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Trump issues 15 pardons


Red Skull Member
May 19, 2020
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Mountainair, NM
Trump Pardons 15, Including Republican Allies, Onetime Campaign Adviser Papadopoulos

President Donald Trump on Tuesday pardoned 15 people, including Republican allies, a 2016 campaign official ensnared in the Russia probe and former government contractors convicted in a 2007 massacre in Baghdad.

The pardons included former Republican Reps. Duncan Hunter of California and Chris Collins of New York.

Collins, the first member of Congress to endorse Trump to be president, was sentenced to two years and two months in federal prison after admitting he helped his son and others dodge $800,000 in stock market losses when he learned that a drug trial by a small pharmaceutical company had failed.

Hunter was sentenced to 11 months in prison after pleading guilty to stealing campaign funds and spending the money on everything from outings with friends to his daughter’s birthday party.

Trump also announced a pardon for George Papadopoulos, his 2016 campaign adviser whose conversation unwittingly helped trigger the Russia investigation that shadowed Trump’s presidency for nearly two years.

By pardoning Papadopoulos, Trump once again took aim at special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe and is part of a broader effort by Trump to undo the results of the investigation that yielded criminal charges against a half-dozen associates.

Last month, Trump pardoned former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who had twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, and months earlier commuted the sentence of another associate, Roger Stone, days before he was to report to prison.

In the group announced Tuesday night were four former government contractors convicted in a 2007 massacre in Baghdad that left more a dozen Iraqi civilians dead and caused an international uproar over the use of private security guards in a war zone.

Supporters of Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and Dustin Heard, the former contractors at Blackwater Worldwide, had lobbied for pardons, arguing that the men had been excessively punished in an investigation and prosecution they said was tainted by problems and withheld exculpatory evidence. All four were serving lengthy prison sentences.
Refilling the swamp? Seems like kinda a bitch move.
This shit is abuse of power. He shouldn’t be able to pardon anyone that was convicted with ties to him or his campaign. No President should.
If you think pardoning people who were convicted of "lying to an FBI agent" as "abuse of power" then youre clearly working with a brain injury.

If you think my post was commenting on the subject matter at hand in any way, well then your post is quite ironic. But kudos on your use of quotation marks.
Local news station kept making it a point to mention that he didn’t pardon Kwame Kilpatrick.

I’m not sure what they were going for.
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Supposedly the tiger kings request for a pardon has made it to Trump. We can all agree that little weirdo should be free to go back to harassing that bitch Carol baskin :laughing:
while I appreciate that it is his constitutional right, pardoning politicians like Duncan Hunter that actually plead guilty to stealing campaign of funds is just wrong.

Seems like a straight-up crime, unless the Admin feels that Hunter was convicted on BS charges in lieu of what they were really after: Russia connection.

If that's the case then I'm ok with a pardon. This is the one part of America that releases pressure for the upper classes. There has to be some facility for upper-classes to have a 'gimme' or ability to get special treatment. No, I don't like it, every single one of my posts indicates that I wouldn't like it. Is it necessary? Executive Pardons are a grand and ancient tradition, there has to be something.

If you will, it's a form of allowable and examinable corruption. The US Constitution is set up to regularize corruption. If we eliminate the loopholes, then we can be China and claim to have 0% government corruption even though we are executing 10 people a day on mock show trials like China does right now. Then publish a story in State Press about how the decedents were investigated by 'independent journalists' and how bad they were. Meanwhile corruption goes on unfettered.

We don't do that. Instead we have Prez Pardons. It's a good system.
This shit is abuse of power. He shouldn’t be able to pardon anyone that was convicted with ties to him or his campaign. No President should.

Bullshit. I dont think you understand who and why the pardons. The Swamp went after Trump people. Exhibit A - Papadopoulis railroaded by FBI.
while I appreciate that it is his constitutional right, pardoning politicians like Duncan Hunter that actually plead guilty to stealing campaign of funds is just wrong.

So... you should only be able to pardon the innocent? That would mean the justice system doesn't work!

Refilling the swamp? Seems like kinda a bitch move.

ever clogged the toilet just before you leave a hotel you never want to stay at again? :lmao:​​​​​​​
This shit is abuse of power. He shouldn’t be able to pardon anyone that was convicted with ties to him or his campaign. No President should.
Obama pardoned Ms Manning, so no fucks given anymore. If the Dems can do stupid pardons, well Repugs should too. Repubs need to lie, cheat and steal the same as the Dems. The game has no rules now.
So... you should only be able to pardon the innocent? That would mean the justice system doesn't work!

Your conscience should guide you to pardon the questionably convicted, and commute excessive sentences. Giving self-confessed dirtbags a pass makes me question your morals.
Your conscience should guide you to pardon the questionably convicted, and commute excessive sentences. Giving self-confessed dirtbags a pass makes me question your morals.

conscience? morals!? where do you get these words from, this is the government we're talking about. lol
while I appreciate that it is his constitutional right, pardoning politicians like Duncan Hunter that actually plead guilty to stealing campaign of funds is just wrong.

The following day, he pardoned his wife.
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