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Welp, 2021 can suck my fuckin cawk

total newb

senior jerk ass
May 19, 2020
Member Number
trinity center ca
Took the kids and dog down the lake to clean up garbage from last nights partytbon fire and i ran my fuckin dog over and fucked him up pretty bad.

He didnt break nothing and immediatly got back up. Then he puked up a bunch of blood.

Hes at the vet and the say he lungs are beat up bad but wont know if he'll recover at all for a few days.





Fuck man. That sucks.

Here's hoping he pulls through.

I ran my buddies dog over quite a few years ago. I felt like total shit for a while. He was okay after a trip to the vet, but it still sucked.
Jesus H,

In the future make sure he is in the truck unless your keys arent in the ignition.

Make it a general rule with this mutt or any dog.

Been there done that 20 years ago...
What da fuq dude ?

Yeah. What the fuck.

He was running around while i pulled to truck up closer to the kids.
I was looking the right and thought i bumped up over a log. Look over to the left and hes sitting on the ground but up not laying. I wasnt sure i actualy got him at first then he yacked up the blood.

I was high idle. Maybe 5mph. In dirt. My truck has 315/85 so big wide soft tires and it was the back so not super heavy but it aint no toyota.
I just unloaded my tools from yesterdays junk yard run to relise i left a +$100 torsion bar tool hanging from the truck i scalped.
Sorry to hear this, hope your family member pulls through. One of my wheeling brothers did the same thing to his Shar pei. He was buried next to the trail, that messed up the week end. Dont blame your self shit happends.
Hoping for the best. Watched my neighbors boss run over his dog with a skid steer. :frown:
Man I hope he’s okay.

Those dogs are wild man, and in a truck you can’t see anything on the passenger side. Sometimes bad stuff just happens. Don’t beat yourself up too much.
Hope your pup pulls through
Dont beat yourself up to bad ...I remember in high school. My buddies older brothers girlfriend...she was In The garage getting into her car. The family small terrier was behind her and she didnt realize. She sits in car and as she’s shutting the door, little dog tried to jump In the car. She shut the door on its neck. Dead right there.
Watched my old man run over our dog once. I could go a lifetime without seeing that again. He lived, on account of the half a foot of fresh powder we had on the ground at the time but he was never quite the same again. Always ran for the dog house whenever that truck was started nearby him after that.
Oh man...so sorry to hear! Hope he pulls through and is back to 100% soon.
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