Which Atlas ?

3.0. You got lots of power, lots of trans gears to choose from, and low axle ratio.
I've got half your power and 3 speed automatic. With either 40s or 37s and 4.56. I'm at 10.2 Atlas 4 speed, but really only use the 3.8 or the 2.73... so the 3.8 works good for hard off road, but I lack the transmission gears. And I use the 2.73 for high speed off road (sand dunes, easy trails) but lack your horsepower. If I had the power, I'd run that shit in high range.
3.8 or 4 whatever ratio is close to that. Works the best for crawling. Lower can work as well but can lack wheel speed. I know alot of people like the higher sets but getting into crawling it seem to strain the trans alot.
3.0 if you’re in the southb and need wheel speed 3.8/4.3 if you crawl.
Another vote for 3.8 or 4.3.

My rig has 6.0 / 4L80E / 4.56 with 42's and a doubler with 1.96 / 2.72 / 5.33. I generally use 5.33 when crawling and 1.96 driving between obstacles.
Thanks guys. He's in Calif. so it'd be more Pismo and Johnson Valley and crawling around the Salinas Vally Ramblers property down by Clear Creek on 198.
If he has the room and cash I’d run a 4speed atlas with 2.0*2.0 or whatever is closes to that for that drivetrain combo. I’d have to have a 2:1 if I was going to think about the sand.
Depends a lot on your terrain and usage, but a buddy of mine is running a 6.0L/TH400/3.8 Atlas/5.38s on 40" stickies in a 3,800Lbs buggy. I think the gearing on it is about perfect. It has plenty of control in technical rocks, but he still has plenty of power and wheel speed to blast up slickrock slab walls like this: https://www.instagram.com/p/CADTTdmn...0ICRXsLN6luo0/

With an overdrive tranny like you have and 42s, I'd be inclined to go with the 4.3 ratio.
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I have a 2.0 4 spd behind the same motor. you get 1.0, 2.0,2.7, and 5.4 ratios. I think its perfect for the power
NP205 with a NWF doubler, because:flipoff2:, also because you can drive around in 1.96 most of the time on the trail when you don't have the distance or flats to be bombing high speed 1:1. Then drop down low low 5.33 for obstacles. The overdrive will allow you to still be quick enough when in either of the low ranges.
NP205 with a NWF doubler, because:flipoff2:, also because you can drive around in 1.96 most of the time on the trail when you don't have the distance or flats to be bombing high speed 1:1. Then drop down low low 5.33 for obstacles. The overdrive will allow you to still be quick enough when in either of the low ranges.

I ran that exact setup in my Dodge, loved it.
NP205 with a NWF doubler, because:flipoff2:, also because you can drive around in 1.96 most of the time on the trail when you don't have the distance or flats to be bombing high speed 1:1. Then drop down low low 5.33 for obstacles. The overdrive will allow you to still be quick enough when in either of the low ranges.

100% this and i have an atlas 3.8 sitting in the shop
If I had to have just one low range, I'd go 3.0. I use 2.72 for the dunes and 4.0 in the rocks. 4 to 1 sucks in the sand. 2.72 is doable in the rocks, not ideal.
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