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Where are Mexico's disappeared?

Anyone who thinks mexico is anything but a corrupt third world shithole is a fool. The US would be best served by declaring MX a terrorist nation due to the cartel activity, shutting the border, closing the ports to all traffic, and allowing BP to do their jobs. Make the border area a DMZ with shoot on site orders.

Once the human and narcotics trafficking is stopped. Youll see the MX cartels that run it dry up within a few of years. You will still get some of the narcotics but the columbian and chinese groups that provide the cocaine, fentynal, and heroin supply that comes through from mexico will find other routes effectively killing the mx cartels.

Also the lack of funding from the US in form of aid and tourist dollars will force the mexican govt to get serious with the cartels instead of the corruption that "fights" it now.
Also the lack of funding from the US in form of aid and tourist dollars will force the mexican govt to get serious with the cartels instead of the corruption that "fights" it now.

Not even close. I've been going to Mexico my whole life, we used to go to San Filipe for 4 weeks every year back when the only bar still had swinging doors.
Tourist places used to be off limits to the Cartels, two years ago when we went to Cancun the Federales / Cops were shaking tourists down on the streets and the Cartel beheaded 4 people the day we showed up.

Mexico has long since lost control of the Country.
Not even close. I've been going to Mexico my whole life, we used to go to San Filipe for 4 weeks every year back when the only bar still had swinging doors.
Tourist places used to be off limits to the Cartels, two years ago when we went to Cancun the Federales / Cops were shaking tourists down on the streets and the Cartel beheaded 4 people the day we showed up.

Mexico has long since lost control of the Country.

You only took a small part of what I said. It doesnt work without completely shutting down the border and cutting off all US monies entering the country. Granted their are other countries that pour tourist money into MX but not on the scale of the US.

The biggest threat from that stance would be china courting MX and dumping yen into it and possibly arming the cartels or cozying up to the govt and placing military bases on the ground or warships in their waters.
Not even close. I've been going to Mexico my whole life, we used to go to San Filipe for 4 weeks every year back when the only bar still had swinging doors.
Tourist places used to be off limits to the Cartels, two years ago when we went to Cancun the Federales / Cops were shaking tourists down on the streets and the Cartel beheaded 4 people the day we showed up.

Mexico has long since lost control of the Country.

In a lot of those towns the cartels now controll the police and try to keep them from shaking down the tourists. The cartels all have family and intrests in all of those buisnesses making money on the tourist dollars.
if they had more wild pigs in mexico. there were be no need for mass graves....just saying
Anyone who thinks mexico is anything but a corrupt third world shithole is a fool. The US would be best served by declaring MX a terrorist nation due to the cartel activity, shutting the border, closing the ports to all traffic, and allowing BP to do their jobs. Make the border area a DMZ with shoot on site orders.

Once the human and narcotics trafficking is stopped. Youll see the MX cartels that run it dry up within a few of years. You will still get some of the narcotics but the columbian and chinese groups that provide the cocaine, fentynal, and heroin supply that comes through from mexico will find other routes effectively killing the mx cartels.

Also the lack of funding from the US in form of aid and tourist dollars will force the mexican govt to get serious with the cartels instead of the corruption that "fights" it now.

The problem also is the shit crossing with the narcotics...humans. Bleeding liberal hearts eat that up and think everyone crossing is innocent. Remember Trump being pegged a racist because he said our borders could be unsafe because of rapists and criminals??? :homer: My BP and Ice friends are getting over run while they sit at a desk job now. We are about to see an illegal immigration problem of unimaginable proportions.
The problem also is the shit crossing with the narcotics...humans. Bleeding liberal hearts eat that up and think everyone crossing is innocent. Remember Trump being pegged a racist because he said our borders could be unsafe because of rapists and criminals??? :homer: My BP and Ice friends are getting over run while they sit at a desk job now. We are about to see an illegal immigration problem of unimaginable proportions.

I agree. Remember we used to be neighbors? I was there during the last two floods of people when Mcallen was overrun. Now its going to start right back up again.
I think the cartels are so rich now that you could close the border and they would still find ways to get the drugs in. More money is being generated thru drugs than tourist dollars could ever come close to. We are fucked either way.:mad3:
Where else would they be?

Down at the local Western Union transferring 75% of their paycheck into Mexico where that money will be used by Tias and Tios ...never to return to US soil again. Bolster the economy of a neighboring country while silently tapping ours? Somehow i feel slighted as an American.

They gawk at my Chebby and smile with those pistachio bits in their fucking teeth and gums wearing pointed cowboy boots from the flea markets while Gustamina pushes a triple stroller down every Main St in this fucking country. Got dayum 1st gen mojados.
There is a shit ton of human suffering happening in MX that is due to geography. They used to be drug mules for the Colombians but they got smart and took advantage of their location between the source of the drugs and the market. Then there is the seemingly endless stream of human trafficking that flows from Central America through MX into the US.It is ripe for the picking and those who take the journey are subject to rape, extortion, violence, and kidnapping. Possibly all of the above and then some. We're not free from the BS either. A lot of kidnapped girls end up in the US in the sex trade and I'm not talking about consensual exchange of $ for sex.

Meanwhile the millions of illegal aliens from MX, Guatemala, etc are sending $$$$$$$$ back home after siphoning it off from our economy. That's a double whammy. Not only are they accounting for a portion of the work an American company, they're taking that money out of the local economy.
I think the cartels are so rich now that you could close the border and they would still find ways to get the drugs in. More money is being generated thru drugs than tourist dollars could ever come close to. We are fucked either way.:mad3:

human trafficking money has FAR outpaced drug money and has now for about 5-6 years. maybe it wont because with Biden no one has to smuggle people into the USA, they just walk up and claim asylum and the bleeding heart Biden followers have to let them right in, turn them loose in the country.

72blazer knows the score first hand better than i do, and he's right, its going to be some ridiculous stuff going on as they allow free run from Mexico into the USA.
I'm surprised at all the people calling for more prohibition. Since forever, we've proven that prohibition is absolutely a lost cause.

I completely agree that we need to starve the cartels out. I think we do it by out-competing them, though.

Legalize drugs. Hard, soft, everything. In my opinion, this would eventually fix the fentanyl problem, and would cost the cartels lots of profit. They would have to shrink in proportion to the profit they lost.

Be our own Coyotes. As in, the existing immigration policies need to continue or be accelerated for the white-collar-type immigrations. For the laborers that don't have a real path to citizenship--expand the numbers allowed, and charge them for it. These people are able to come up with $10k/head to pay the cartels to get them across. Allow them to buy their way into the country legally for $10k, and allow them in as taxpayers. Cuts out the cartels, and removes many of the issues with illegals. At the same time, though, you'd have to address entitlements. Currently, entitlements for illegal immigrants cost us less per capita than poor native-born Americans. I don't know how we make sure that trend continues, but I'm sure the answer is in shrinking entitlements for everyone, including Medicare and Social Security.

Legalize prostitution. This should fix the sex-trafficking that is pretty hard to gauge the scope of. And, again, prohibition doesn't work.
I'm surprised at all the people calling for more prohibition. Since forever, we've proven that prohibition is absolutely a lost cause.

I completely agree that we need to starve the cartels out. I think we do it by out-competing them, though. I don't think this is possible. 40+ years and no slow down. America is slow and an easy target for this type of infiltration and we have high powered USA lawyer teams aiding this attack.

Legalize drugs. Hard, soft, everything. In my opinion, this would eventually fix the fentanyl problem, and would cost the cartels lots of profit. They would have to shrink in proportion to the profit they lost. Sounds a little drastic to the average American. I think you can legalize weed and maybe even cocaine, but fentanyl? That stuff would make a great weapon, say I want dibs on your stuff, oops he overdosed, never mind I laced your drink. Bye!

Be our own Coyotes. As in, the existing immigration policies need to continue or be accelerated for the white-collar-type immigrations. For the laborers that don't have a real path to citizenship--expand the numbers allowed, and charge them for it. These people are able to come up with $10k/head to pay the cartels to get them across. Allow them to buy their way into the country legally for $10k, and allow them in as taxpayers. Cuts out the cartels, and removes many of the issues with illegals. At the same time, though, you'd have to address entitlements. Currently, entitlements for illegal immigrants cost us less per capita than poor native-born Americans. I don't know how we make sure that trend continues, but I'm sure the answer is in shrinking entitlements for everyone, including Medicare and Social Security. Question comes to mind, what do you think would be a fair number? Do you think that fair number would still be enough in six months? How about 1 year? Because I don't believe there is a shortage of Central and South Americans that are willing to pile across the boarder.

Legalize prostitution. This should fix the sex-trafficking that is pretty hard to gauge the scope of. And, again, prohibition doesn't work. Isn't there a pretty solid chance you can pick up an illegal prostitute in Las Vegas, with legal prostitution available in close proximity? I just don't see this ending the problem.

I think the cartels are so rich now that you could close the border and they would still find ways to get the drugs in. More money is being generated thru drugs than tourist dollars could ever come close to. We are fucked either way.:mad3:

I think that you are right. The "war on drugs" needs to be "war on cartels". It has to include missiles and bombs.
I think that you are right. The "war on drugs" needs to be "war on cartels". It has to include missiles and bombs.

Can you imagine the outcry from the left :lmao:

They can't even handle not wanting beaner criminals here.
If we could get americans to quit using illegal drugs (several ways to accomplish this) the cartels would disappear.
human trafficking money has FAR outpaced drug money and has now for about 5-6 years. maybe it wont because with Biden no one has to smuggle people into the USA, they just walk up and claim asylum and the bleeding heart Biden followers have to let them right in, turn them loose in the country.

72blazer knows the score first hand better than i do, and he's right, its going to be some ridiculous stuff going on as they allow free run from Mexico into the USA.

During both invasions the cartels were making far more money off the family units than they ever did smuggling people who dont want to get caught. They were making more than even their drug business.

About halfway through the trump admin that changed with the "wait in MX" exec orders trump put in place. Prior to that the aliens who were claiming asylum were released free reign into the US while waiting to see an asylum officer. After they had return to MX after making their claim and 2ait there to see an an asylum officer. Bad Trump! To bad he was actually following the law as written and not some judges bleeding heart feelings. The Asylum law in the US and as agreed by the UN states that every asylee must make an asylum claim in the first safe country they pass through. MX is listed as a safe country by the UN. So by US law and the UN the US has no obligation to accept Asylees that have passed through MX.

That will now change back with the biden admin execution orders to where the cartels will basically become a travel agency for illegals once again shutteling illegals through MX and across the river thousands (if not tens of thousands like before) at a time while BP is forced to wait by the river with buses to shuttle them for processing and release. Enrichening the cartels and creating a further drain on the American taxpayer. Not to mention it distracts BP away from the drug smugglers who will then have figurative highways open to run across the river.
I'm surprised at all the people calling for more prohibition. Since forever, we've proven that prohibition is absolutely a lost cause. ...

Blockades work. They're a lot like prohibition.

But only if you wanna also go total war. And that's the key, you gotta remove the opportunity for all the graft and corruption.
Where is Mexico’s dead? In big fucking holes dug in the desert. I watched a documentary recently about it. 36 missing students. I believe it was one of the Vice videos.
During both invasions the cartels were making far more money off the family units than they ever did smuggling people who dont want to get caught. They were making more than even their drug business.

About halfway through the trump admin that changed with the "wait in MX" exec orders trump put in place. Prior to that the aliens who were claiming asylum were released free reign into the US while waiting to see an asylum officer. After they had return to MX after making their claim and 2ait there to see an an asylum officer. Bad Trump! To bad he was actually following the law as written and not some judges bleeding heart feelings. The Asylum law in the US and as agreed by the UN states that every asylee must make an asylum claim in the first safe country they pass through. MX is listed as a safe country by the UN. So by US law and the UN the US has no obligation to accept Asylees that have passed through MX.

That will now change back with the biden admin execution orders to where the cartels will basically become a travel agency for illegals once again shutteling illegals through MX and across the river thousands (if not tens of thousands like before) at a time while BP is forced to wait by the river with buses to shuttle them for processing and release. Enrichening the cartels and creating a further drain on the American taxpayer. Not to mention it distracts BP away from the drug smugglers who will then have figurative highways open to run across the river.

Where is Mexico’s dead? In big fucking holes dug in the desert. I watched a documentary recently about it. 36 missing students. I believe it was one of the Vice videos.

im pretty sure i recounted this back on the PBB, but ill say it again because you wont see it on the news at all. Where are Mexicos' dead? Probably some in mass graves but MANY were incinerated.

back 6-7 years ago, i was working on some big projects down in the valley. we had an on-call contract with a helicopter company out of laredo so when members of the team came down, we could get together, fly to a bunch of different projects spread out all over the place and get back to Laredo all in one day. it was an awesome deal that allowed us to see places that normally would have taken 2-3 days and do it all in one.

one day, we took off from Laredo, flew down to Rio Grande City, across the valley to Edinburg, jumped out there, ate, hopped back in went back to the border and flew up to Laredo over Falcon Lake and the Rio Grande. The pilot also flew with DPS when they did all kinds of night stuff, which assisted BP. He said we actually could go 10 miles (i think) into Mexico legally without landing, but if we had equipment trouble and he had to set down we were going to be in a BAD way. I'm riding left co-pilot in the AStar, and out in Mexico, you can see a couple of tall pillars of smoke from the middle of the cities.

Pilot tells us that smoke in the middle of the cities are from mobile incinerators that when the cartels run through a intersection trying to kill one or two guys, they machine gun every body around also just because they don't care. So the Mexican authorities have this happening all the time and no place to put bodies or way to identify them. So they roll the incinerator up where there are 30+ dead and feed them in and they can be identified for miles by the smoke rising.

I have no doubt there are mass graves but there is a major chunk of the missing/dead that were burned up. you cant have 25,000-30,000 murders every year and be able to identify where all the bodies go.
Blockades work. They're a lot like prohibition.

But only if you wanna also go total war. And that's the key, you gotta remove the opportunity for all the graft and corruption.

Going to total war does not at all remove the opportunity for graft and corruption. It just removes the Mexican piece of the corruption, and gives the US Congress the opportunity to stick their hands in the pie. In all cases, more concentration of power yields more corruption. Which is why I'm talking about the opposite of concentration of power.
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