What happened to the pics?

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gotta be a temp thing?

chopped buick.jpg
File exceeds PHP's file-size limit of 256 Bytes.

JPEG file size 49.9 KB (51,165 bytes)
Idk. I just tried for the last 1/2 hour or so to post a pic and gave up.

I was clicking on the “clipboard” icon and then scrolling down to “upload attachments”. I would pic from mobile camera roll and select full size. My pictures would be a size that IMOP work for my build thread. The small ones are confusing to do and shitty pics. I hate clicking on a pic to see it, drives me nuts and makes me not even want to look at it.
Ok I tried for the first time and it told me 256 byte limit. Thought I was channeling my inner Commadore64 with that file size limit.
Until a few days ago, I could upload a pic and get the standard "small medium large" option. Now it don't get that, uploaded pics are the little gay preview thing you have to click on to get full view.

Did I fat finger turn something off?
Until a few days ago, I could upload a pic and get the standard "small medium large" option. Now it don't get that, uploaded pics are the little gay preview thing you have to click on to get full view.

Did I fat finger turn something off?

Forget all about the camera icon at top left of reply typing window.

Click the A (Toggle Advanced Editor) at top right of reply typing window if it's not open.
Use the picture icon (Image) there to upload pics.

Works like a charm for me, and I'm not a rocket scientologist.
Are people missing the upload attachments button in the lower left pane of every post/reply window?
For for mobile viewing, what is the generally accepted size without having everyone freak out? Medium?
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