Red Skull Member
I keep getting anti Joe Biden commecials, that play before you can watch the video you want to watch
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Did you know that Adblock takes money from Google (YT) to allow their shit through? There are others, but I don't remember who. No? Well now you do. uBlock Origin has never done anything like that, it blocks every single one. I haven't seen single ad on youtube for like 10 years. Literally not a single one.
I've been running Ublock Origin on my phone for a while, and it works well.
Sounds like it's time to ditch AdBlock+ on the PCs. Thanks!
So, I disabled AdBlock and added Ublock.
Went to look at ProjectWin's truck audio thread, and all the pics are gone! I opened the thread in Safari (instead of FF), and they are there.
Pics still there for everyone else? WTF? Even with both blockers disabled. Cleared my cache, nothing.
Are these Facebook linked pics? Example:
https : //scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn. net/v/t1.0-9/116242374_177042373799548_4847278114389531222_o.jpg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_sid=0be424&_nc_ohc=zhGSVHJYvQoAX_L_Ps0&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=f34b27e21c8e3d3e7e5213e5816e2960&oe=5F53F611
Maybe FB chaged the link, and Safari is just displaying them from its' cache?
FF user, adblock and Adblocker ultimate and FB adblocker , no ads period and can see the pictures , this logged in and logged out .