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What's an insult that sounds like a Compliment?

“You are definitely a Democrat!” Could easily substitute the word liberal in place of democrat.
Whenever I find myself on a losing side of an argument, and see where I missteped, I use the term "I'll let you be right". (This happens most frequently with my wife).
Can't believe I forgot this, but classic southern passive aggressive saying.

"bless your heart"

In Other words "listen retard"
It's actually fuck you, fuck off or dumbass. They use that shit on me at work and I just tell them this yankee knows what that means and fuck off and they kinda laugh.

The other one is "someone called me and was blessing me up and down" - someone cursed you out on the phone.

I also learned a "damn Yankee" is someone from the NE or North that won't STFU about how much better it is there than in the south.
Some that get thrown around here quite often,

"You're smarter than you look."

"Looks like you've been shot at and missed and shit at and hit." (Someone that looks like absolute hammered dogshit)

"Good enough for who its for." When doing something for someone else standing right there watching you.
Can't believe I forgot this, but classic southern passive aggressive saying.

"bless your heart"

In Other words "listen retard"
was just watching fox and there was a black guy and a white woman, lady was hardcore dem, other guy was more repub. They were talking about how the woke culture is not working for the dems and they might lose some seats. guy keeps on topic but girl starts ranting about how trump supports terrorism white supremacy is worse than china bla bla bla. he tries to talk, she keeps ranting, he says something like you don't have a clue young lady, she snips back don't call me young lady and he just looks and says. Bless your heart. lol
I see that you are a very beautiful woman....trapped in the body of an ugly woman.
a whole lot of these are about as subtle as shouting FUCK YOU with the double bird

it's all in the tone of voice
"Ooh, aren't we just a little freedom fighter out to change the world!"

"outstanding" is ever applicable
as is "amazing" and "I've never thought of it that way"
When your kids are trying to talk their way out of something and you say "you could be a lawyer when you grow up" is basically telling them they are going to grow up to be a ****.
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