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Trailer deck sealant

The oil diesel mix works great, I've been using it for years.

No idea on how stinky it is, can't smell diesel fuel anymore.
Diesel oil and fuel. After a couple rains, it's soaked in enought that it's not slippery, can't smell it and doesn't rub off, but it's still black.

I bought a 2018 bigtex that the po coated with Thompson water sealer when it was brand new, I have 2 boards that are rotted out.
Boiled linseed oil sprayed on with a Hudson sprayer is what I've been doing for years.
I just used some $24 a gallon deck stain from the HD..... Our options are somewhat limited here in CA.

Used the "solid" on the car trailer about 7 years ago, still looks good but could use a re-coat. Used the semi-transparent this past fall on the new goose neck.

Best pic I've got of the car hauler...

The GN


I’ve heard there’s a mix of boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits. I think it was a 2:1 mix. Not exactly sure though.
I’ve heard there’s a mix of boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits. I think it was a 2:1 mix. Not exactly sure though.
you just thin it out so it soaks in better (or sprays better), no magical mix ratio

on a trailer deck I'd go with the cheaper petro-oil rather than the plant oil
ain't like you're gonna be using it as a cutting board or walking on it barefoot every day
make sure you tip it up and get the underside of the boards too
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