sickens and dies in 48 hours" category until next week Tuesday.

This Presidency, regardless of the election, will be decided in the next week.

The political future of this country is decided in the next 7 days. If Trump dies or even goes to the ICU, the Democrats have won.
If any of them go it's probably going to be him.

The Leftists have literally every future outcome hooked to something negative. Democrats hope for:
  • Dead POTUS
  • More people dead from COVID
  • More economic damage from lockdowns
  • More Chinese infiltration and interference
  • More wars outside the county
  • More Russian interference
  • More police shootings
  • More riots
  • More racial animosity
  • More poor people
  • More wildfires
  • More hurricane/weather damage
I mean seriously. Every. Single. Thing. That the Democrats want, and what they've hooked their platform to, consists of negative outcomes for the USA.

It's fucking amazing how much bad that Liberals wish on the USA right now. I think it might be the most remarkably negative platform of all time. I'm trying to think of another period where one half of the country wished for so many negative outcomes.

I can't think of a single good thing that works out in the Democrat favor right now.
The Leftists have literally every future outcome hooked to something negative. Democrats hope for:
  • Dead POTUS
  • More people dead from COVID
  • More economic damage from lockdowns
  • More Chinese infiltration and interference
  • More wars outside the county
  • More Russian interference
  • More police shootings
  • More riots
  • More racial animosity
  • More poor people
  • More wildfires
  • More hurricane/weather damage
I mean seriously. Every. Single. Thing. That the Democrats want, and what they've hooked their platform to, consists of negative outcomes for the USA.

It's fucking amazing how much bad that Liberals wish on the USA right now. I think it might be the most remarkably negative platform of all time. I'm trying to think of another period where one half of the country wished for so many negative outcomes.

I can't think of a single good thing that works out in the Democrat favor right now.

Dude you missed a dose of something.

We were talking about how a bunch of people in the white house picked up this virus and how the one guy most at risk (by virtue of being a land whale) would be the most likely to die if any of them do. How does that in any way relate to the platform of the democratic party?
And before your predictable poorly medicated ass throws it out there, I'm not voting for satan himself biden or your man god trump.
Dude you missed a dose of something.

We were talking about how a bunch of people in the white house picked up this virus and how the one guy most at risk (by virtue of being a land whale) would be the most likely to die if any of them do.

You are in a great position to troll this board because literally anything anti-Republican and anti-Trump at this point is harmful to the United States.

You don't want a single good thing to happen. You don't want an economic recovery, you don't want peace, you don't want an end to wildfires, you don't want rioters to be satisfied that the system functions, you don't want people to feel they are an integral part of the USA.

Everything that you want is something bad. Everything.

Liberals are nothing but negative energy, it's been this way for a while.
Trump will be within the "suddenly sickens and dies in 48 hours" category until next week Tuesday.

This Presidency, regardless of the election, will be decided in the next week.

The political future of this country is decided in the next 7 days. If Trump dies or even goes to the ICU, the Democrats have won.

Trump's leaving Walter Reed this evening. IMO you're full of shit.
You are in a great position to troll this board because literally anything anti-Republican and anti-Trump at this point is harmful to the United States.

You don't want a single good thing to happen. You don't want an economic recovery, you don't want peace, you don't want an end to wildfires, you don't want rioters to be satisfied that the system functions, you don't want people to feel they are an integral part of the USA.

Everything that you want is something bad. Everything.

Liberals are nothing but negative energy, it's been this way for a while.

You should be a phone psychic or something because you can come up with some pretty glorious piles of bullshit on the fly. Or you need to get back on your meds. Or you could make the best of it and do both.
Trump's leaving Walter Reed this evening. IMO you're full of shit.

This what you don't understand a lot of times: This is not an opinion.

Trump will not be out of the danger zone until 14 days after infection. That's generous, most current data is 14 days after presentation of symptoms.

I am estimating that Trump began showing symptoms 29 September, and he powered through the debates despite warnings from his physicians (POTUS gets a physical exam every single day).

I'm being rather generous as I am obviously MAGA.
I know some hard core liberals what they believe without doubt ,Trump is the second coming of Htler. Trump is directly responsible for, at this time, 206000 covid deaths. The GOP is hell bent on the destruction of this country because of their greed. 100 million are denied health care because of racism and no sympathy for the poor. It all can be fixed instantly by taxing the shit out of the the wage earners and corporate taxes....
. They mention the ship USA is sinking and they are looking for safe haven in Europe..There's more but you get the idea..
You should be a phone psychic or something because you can come up with some pretty glorious piles of bullshit on the fly. Or you need to get back on your meds. Or you could make the best of it and do both.

Every single thing that you post is negative. Everything.

Your account hasn't made a single pro-USA post on this board.

Literally every post that you make is wishing some ill on the US.
This what you don't understand a lot of times: This is not an opinion.

Trump will not be out of the danger zone until 14 days after infection. That's generous, most current data is 14 days after presentation of symptoms.

I am estimating that Trump began showing symptoms 29 September, and he powered through the debates despite warnings from his physicians (POTUS gets a physical exam every single day).

I'm being rather generous as I am obviously MAGA.

No, what you don't understand is your personal opinion on subjects such as this is less than worthless. Keep on deluding yourself that you matter.
No, what you don't understand is your personal opinion on subjects such as this is less than worthless. Keep on deluding yourself that you matter.

How do you talk to a guy who is so ignorant that he thinks the prognosis for a known medical condition is an opinion? :confused:
Telling you to get back on your meds and go be a phone psychic is wishing ill on the USA?

It's negative, like every single thing that you post.

You do nothing but wish ill with every word out of your mouth.

Just like the Democrats. Every single thing that Joe Biden says is negative. Everything that Congressional leadership like Schumer and Pelosi say is negative. AOC and Mulan Omar Muslim says: negative.

You don't have one good thing to say, and you don't want one good thing to happen. Every single post that you make is negative.
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