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Useless things about your day!

She thinks flip flops are work shoes. I've told her 1000X to wear boots when you do yard work but apparently I'm stupid....but also don't have a hole in my foot so there is that. :lmao:
Mine's the same way. We're CONSTANTLY doing stuff inside and out.
Me: "Hey, kick the brake on that scaffold wheel"
Her: "I can't, I've got flip-flops"

<Face Palm>
Sucks about the dogs. Hope he doesn’t beat himself up too bad.

But it isn’t hard to not catch your house on fire. Don’t put flammable things on your stove. I guess I don’t get it. I have never left a book or laptop bag or anything that is flammable on the stove. It is an odd place to leave things but I see people do it often.

the flatbed style glass ones i can assist it.

I system it once at night folks place. Was drying dishes, so used to a fast stove I didn't even think twice.
Melted a coolwhip now and my Mom acted like I signed some fine China. :lmao:


Holy hell, friggin auto correct going full stupid!
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She thinks flip flops are work shoes. I've told her 1000X to wear boots when you do yard work but apparently I'm stupid....but also don't have a hole in my foot so there is that. :lmao:

Doing some framing today, mis-struck a nail and launched it back at my face :eek: Thankfully force of habit had me wearing safety glasses cause that fucker bounced right off the left lense before flying off to who knows where. Still have an eyeball full of dust to finish flushing out but I'll take that over a nail in my eye any day.
I need to buy a 5k capacity forklift and fab a riggers boom for an upcoming job. I can't find anything decent in my budget. Tons of propane powered stuff but very few electric.
I need to buy a 5k capacity forklift and fab a riggers boom for an upcoming job. I can't find anything decent in my budget. Tons of propane powered stuff but very few electric.

Buy a lift that's too small and fab an extension to move the counterweight back. You could probably do a nice enough job that the clipboard and vest guys wouldn't know it's not factory. :flipoff2:
What's wrong with propane?
Customer requirements.
Buy a lift that's too small and fab an extension to move the counterweight back. You could probably do a nice enough job that the clipboard and vest guys wouldn't know it's not factory. :flipoff2:
But the mast parts and driveline are pretty light on the cheap warehouse ones. I'm going to build a boom and probably hack the cage for lower profile, but the clipboard gang won't ever know.
Zipped up to Crandon this weekend to watch the race at the big house.

Cole Trickle driving a PRO2.

Finally got around to tearing apart the gear box splitter for my 15' batwing mower that I trashed a couple weeks ago.:homer:

Looks like I got super lucky and only fucked up the bearings and seals and a couple shims. Messicks has all the parts I need for about $320. Much cheaper than a new gearbox. I need to measure the shims that I have that are fucked up and add them to the order then I should have it in a week. Coworker has used Messicks in the past and has nothing but good things to say.
Went to the dentist this afternoon. They Numbed both sides of my mouth for a crown and a root canal. He also used some gadget that trims gums by burning them off electrically. He put a pad under my shoulder to ground me.
Didn't feel like eating after that. Drove home with the taste of flame broiled burger in my mouth. :eek::eek::laughing:.
Killing that flavor with Jim Beam now.
That is awesome
I wonder if it was some sort of kit sold in the back of a magazine 80yr ago.

That sort of "buy the two difficult parts from us, get the rest at the hardware store" type product used to be real common.

Edit: should have read the whole thread, of course 486 knows exactly where it came from
I do like the victor handle for hanging it on stuff, but the tips and the mixers are both far inferior to the harris stuff
if only the harris cutting lever were set up to be a hangy hook...

My Craftsman rebranded Harris I'm pretty sure you can hang like a Victor. Not sure I agree with Harris making a better torch though.
Vet confirmed advanced liver cancer, so Boris took the rainbow bridge this morning.


Second best dog I've ever owned, and the longest I've ever had a dog - 11.5 years.


Useless for anything except road trips, scared of any loud noise, and still just the most laid back loving dog. Definitely beers tonight in his honor. :bawling:
Vet confirmed advanced liver cancer, so Boris took the rainbow bridge this morning.


Second best dog I've ever owned, and the longest I've ever had a dog - 11.5 years.


Useless for anything except road trips, scared of any loud noise, and still just the most laid back loving dog. Definitely beers tonight in his honor. :bawling:
Fuck, I'm sorry man :frown:

Most of the best people I've ever met were dogs.

Good on you for not letting him suffer.
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