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Unintended Consequence of Riots


bordering on illiterate
May 19, 2020
Member Number
I believe right now in America the white supremacist groups are all but gone. They exist in prison but on the streets and in the communities they have dried up and blown away.

NOW with the unemployment rate going up, with race wars going on, and with everybody agreeing how you are somehow privileged by being born white we are going to see a resurgence in white power groups.

We are creating a perfect scenario for the remanence of these group to recruit disenfranchised white kids, who are tired of being looked down on for being white.

I don't see how it WON'T happen.

Am I wrong? Is society to progressive for white supremecy groups to make a come back?

What other things will we see in the fallout?
I'd say you're spot on, being told you can't have an opinion on something because of the color of your skin is getting old. The progressive agenda is furthering the divide, the sad thing is so many white people are too blinded by their woke righteousness to see they are just pawns in the game. As if BLM and others give a fuck about them.
I'd say you're spot on, being told you can't have an opinion on something because of the color of your skin is getting old. The progressive agenda is furthering the divide, the sad thing is so many white people are too blinded by their woke righteousness to see they are just pawns in the game. As if BLM and others give a fuck about them.

The funny part is BLM is in the same boat for the progressives. They dont give a fuck about BLM and are using them as a pawn.

Im betting a solid 90% of all races could give two shits about each other here in the US, meaning they are all just people. Maybe I have a skewed view living in a pretty diverse area.
I don't think you are wrong, but i also don't think it is unintended. the same way that white radical groups are putting in effort to enhance and instigate the chaos, either on their own or through people they can use as pawns to keep their hands clean, the division is their bread and butter. they NEED radicalization on both sides. they NEED somebody to be able to point to and highlight, clearly, as their enemy.

people will step up and give that to them.

resisting that narrative is a worthwhile cause.
The funny part is BLM is in the same boat for the progressives. They dont give a fuck about BLM and are using them as a pawn.

Im betting a solid 90% of all races could give two shits about each other here in the US, meaning they are all just people. Maybe I have a skewed view living in a pretty diverse area.

honestly it is probably 90%+ worldwide. people are apathetic to anybody who isn't them or theirs directly.
see also: proud boys

it's happening. it's a pendulum swinging back and forth.

and even "proud boys" aren't a solid white nationalist group. They have the SPLC designation, but if you read in to how they got the designation, it is mostly by association. folks the proud boys have kicked out have gone on to establish white nationalist groups and movements. They are more like the Taliban and white nationalists are Al-Qaeda or ISIS, for an example of sorts.

February 12, 2019

Press Release
Multiple White Supremacist Gang Members among 54 Defendants Charged in RICO Indictment
Dozens of members of a white supremacist gang allegedly responsible for multiple acts of violence were ... investigation. The murder involved members of the NAE, a white supremacist organization that began as a prison gang and has since ...

March 27, 2019

Press Release
Multi-Agency Investigation Results in Charges Against 18 Members and Associates of Violent White Supremacist Gang
Multiple members and associates of a white supremacist gang known as the 1488s, have been arrested and charged for their ... in and of themselves, their affiliation in support of a white supremacy enterprise is of even greater concern,” said FBI Special

November 4, 2019

Press Release
Southern Colorado Man Charged with Federal Hate Crime for Plotting to Blow Up Synagogue
... congregants, Holzer, who self-identifies as a skinhead and a white supremacist, told undercover FBI agents that he wanted to do something that ...

June 28, 2019

Press Release
Ohio Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for Federal Hate Crimes Related to August 2017 Car Attack at Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia
... 2017, he used social media accounts to express and promote white supremacist views; to express support for the social and racial policies of ...


The number of hate groups in the United States rose for the fourth year in a row in 2018, pushed to a record high by a toxic combination of political polarization, anti-immigrant sentiment and technologies that help spread propaganda online, the Southern Poverty Law Center said Wednesday.

The law center said the number of hate groups rose by 7 percent last year to 1,020, a 30 percent jump from 2014. That broadly echoes other worrying developments, including a 30 percent increase in the number of hate crimes reported to the F.B.I. from 2015 through 2017 and a surge of right-wing violence that the Anti-Defamation League said had killed at least 50 people in 2018.

in short you're wrong with this opinion. the facts are pretty clear supremacy groups are alive any well in the US. As they say: facts dont care about your feelings.

February 12, 2019

Press Release
Multiple White Supremacist Gang Members among 54 Defendants Charged in RICO Indictment
Dozens of members of a white supremacist gang allegedly responsible for multiple acts of violence were ... investigation. The murder involved members of the NAE, a white supremacist organization that began as a prison gang and has since ...

March 27, 2019

Press Release
Multi-Agency Investigation Results in Charges Against 18 Members and Associates of Violent White Supremacist Gang
Multiple members and associates of a white supremacist gang known as the 1488s, have been arrested and charged for their ... in and of themselves, their affiliation in support of a white supremacy enterprise is of even greater concern,” said FBI Special

November 4, 2019

Press Release
Southern Colorado Man Charged with Federal Hate Crime for Plotting to Blow Up Synagogue
... congregants, Holzer, who self-identifies as a skinhead and a white supremacist, told undercover FBI agents that he wanted to do something that ...

June 28, 2019

Press Release
Ohio Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for Federal Hate Crimes Related to August 2017 Car Attack at Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia
... 2017, he used social media accounts to express and promote white supremacist views; to express support for the social and racial policies of ...


The number of hate groups in the United States rose for the fourth year in a row in 2018, pushed to a record high by a toxic combination of political polarization, anti-immigrant sentiment and technologies that help spread propaganda online, the Southern Poverty Law Center said Wednesday.

The law center said the number of hate groups rose by 7 percent last year to 1,020, a 30 percent jump from 2014. That broadly echoes other worrying developments, including a 30 percent increase in the number of hate crimes reported to the F.B.I. from 2015 through 2017 and a surge of right-wing violence that the Anti-Defamation League said had killed at least 50 people in 2018.

in short you're wrong with this opinion. the facts are pretty clear supremacy groups are alive any well in the US. As they say: facts dont care about your feelings.

and that stuff is likely to never go away, i think the point is that this emboldens people and it will get worse. this is a recruiting tool.

so what do both sides do to prevent the growth of ignorance, knowing that it is going to grow from this?
What's crazy is the Militia movement is deemed an anti-government agenda and is heavily monitored by alphabet agencies yet there are active progressive/left organizations that have actually been involved with racial profiling crimes, riots, and violence that go completely unchecked. While the Oath Keepers are deemed a terrorist organization.

it's pretty clear that big government doesn't want it's system of power challenged so it keeps the people fighting eachother while making sure the side that has potential for true constitutional foundation is kept at bay.

it's really a sad state of affairs. The more I get into history. The more I realized we lost our republic in the civil war and capitalism was replaced in the New Deal with a Socialist system. Making us a Socialist Democracy.
and that stuff is likely to never go away, i think the point is that this emboldens people and it will get worse. this is a recruiting tool.

so what do both sides do to prevent the growth of ignorance, knowing that it is going to grow from this?

can we agree the OP is a fucking moron for thinking its not around anymore and just some old KKK guys who are already in prison before we get to solving the issue?
can we agree the OP is a fucking moron for thinking its not around anymore and just some old KKK guys who are already in prison before we get to solving the issue?

maybe :flipoff2: i don't think it is as common as we are led to believe and i highly doubt it is as lopsided [race]-nationalist as the SPLC wants to admit
What's crazy is the Militia movement is deemed an anti-government agenda and is heavily monitored by alphabet agencies yet there are active progressive/left organizations that have actually been involved with racial profiling crimes, riots, and violence that go completely unchecked. While the Oath Keepers are deemed a terrorist organization.

it's pretty clear that big government doesn't want it's system of power challenged so it keeps the people fighting eachother while making sure the side that has potential for true constitutional foundation is kept at bay.

it's really a sad state of affairs. The more I get into history. The more I realized we lost our republic in the civil war and capitalism was replaced in the New Deal with a Socialist system. Making us a Socialist Democracy.

I would dis agree with you there. Here locally when the antifa and other groups stated they were going to prey on small communities outside of Seattle, the "militia" for lack of a better word stood side by side with the local police to deter their fuckery. The police welcomed them.
Keep thinking white supremacists are only in prison. Lol. The chair meetings are only held there
I would dis agree with you there. Here locally when the antifa and other groups stated they were going to prey on small communities outside of Seattle, the "militia" for lack of a better word stood side by side with the local police to deter their fuckery. The police welcomed them.

I'm willing to believe you. In internet land, and according to media, my interpretation of reality seems the case. Plus the whole Waco/Ruby Ridge thing. There was a massive crack down on the militia movement in the 90's.
This racial divide is being created by design. We can disagree about who or what is driving them but if you have read rules for radicals its clearly obvious what is happening.
I believe right now in America the white supremacist groups are all but gone. They exist in prison but on the streets and in the communities they have dried up and blown away.

NOW with the unemployment rate going up, with race wars going on, and with everybody agreeing how you are somehow privileged by being born white we are going to see a resurgence in white power groups.

We are creating a perfect scenario for the remanence of these group to recruit disenfranchised white kids, who are tired of being looked down on for being white.

I don't see how it WON'T happen.

Am I wrong? Is society to progressive for white supremecy groups to make a come back?

What other things will we see in the fallout?

I think you are right.
The funny part is BLM is in the same boat for the progressives. They dont give a fuck about BLM and are using them as a pawn.

Im betting a solid 90% of all races could give two shits about each other here in the US, meaning they are all just people. Maybe I have a skewed view living in a pretty diverse area.

Your last sentence is spot on. More races just need to start having more honest conversations together. The similarities are more prevalent than the media would have you believe.
Nahh...White supremacy is silly. Everyone already knows white people are best.
Your last sentence is spot on. More races just need to start having more honest conversations together. The similarities are more prevalent than the media would have you believe.

Pretty much. What I learned on being one of the only white dudes on a crew of black guys is they love a good racial joke once you are "in" with them. Black people are also funny as hell, like joke wise.

There are pieces of shit in evrey race.
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Slander said:
There are pieces of shit in evrey race.

This. But I'm also fine with old school skinheads making a comeback. Bleach washed jeans, ben Sherman shirts, Oi! What's not to like.

fuck the Klan though, bunch of cousin fucking retards
Pretty much. What I learned on being one of the only white dudes on a crew of black guys is they love a good racial joke once you are "in" with them. Black people are also funny as hell, like joke wise.

There are pieces of shit in evrey race.

I found a similar experience when I was running drywall crews. Once they know your not a snowflake and just one of the guys they take the censor off. Also found that with Samoas And Hawaiians that I used to work with. Funny as hell once your in.

The biggest racist I have found are the ones seriously yelling that everything is racist.
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