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When the French are the last to remain sane...

That is more of what we need here.
Things have gone full retard in the US.
We need to be able to slap the piss out of these SJWs at will without losing everything.
The problem is the media gives a tiny percentage of people a large audience. In reality very few people actually believe this stuff. When challenged beyond hiding behind a keyboard that pool gets even smaller.
French Officials Are Warning That American "Cancel Culture" and "Woke Leftism" Is a Threat to the Country

By Brandon Morse | Feb 10, 2021 10:45 AM ET
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Sebastien Nogier, Pool via APThe extreme leftist “woke” culture is a disease that has infected the country and French officials are now sounding the alarm that it must not infect France itself.

“Woke” culture is an ideology that breaks every interaction with anything on the planet down to the identity of the person interacting with it. For instance, it gave birth to the 1619 Project, which boils America down to nothing but its sin of slavery and claims that America really started when the first slave arrived in America in 1619, not upon the founding of the country in 1776. Like Nazism did with the Jewish people, wokeism teaches that white people are to blame for every problem under the sun and that in order to obtain true equality, they must be disadvantaged in various ways while other races must be given special treatment and benefits.

According to the Daily Mail, French officials see what’s happening in America and are making it clear that they need to be ideologically opposed to it:
In a speech in October on the ‘Fight against Separatism’, Macron warned against leaving ‘the intellectual debate to others’ as he cautioned of the ‘certain social science theories entirely imported from the United States’.

His education minister Jean-Michel Blanquer also warned in October that there is a ‘battle to wage against an intellectual matrix from American universities’.​

Even the French recognize that American universities have become breeding grounds for this stunted ideological position that makes no room for context, history, or nuance:
Some French intellects have also argued that American universities are to blame for giving justification to acts of terrorism carried out by Muslims.

After three Islamist terror attacks last fall, Education minister Blanquer accused the universities of being complicit.

He was supported in an open letter from 100 prominent scholars that blasted social theories ‘transferred from North American campuses’.

One of the signatories, Gilles Kepel, argued that American influence led to ‘a sort of prohibition in universities to think about the phenomenon of political Islam in the name of a leftist ideology that considers it the religion of the underprivileged.’​

Historian Pierre-Andre Taguieff notes it’s all driven by a “hatred of the west, as a white civilization and that the agenda of these enemies to the west can be summed up in three words: “decolonize, demasculate, and de-Europeanize.”

France’s laws make it illegal to collect data based on race and reject the idea of “diversity” and “multiculturalism,” instead, putting more focus on fundamental rights and values such as equality and liberty.

Whether or not this push from French politicians to halt the tide of identity politics actually works remains to be seen, but it really puts into perspective just how damaging this American-born ideological virus is. When viewing it from the outside, it’s easy to see just how divisive and ugly woke ideological adherence is. It prohibits discussion and social growth by proclaiming any ideology but its own is pure evil. It makes villains out of innocent people and victims out of powerful ones. It makes someone’s defining characteristic their race or sex, not personality, ideas, or talents.

It’s a shallow ideology based on out-of-context storytelling and ignorance. It needs to be stopped.

I am shocked I thought the Fench cared for noting but Croissants, and snearing at the rest of the world!

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The French are kick ass in a lot of ways. The #1 way is in not being English or allowing English to be used in their civic world, and French people prefer French as well. This makes them seem snooty, but they also duck under the radar of a lot of shit that goes on here.

They made a law stating that Muslim women couldn't wear hajibs, and had to wear revealing bathing suits at certain pools and beaches :laughing: That's Gallic humor right there, the Law part of it especially.

The Musselmen were finally kicked out of Spain by Isabella and Ferdinand, but they never got past The Hammer, Charles Martel, King of the Franks.
This is even getting run in the mainstream media...not just on a site like redstate. Mind you, most of the leftist papers are treating these subtly as anti-woke behaviour on the part of France, but at least it's getting coverage.
There was a lot of anti-frenchy sentiment after 9-11, but much of it is misfounded. They were hesitant to go into an occupational war over a maybe - and looking back probably were. I would guess that some of it has to do with france's history of the state owning war production assets, so their politicans were not in the pockets of the war industry and pushing for a long, drawn out and profitable conflict. They did get involved and sent troops over

French have crappy military - please, the french had one of the most powerful militaries in the world for centuries and often led in terms of weapons development

The French have a national pride and culture they want to protect - not what much of Europe is doing and is finding out the bad parts of. Sure they are stuck up a little - but all societies with cultural pride are - just look at almost any asian country
France is very much like California.

Not even close.

You don't have a clue. It may have appeared to you that way, but it's not even close.

They're educated.

They do have their own problems, but it doesn't compare to the total fucktardness in the U.S.

I'm not vested in them at all, but I happened to have worked with quite a few of them with a headquartered company in the Valley. They have a LONG view about society.
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There was a lot of anti-frenchy sentiment after 9-11, but much of it is misfounded. They were hesitant to go into an occupational war over a maybe - and looking back probably were. I would guess that some of it has to do with france's history of the state owning war production assets, so their politicans were not in the pockets of the war industry and pushing for a long, drawn out and profitable conflict. They did get involved and sent troops over

French have crappy military - please, the french had one of the most powerful militaries in the world for centuries and often led in terms of weapons development

The French have a national pride and culture they want to protect - not what much of Europe is doing and is finding out the bad parts of. Sure they are stuck up a little - but all societies with cultural pride are - just look at almost any asian country

One of the last REAL Canadian Prime Ministers said: "Fuck you on Iraq, it makes no sense, get lost, and know you're getting into a quagmire of shit", at the expense of punitive trade retaliation that was to come, and it sure did.

Nothing to do with the French, but it's about time we get more leaders with fucking balls. I don't just mean in our respective countries, but all over.

BTW, Macron is a fucking ****, I don't know where he's getting his balls. Might be his Mother/Wife that he married to cover his closet door has decided to use them.
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The problem is the media gives a tiny percentage of people a large audience. In reality very few people actually believe this stuff. When challenged beyond hiding behind a keyboard that pool gets even smaller.

I would agree that it's a tiny percentage of the US population that have gone off the deep end. The problem is two-fold:

- That tiny minority has gained control of the media, academia, industry and institutions. They control everything.
- That tiny minority has been in charge of educating your children for decades - They are spreading the virus.

And most of the American people remain completely apathetic and uninterested. This is why we have likely lost the war, unless things change radically very soon.

On the French, It is my belief that Americans and French are very similar in many ways. Both nations saw themselves as God's gift to humanity - Now many Americans have turned into self-hate.

You can ask the French for anything, but asking them to hate their own culture and heritage is something they will absolutely will NOT do, even if a handful of smelly French intellectuals were responsible for getting the ball rolling in the first place.
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The problem is the media gives a tiny percentage of people a large audience. In reality very few people actually believe this stuff. When challenged beyond hiding behind a keyboard that pool gets even smaller.

What 'stuff'? Your post is like a generic bot post on reddit. What are even you talking about?
There was a lot of anti-frenchy sentiment after 9-11, but much of it is misfounded. They were hesitant to go into an occupational war over a maybe - and looking back probably were. I would guess that some of it has to do with france's history of the state owning war production assets, so their politicans were not in the pockets of the war industry and pushing for a long, drawn out and profitable conflict. They did get involved and sent troops over

French have crappy military - please, the french had one of the most powerful militaries in the world for centuries and often led in terms of weapons development

The French have a national pride and culture they want to protect - not what much of Europe is doing and is finding out the bad parts of. Sure they are stuck up a little - but all societies with cultural pride are - just look at almost any asian country

For some reason, Americans are very fond of the "cheese eating surrender monkey" line, which only shows the complete ignorance of the people spouting such things. Since the time of Charlemagne, the French have been the dominant continental military power in Europe, often beating coalitions of nations much larger than them.

Just in WWI, the French (a comparatively small nation) lost more men than the US in all the wars in its history combined, from the Revolutionary War to Iraq.
You can ask the French for anything, but asking them to hate their own culture and heritage is something they will absolutely will NOT do, even if a handful of smelly French intellectuals were responsible for getting the ball rolling in the first place.

That's because they're EDUCATED, and that means non-revised history. The culture of history extends past political borders there.
Just in WWI, the French (a comparatively small nation) lost more men than the US in all the wars in its history combined, from the Revolutionary War to Iraq.

Yep. There weren't many young men left to go fight when WWII came around. Anybody who read anything about WWI would understand the pain there.
Yep. There weren't many young men left to go fight when WWII came around. Anybody who read anything about WWI would understand the pain there.

There are massive WWI cemeteries in France. But what I find most touching is traveling through the Pyrenees mountains in Southern France and seeing that every tiny village has a monument to the fallen in the "Great War". A tiny hamlet of fjve houses lost in the mountains will have a monument with half a dozen names, a whole generation of men who never came back home. We can't comprehend what a disaster that war was. Even the butchery of the American Civil War didn't even come close. Then the same ignorant "cheese eating surrender monkey" Americans wonder why the French and the Brits weren't eager to go to war with Hitler in 1938.
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Yep. There weren't many young men left to go fight when WWII came around. Anybody who read anything about WWI would understand the pain there.

Well, not really. WWII is 23 years after WWI. So it's a whole new generation. The French had nosed-over on population, but the Germans had been knocked back by starvation and economic hardship after WWI so they were still in the late stages of industrial population growth. The German population problem was recognized as one of the hearts of the world wars.

Kind of one of the things you and mikel are conflating is the practice of putting all the local young men in the same military unit, which definitely changed after WWI. It was bad enough in the Civil War. Regiments were recruited and entire regiments were slaughtered. The US today wouldn't stand 10% casualties at the company level without an Impeachment, but in the Civil War, hundreds of young men from the same town or neighborhood died at Cold Harbor. Entire town no young men.

That happened to the French but battle losses from WWI are not the main contributor to the problem. For all of post-Roman history, France was by far the largest and most fertile, powerful region in Europe. By the late 19th Century, Germany proper had outstripped both Britain and France proper in economy and industry, if not empire, which started it all.

So the French are 'suffering' a relative population loss against the Germans, whose population and power is exploding after 1866. The French no longer have the largest population to draw upon, and worse yet, the Germans, using methods adopted from the French, are able to recruit and train a higher percentage of a larger population than the French, even without war losses.

If WWI had an effect on fighting population, the effect was more severe on the Germans than on the French, by a lot. The French ate fat on German reparations after WWI, the Germans went hungry and their wives had miscarriage after miscarriage.
The French ate fat on German reparations after WWI, the Germans went hungry and their wives had miscarriage after miscarriage.

That's a myth exploited by the nazis. Most of Germany's WWI reparations went unpaid, or were paid with inflated currency fresh off the printing presses... Or money borrowed from the Americans.

For all their complaining about the Versailles Treaty, the Germans were far more draconian when they were the ones dictating terms, such as in 1871 or Brest Litovsk in 1918
France did have someone with big balls, she was Simone Segouin aka codename, Nicole Minet. She was a Resistance leader and Vive la France! She is still alive at 95 :raises glass of wine:

For all their complaining about the Versailles Treaty, the Germans were far more draconian when they were the ones dictating terms, such as in 1871 or Brest Litovsk in 1918

I was under the impression that Germany did stop fighting and was considered being in a stalemate before signing the treaty-
I was under the impression that Germany did stop fighting and was considered being in a stalemate before signing the treaty-

On November 11, 1918 Germany was starving, in internal revolution and in full collapse, so they signed an armistice because they had no choice. The Versailles Treaty was the final peace agreement. That came a year later.
Not even close.

You don't have a clue. It may have appeared to you that way, but it's not even close.

They're educated.

They do have their own problems, but it doesn't compare to the total fucktardness in the U.S.

I'm not vested in them at all, but I happened to have worked with quite a few of them with a headquartered company in the Valley. They have a LONG view about society.

Not even close, you have no clue.

Go there and see for yourself, then we can have this conversation
France is an interesting place, but they also have had about 5 revolutions since we've had our 1.

I do not envy france or the french at all, nor do i look to them as some political system to emulate. more specifically, their anti-religious and staunchly secular public policy is not good. i say that as a nonreligious atheist/agnostic.

hell would you guys fawn praise on obama if i told you he spoke out against cancel culture as well? :flipoff2:
Even the French recognize that American universities have become breeding grounds for this stunted ideological position that makes no room for context, history, or nuance:
Some French intellects have also argued that American universities are to blame for giving justification to acts of terrorism carried out by Muslims.

jesus fuck, this is the kind of limp wristed shit people mean when they talk about the fucking french :shaking: stupid fucks are a bastion of socialism and communism and they have the gal to put all this blame on the American University system? where the hell do they think these "american academics" are drawing their inspiration from?

I'm perfectly fine with europe and europeans being proud of their history and society, but this is a solid part on why I am not a european, don't consider myself european, and remain proud of being an american. first or 15th generation doesn't matter to me.

do i get bonus points for using "bastion" and "gal" in describing the french? :blkflipoff2:
jesus fuck, this is the kind of limp wristed shit people mean when they talk about the fucking french :shaking: stupid fucks are a bastion of socialism and communism and they have the gal to put all this blame on the American University system? where the hell do they think these "american academics" are drawing their inspiration from?

I'm perfectly fine with europe and europeans being proud of their history and society, but this is a solid part on why I am not a european, don't consider myself european, and remain proud of being an american. first or 15th generation doesn't matter to me.

do i get bonus points for using "bastion" and "gal" in describing the french? :blkflipoff2:

Yes. I seem to remember about 12 years ago how the D’s were telling us its finally time to be more like Europe... good old democrat policies. Just sit back and let it burn.
Not even close.

You don't have a clue. It may have appeared to you that way, but it's not even close.

They're educated.

They do have their own problems, but it doesn't compare to the total fucktardness in the U.S.

I'm not vested in them at all, but I happened to have worked with quite a few of them with a headquartered company in the Valley. They have a LONG view about society.

They have beaches, California has beaches.
They have mountains, California has mountains.
They have ice free ports, California has ice free ports.
They have vineyards, California has vineyards.
They have a large dairy industry, California has a large dairy industry.
They have sand dunes, California has sand dunes.

What clue was it you thought I didn't have?
Not even close, you have no clue.

Go there and see for yourself, then we can have this conversation

Yes, let us have this conversation, you tard.

Please proceed....
France is an interesting place, but they also have had about 5 revolutions since we've had our 1.

I do not envy france or the french at all, nor do i look to them as some political system to emulate. more specifically, their anti-religious and staunchly secular public policy is not good. i say that as a nonreligious atheist/agnostic.

hell would you guys fawn praise on obama if i told you he spoke out against cancel culture as well? :flipoff2:

Talk less, read more. You un-educated ****.

jesus fuck, this is the kind of limp wristed shit people mean when they talk about the fucking french :shaking: stupid fucks are a bastion of socialism and communism and they have the gal to put all this blame on the American University system? where the hell do they think these "american academics" are drawing their inspiration from?

I'm perfectly fine with europe and europeans being proud of their history and society, but this is a solid part on why I am not a european, don't consider myself european, and remain proud of being an american. first or 15th generation doesn't matter to me.

do i get bonus points for using "bastion" and "gal" in describing the french? :blkflipoff2:

Talk less, read more. You un-educated ****.

I broke out uneducated into a first syllable for you to un-derstand.

You should stop embarrassing yourself.
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