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Vaccination mandates on the horizon.

I've thought this for awhile as well. Which means the average person will never really know what the percentage of people who got the "real vaccine" really is and therefore what the true "adverse reaction" percentage really is. Or if they're putting "something else" in some of the vaccines as a yet another experiment.

Immunity, lack of oversight, willing (at first) and coerced participants.

In any case, there is enough evidence that this vaccine is NOT working they way they tell us it is; it is more dangerous than what is being reported; and the harder they push it, the more I want nothing to do with it.
Along with the percentage of those with moderate to severe side effects is much higher because on the saline/placebo.
What happened with all the crap about it had to be kept cold back at the beginning of admistering it. They never talk about that anymore either. Not that I'm watching the news listening for it.:homer::laughing:
Sticking together has paid off. CEO said we will be dropping "brandons" business and we will no longer be a .gov contractor. :smokin: No flight crews will be terminated, given unpaid leave, or otherwise have to choose between the jab or job. :usa:
I've thought this for awhile as well. Which means the average person will never really know what the percentage of people who got the "real vaccine" really is and therefore what the true "adverse reaction" percentage really is. Or if they're putting "something else" in some of the vaccines as a yet another experiment.

Immunity, lack of oversight, willing (at first) and coerced participants.

In any case, there is enough evidence that this vaccine is NOT working they way they tell us it is; it is more dangerous than what is being reported; and the harder they push it, the more I want nothing to do with it.
But think about this. If they are doing a 50-50 split, then take the overall number of vaccinated, divide it in half, then take that number and figure out the adverse reactions/death...now it just got a whole lot worse.
Sticking together has paid off. CEO said we will be dropping "brandons" business and we will no longer be a .gov contractor. :smokin: No flight crews will be terminated, given unpaid leave, or otherwise have to choose between the jab or job. :usa:
Looks like posts were lost…

But I received the email tonight. Ceo sent it after 5pm pst.

Fully shot up by 12/8 or “unpaid administrative leave.”

Hoping I’m not alone in pushing back
[TinFoil On]
I have not researched, no idea if this is true, however rumor is that they will be able to detect whether or not you have the vax because of "stuff" they have put in the vax.

This goes in line with the videos showing magnets sticking (on the arm where the shot was given) to people who were recently vaccinated.
[TinFoil Off]
This is my concern if one was to get a fabbed vax card.
Is there a database?
I have heard that some places like CVS have the option to be entered into the database or not. Your choice.

I know 2 people who actually got the vax and no DL required, no Dr. information required, nor any mention of a database.
It was get jabbed, get card with appointment for second shot, and afterward, were handed your card back with secondary shot information.

So the verification seems all over the map to me to be able to determine a valid vax.

Unless, there is something in the vax itself that they can use to verify.

I’ve read about magnets but dismiss that pretty quick, but the graphene oxide purported to be in it will glow at the injection site.

Graphene oxide is naturally occurring in nature and animals, but may also be a synthetic Luciferase compound.

Luciferase is real and has been patented.

Note the operative word in Luciferase.
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This, The religious belief thing boxes you in. They can come back later and go, here ya go, this one doesn't have anything in it, that you were against previously.
It is my understanding that the vax contains cells from fetal tissue. So much disinformation who knows for sure, but that would be enough for me to reject it.

In the eyes of my Creator, my body is my temple and I have strong convictions to not trespass on that belief by taking anything I think may violate that.

This is my concern if one was to get a fabbed vax card.
Is there a database?
I have heard that some places like CVS have the option to be entered into the database or not. Your choice.

I know 2 people who actually got the vax and no DL required, no Dr. information required, nor any mention of a database.
It was get jabbed, get card with appointment for second shot, and afterward, were handed your card back with secondary shot information.

So the verification seems all over the map to me to be able to determine a valid vax.

Unless, there is something in the vax itself that they can use to verify.

I’ve read about magnets but dismiss that pretty quick, but the graphene oxide purported to be in it will glow at the injection site.

Graphene oxide is naturally occurring in nature and animals, but may also be a synthetic Luciferase compound.

Luciferase is real and has been patented.

Note the operative word in Luciferase.
Elaborate on liciferase, please
Elaborate on liciferase, please
First hit on patent and wordy explanation. Read past the first part.

I have a bookmark that I’ll have to look for that spells out how it relates to the vax
First hit on patent and wordy explanation. Read past the first part.

I have a bookmark that I’ll have to look for that spells out how it relates to the vax
Not the bookmark I was looking for, but gives a general synopsis

Also not my preferred link, but it gets the point across.

Just search Luciferase on Duck Duck Go and read all about it.
Micro needle patches are the next step.

And yes, I’m a tinfoil hat wearing, conscious, critical thinker, with zero trust in anything ‘our Government’ wants us to do.

History folks. It really does repeat itself just in different forms that reflect the times.

ETA: And check out that patent number.
Coincidence? Not a chance.

Evil has one rule.
It has to make itself known so you have choice.
Not recognizing it is no excuse in the big picture.

The symbolism is everywhere.
The D.C. street layout, your money, churches, etc. Once you start to recognize it, it’s irrefutable.
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It is my understanding that the vax contains cells from fetal tissue. So much disinformation who knows for sure, but that would be enough for me to reject it.
And there you go.

The information is floating around if you can grab it.

The biggest psy-op ever perpetrated on the world for the interests of the Elite puppet masters.

There is an agenda, and it’s far more advanced and evil than you can imagine.

‘That can’t happen here’ is no longer a valid position
We'll see about that.

Earlier this week, parents decided to show the school a position of anti-vax mandate for the kids.
The news just reported the numbers. Half of all students were kept at home. HALF in the entire district.

The parents have spoken. If they do this, the school will be half empty. Your turn, school...
That’s exactly how we will see our conviction long term.
Until the mandate something else that moves the goalposts.

Remember ‘just 2 weeks to flatten the curve’?

I read Germany has just instituted No Vax No Grocery store.
When they talk shit and someone else follows through on it, it’s a safe bet it’s coming here.

Who would have thought Australia would go the way they did? You saw that video right?

It’s great we’re finally fighting back, but we should have done this last year for greater effect.
Holy fuck you guys actually believe that luciferase, patent 060606 bullshit? :lmao:
If you can prove it’s not valid given the actual information on it, I’m giving you the chance.

You have a dollar bill in your pocket?

You ever really look at it?

Turn to the back. Look under the pyramid and read the Latin.

You know what Novus Ordo Seclorum means translated to English?

What year was that added?

It’s a long game. Because the long game sticks eventuality.
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If you can prove it’s not valid given the actual information on it, I’m giving you the chance.
Call me crazy but it's pretty simple to see the links for the hyper religious propaganda that they are. That's the kind of shit that panders to people that want to believe so bad they read bullshit and call it gospel.
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Call me crazy but it's pretty simple to see the links for the hyper religious propaganda that they are. That's the kind of shit that panders to people that want to believe so bad they read bullshit and call it gospel.
I read everything I can pertaining to this because I’m no expert but realize that we are being bullshitted.

I am beholden to no church. The patent number is fact.
The patent is fact.
The Luciferase is fact.

So what if the links were from other sources? They are.

Many sources not of religious bent are at your disposal to read.

Before you dismiss the facts as some religious bias, seek out the same information from non religious sites.
It’s there.

Facts are facts regardless of religious take, political bias, or head in the sand syndrome.

ETA: I don’t care to make you believe.
I don’t care if you dismiss my links.
I don’t care if you choose to ignore what is right in front of your face.
I can’t help you at all.

What I can do is share with others who may not have seen the things I’ve seen, read, and postulate on.

If that’s not your thing, then so be it.
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I read everything I can pertaining to this because I’m no expert but realize that we are being bullshitted.

I am beholden to no church. The patent number is fact.
The patent is fact.
The Luciferase is fact.

So what if the links were from other sources? They are.

Many sources not of religious bent are at your disposal to read.

Before you dismiss the facts as some religious bias, seek out the same information from non religious sites.
It’s there.

Facts are facts regardless of religious take, political bias, or head in the sand syndrome.

ETA: I don’t care to make you believe.
I don’t care if you dismiss my links.
I don’t care if you choose to ignore what is right in front of your face.
I can’t help you at all.

What I can do is share with others who may not have seen the things I’ve seen, read, and postulate on.

If that’s not your thing, then so be it.
I'm not saying that individually part of it isn't factual. Luciferase assay is real, Microsoft has a patent with the number 060606 in it, I'd even go so far as to say that bill gates is in fact part of some secret evil plot too.

What I'm calling bullshit on is the huge leaps of faith required to put it all together as some sort of demonic or for the end of days.
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I'm not saying that individually part of it is factual. Luciferase assay is real, Microsoft has a patent with the number 060606 in it, I'd even go so far as to say that bill gates is in fact part of some secret evil plot too.

What I'm calling bullshit on is the huge leaps of faith required to put it all together as some sort of demonic or for the end of days.
Point taken, but then what is your explanation for any of it?
It’s clearly not for health because the statistics mete that out.
So what is it?
Couple all of what is going on around the world and especially in our country, and give me your interpretation of it, why it’s happening, and where you see it going?

I don’t trust our Media nor our Government. For years now.

If you do, then just declare it and provide your synopsis of what’s going on.

Religious bent or not, you have to be aware that something isn’t right. How would you explain it?

Or do you think everything is just fine and the rest of us are the loons? Enlighten me.

I’ve shared, now it’s your turn.
Except that that the patent number 060606 does not exist in the US patent office. There is Microsoft a patent that contains that number as part of the number, but the patent number is WO2020060606A1 ( WO2020060606A1 - Cryptocurrency system using body activity data - Google Patents ) and it appears to be building on a similar patent awarded in 2018..
It has to do with a cryptocurrency that requires you to submit biometric logging for it to award you crypto for mining it,

The other one regarding Luciferase was issued in the 1990s and expired on 2011 US5283179A - Luciferase assay method - Google Patents
Neither mention anything regarding injecting them into humans and as I read the Luciferase one, it requires a reagent to activate it and make it lights up, kind of hard to do with a patch.

IMO, neither is any kind of an upcoming threat.

Aaron Z
Point taken, but then what is your explanation for any of it?
It’s clearly not for health because the statistics mete that out.
So what is it?
Couple all of what is going on around the world and especially in our country, and give me your interpretation of it, why it’s happening, and where you see it going?

I don’t trust our Media nor our Government. For years now.

If you do, then just declare it and provide your synopsis of what’s going on.

Religious bent or not, you have to be aware that something isn’t right. How would you explain it?

Or do you think everything is just fine and the rest of us are the loons? Enlighten me.

I’ve shared, now it’s your turn.
I don't trust the media as far as I can throw an 800 lb gorilla and I trust the government to be benevolent even less.

The attempt to have us all living in clown world is the collective of fucktards from both sides of the aisle capitalizing on the tiny bit of power they were given when this whole scamdemic started. I think in the begining those in power really were worried that things were about to get completely fucked up but the accidental release of the virus turned out to be a nothing burger. By the time they knew it was nothing they were already so embedded in the lie with the media driving the fear and hype train that they can't back out now. The longer this bullshit goes on the more wild the claims have to be because when you start with a small lie you have to tell gradually bigger lies to cover and we are now getting some whoppers that the populace has started to see for what they are.

I grew up in a Bible based church so I know all the stories and how things are supposed to play out. I'm seeing people making such leaps of faith that Evel Knievel is backflipping in his grave with jealousy over. I get it, people WANT to believe so badly they'll ignore huge problems in the stories, it's just han nature.
Wife is losing her job after this weekend. Healthcare worker.

They offered accomodation/testing/religious exemption but denied her without cause and will be firing her.

I'm just about done with this clown world Orwellian nightmare. In my area they've now made all the public health orders permanent and law :barf:. Considering going off grid and removing myself from society as much as possible.
Except that that the patent number 060606 does not exist in the US patent office. There is Microsoft a patent that contains that number as part of the number, but the patent number is WO2020060606A1 ( WO2020060606A1 - Cryptocurrency system using body activity data - Google Patents ) and it appears to be building on a similar patent awarded in 2018..
It has to do with a cryptocurrency that requires you to submit biometric logging for it to award you crypto for mining it,

The other one regarding Luciferase was issued in the 1990s and expired on 2011 US5283179A - Luciferase assay method - Google Patents
Neither mention anything regarding injecting them into humans and as I read the Luciferase one, it requires a reagent to activate it and make it lights up, kind of hard to do with a patch.

IMO, neither is any kind of an upcoming threat.

Aaron Z
Good information.

On the patent for Cryptocurrency, they are actively trying to eliminate cash and tie our banking and financials to biometric logging.
What does that mean to you?

To me it means somehow they are going to implement a way to get you tied to your money through biometrics.

How could they possibly do that?

Face scan, eye scan, fingerprints? China already does this. Is that what we’re supporting?

And on the Luciferase not intended to be injected into human bodies.... they told us since 3-20 that it’s only 2 weeks, but yet here we are.

Why would anyone believe anything these people have to say?
A re-agent? Is that maybe one of the boosters in the future?

I don’t trust ANYTHING these people say.

Poo poo me all you want but I say what I think about it.

I’m doing me according to what I think is going on, and you do you.
I don't trust the media as far as I can throw an 800 lb gorilla and I trust the government to be benevolent even less.

The attempt to have us all living in clown world is the collective of fucktards from both sides of the aisle capitalizing on the tiny bit of power they were given when this whole scamdemic started. I think in the begining those in power really were worried that things were about to get completely fucked up but the accidental release of the virus turned out to be a nothing burger. By the time they knew it was nothing they were already so embedded in the lie with the media driving the fear and hype train that they can't back out now. The longer this bullshit goes on the more wild the claims have to be because when you start with a small lie you have to tell gradually bigger lies to cover and we are now getting some whoppers that the populace has started to see for what they are.

I grew up in a Bible based church so I know all the stories and how things are supposed to play out. I'm seeing people making such leaps of faith that Evel Knievel is backflipping in his grave with jealousy over. I get it, people WANT to believe so badly they'll ignore huge problems in the stories, it's just han nature.
Thank You for your take.

You’re right that the lie has gotten so out of hand but it was intentionally propagated. It wasn’t an oopsie.

It’s an agenda supported by Democrat Corporate Media. (MSM).

That’s the rub. It’s intentional. That is the difference today. It’s a brass ring they are finally reaching for.

They have ramped up history because they think our world, country is ripe. CV 19 was the shot over the bow.
Wife is losing her job after this weekend. Healthcare worker.

They offered accomodation/testing/religious exemption but denied her without cause and will be firing her.

I'm just about done with this clown world Orwellian nightmare. In my area they've now made all the public health orders permanent and law :barf:. Considering going off grid and removing myself from society as much as possible.
Bless you and your family that it works out for the best.

It’s just words on a screen but I mean it.

Many think that taking a moral stance is something to be looked down on.
On the patent for Cryptocurrency, they are actively trying to eliminate cash and tie our banking and financials to biometric logging.
What does that mean to you?

To me it means somehow they are going to implement a way to get you tied to your money through biometrics.

How could they possibly do that?

Face scan, eye scan, fingerprints? China already does this. Is that what we’re supporting?
This is more along the lines of we will only allow you to mine cryptocurrency if you are physically at your computer and have a heartbeat monitor hooked up, or you can only mine cryptocurrency if you exercise and maintain an elevated heart rate for 20 minutes.
A re-agent? Is that maybe one of the boosters in the future?
You misunderstand, the reagent is what activates and makes it glow.
Think the glowing butt of a firefly, the reagent is what it takes to turn on the glowing part. It glows for less than a second once the reagent is applied, seemed almost like it would be more usable as something to verify that a lot of chemicals was genuine because it lit up with the correct reagent versus being fake.

Aaron Z
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This is more along the lines of we will only allow you to mine cryptocurrency if you are physically at your computer and have a heartbeat monitor hooked up, or you can only mine cryptocurrency if you exercise and maintain an elevated heart rate for 20 minutes.
And that’s not draconian at all. This will lead to other loss of freedom to be able to function in life without logging in and have an authority approve your next move.
You misunderstand, the reagent is what activates and makes it glow.
Think the glowing butt of a firefly, the reagent is what it takes to turn on the glowing part. It glows for less than a second once the reagent is applied, seemed almost like it would be more usable as something to verify that a lot of chemicals was genuine because it lit up with the correct reagent versus being fake.
And that’s what I’m saying about a way to authenticate a vax by administrating a re-agent.
You schooled me on my interpretation, but my point stands.
They have a way to verify a legit vax via re-agent.

Possibly like the pen used on currency to validate.

Cards will be void soon
Bottom line is that people aren’t dying in the streets over this.
The fact that they want a vax in EVERYONE regardless, should be cause enough for an alarm.

It’s a setup for the next stage.

I can’t be the only one to see this.

They’re floating border closures between states unless vax proof.
Wait until you can’t register your vehicles or DL.

Believe me then?
Bless you and your family that it works out for the best.

It’s just words on a screen but I mean it.

Many think that taking a moral stance is something to be looked down on.
I mean it, too. Reading his post actually hurts my heart, just like all the others.
I'm so sorry to everyone that is going through this right now, being forced to take a needle or lose their job.
What did I just say?


Ten years ago, could you ever imagine such a thing? Holy shit, here we are.
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