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Watching DNC speeches...


Refugee from syrup
May 19, 2020
Member Number
East Coast
These people are clearly delusional. We clearly don't live in the same reality. Sanders made some ood points but mostly same old crap. Michelle obama on now and i think she's gonna cry. totally blaming everything on trump. Sorry michelle. Obama's administration built the cages that you say trump puts kids into. totally ignoring all the problems going on in liberal cities. Oh and pulled the race card. Awesome

Politicians would not know truth if it smacked them in the face.
I love how we have blacks in the streets fighting against cops and they run the dickhead that wrote that crazy crime bill, and a prosecutor that locked up a ton of minorities. They are out of touch with their own causes:rolleyes:
michelle really laying it on thick. You would think that trump makes hitler look like a care bear
Funny, her first few sentences were about how we need a coherent, bright-minded, always-awake sort of person. Hahahaha. It took her 15 minutes of babble to finally utter the word Joe. She hates politics though, remember that when she's your new candidate on Friday! lol
EverNoob was whacking and stroking the entire time I can guarantee you :lmao:
Near as I can tell, Democrats are winning the hotness race.
oh ya they both hit the crazy scale hard. I'm betting the Dem offering has some skills,
Wtf is wrong with Michelle trying to pronounce anything with an sh? Is it the ax mentality?
I like Cuomo, he really likes to enunciate those "t"'s. venT -ila- Tors

Well he is a wop meatball head degenerate, that's probably the only way his pea brain can process words and spit them out his cocksucker. Such a fucking idiot.
Well he is a wop meatball head degenerate, that's probably the only way his pea brain can process words and spit them out his cocksucker. Such a fucking idiot.

He's an insult to us real wop meatball head degenerates. Cuomo is a Guinea.
Really? People need a reminder about liberal vs conservative women again?
Really? People need a reminder about liberal vs conservative women again?

That's a rough fucking list when Amy Schumer is the most fuckable person on it. :laughing:

edit: Referring to that second half.
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