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Wanted: Skylake or Kaby Lake CPU for LGA 1151


Former #278
May 20, 2020
Member Number
Walking to the Rubicon
Lil'John submitted a new listing:

Wanted: Skylake or Kaby Lake CPU for LGA 1151 - Wanted: Skylake or Kaby Lake CPU for LGA 1151

Title basically states it. Yes, I'm asking for geeky junk on a four wheel drive board:homer:

It can be an i3, i5, or i7. If a Kaby Lake, it can even be a Pentium. Only requirement is onboard GPU(no 7740X or 7640X) I'm not worried about core count too much nor TDP. It is for a file server, media server, and cam server.

I'm located in the Sacramento, California area so unless in the area, packaging/shipping will need to be accounted for.

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