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Torn Achilles, who done it?

Snoop dogg

Saturday Night Special
Aug 19, 2020
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not in PDX
Well my right Achilles let go last night. Saw doctor today and will see Ortho Friday to figure out what the ...next step will be. Zing!

During rugby practice....last 5 mins of practice made a hard step and pow. Thought I got kicked in the boot by a teammate , when I looked up from the ground there wasn't anyone close enough to me. Pop sounded and felt like I got smacked in the boot. Legs felt great the whole night running. I do have some ROM and so highly unlikely a full rupture but gonna be a lot of down time either way. I did go have beers with the boys afterwards though:homer:

I have plenty of projects that I can give attention too though now:smokin:

Anyway who done it? What was your recovery like? How has quality of life been since?

I'm 39. Active hunting/rafting/rugby etc. 15 years of rugby and well now it's time to hang the boots up.
Ripped mine when I was like 12ish. Didn't feel anything odd until the next day at school when it started to hurt more and more. It didn't rip all the way so no pulling it back down to my ankle with long forceps.

Wore a cast for a month or so and it has been 100% fine since. I'm 45.
Did you have any Achilles tendinitis before this?

I had Achilles tendinitis when I was 13-15 years old. I was told it’s from overuse as I was very active. I’m still active but took more care with icing and proper shoes and it seems to have been kept in check. I’m 30 now
Yea that ankle has been all jacked up. Sprained it bad 8 years ago. Plantar fasciitis , heel spur, tendinitis in recent years. Its actually been in check though lately.
When I was 23 years old We were playing sandlot football I was a lineman came up to throw a block I felt a pop in my right back side of my foot immediately fell to ground they carried me to sideline where I laid for what seemed like forever. Never did go to the doctor I just lived with it I was unemployed at the time so I took it easy for a while doesn't bother me anymore I'm 69 years old now I do have arthritis in both ankles as well as my knees plus a pinched nerve in my back all which make me move slowly Lol.
Depending on the severity, they may have to cut you open to stitch it back together. NWB for a while, then a walking boot and rehab.Youll be goodish in 6 months to a year, depending on how it heals.
Friends dad was running into an orchard to turn an irrigation pump on before the heli came in to spray the field. He hit a hole and ripped it clean through.
Had to crawl all the way back to his truck and insult to injury got sprayed wlth insecticide and fungicides from overhead 😂.
Bitch of a recovery and of course typical farmer he went back at it too early against doctors orders and ripped it clean through again, then again half way through for the trifecta.
Yea that ankle has been all jacked up. Sprained it bad 8 years ago. Plantar fasciitis , heel spur, tendinitis in recent years. Its actually been in check though lately.
Well thats when you’re supposed to be scared. Its like trying to dial in a HP hours 2 stroke motor. Once it goes from shit to perfect you know its about to blow up.

I dislocated and then relocated my knee a few times in a short amount of time at the beginning of ski season. First run of the year for me actually :lmao:

It was also the first time in 25+ years I tried to get in to shape ahead of time because im getting older, 45. I got fucked up because being in shape for the first time for skiing let me ski over my pay grade. I grew up skiing and switched to snowboarding like 20 years ago. Well between being able to muscle my way out of a fuck up and the technology upgrades since I was last on skis I had confidence that I was not skiing above my pay grade but actually just better than I remembered. :lmao::lmao: Yup thats why stupid hurts. I am finally starting to get to about 70%:homer: getting old is hell on the body.

All I got really. Had a buddy that partially tore his and after doing his proper rehab is good to go and is still very athletic.
Not me but my girl. Tore both at the same time in 2019. Get it repaired as soon as possible so it doesn't start retracting back up. If it does they do cut you open and have to pull it back down. She tore hers on a Monday night and was having surgery Thursday. It's a cool procedure and only has 2 small scars. She was in a wheelchair for a couple months then walking boots. Took a full year to fully recover.

Worst part for us was I was switching jobs and was leaving town that net week for 3 weeks so she was on her own with our dogs while trying to get the house ready to sell. She's tough and was able to make it work
In for watching the recovery thread.

Edit: my brother snapped his about 10 years ago. He said his wife yelled something from the other room, he thought it was an emergency so took off, and it snapped. The doctor told him squats and weights were good exercise because you’re planted and not any side to side movement or something. I don’t know exactly. He wasn’t super active but now apparently races BMX or rides bikes with his kids.
My brother had a full snap about a year ago. Surgery and then several months in a cast, first with one of those little roller scooters, then crutches, then a cane, then PT. I'd say he's about 95% now but his entire summer was a loss.
Well my right Achilles let go last night. Saw doctor today and will see Ortho Friday to figure out what the ...next step will be. Zing!

During rugby practice....last 5 mins of practice made a hard step and pow. Thought I got kicked in the boot by a teammate , when I looked up from the ground there wasn't anyone close enough to me. Pop sounded and felt like I got smacked in the boot. Legs felt great the whole night running. I do have some ROM and so highly unlikely a full rupture but gonna be a lot of down time either way. I did go have beers with the boys afterwards though:homer:

I have plenty of projects that I can give attention too though now:smokin:

Anyway who done it? What was your recovery like? How has quality of life been since?

I'm 39. Active hunting/rafting/rugby etc. 15 years of rugby and well now it's time to hang the boots up.

Look into PRP. It works. They take your blood, separate it and inject it directly into the tear.
A cowboy of a Dr did mine in office on a whim with no anistetic. Your supposed to be under because of the immense pain. For 8 hours it felt like I was giving birth, passing stones, getting operated on, while being shot with a shotgun. I now know the limit where I remain conscious and pain is unspeakably debilitating. All I could do was not move or speak and sweat.

It was his first time after reading about it and he used 2x the dose.

Summary, ask about PRP, it works. I was 100% in a few weeks. Find an experienced Dr.
I'll keep yall posted. I'll say this , im surprised at the lack of pain since the initial pop. It just feels sore as fuck. They did give me naproxen. But pain level is nowhere near surgical trauma pain. Hell sleeping has been fine for me. Not much that hoping can do, but definitely trying to be optimistic that I won't have to be cut open again.
Look into PRP. It works. They take your blood, separate it and inject it directly into the tear.
A cowboy of a Dr did mine in office on a whim with no anistetic. Your supposed to be under because of the immense pain. For 8 hours it felt like I was giving birth, passing stones, getting operated on, while being shot with a shotgun. I now know the limit where I remain conscious and pain is unspeakably debilitating. All I could do was not move or speak and sweat.

It was his first time after reading about it and he used 2x the dose.

Summary, ask about PRP, it works. I was 100% in a few weeks. Find an experienced Dr.
I will check this out. I have a few buddies that have done prp
I tore mine in 2018. I was pushing a full garbage compactor from an apartment complex. Got stuck on a crack in the sidewalk. I heard the pop and caught myself before falling all the way down. Didn't hurt but it felt like my foot was broken in half.
I was in a cast for a couple of days then a boot and a knee scooter. Did six months of physical therapy and light duty at work. Been good to go ever since.

You will want to get into physical therapy as soon as possible. It actually helps it heal quicker and better.
Buddy popped his racing mx about 10’years ago.

Doc wanted him in surgery the next day.

He said… naw… I gotta go to black bike week in fl for the next 5 days.

Put him in a boot… he had surgery ~2 weeks after popping it.

His recovery was 6 months. Which is rumored to be 1/2 of normal. He said the docs told him waiting actually helped his recovery.

Well my right Achilles let go last night. Saw doctor today and will see Ortho Friday to figure out what the ...next step will be. Zing!

During rugby practice....last 5 mins of practice made a hard step and pow. Thought I got kicked in the boot by a teammate , when I looked up from the ground there wasn't anyone close enough to me. Pop sounded and felt like I got smacked in the boot. Legs felt great the whole night running. I do have some ROM and so highly unlikely a full rupture but gonna be a lot of down time either way. I did go have beers with the boys afterwards though:homer:

I have plenty of projects that I can give attention too though now:smokin:

Anyway who done it? What was your recovery like? How has quality of life been since?

I'm 39. Active hunting/rafting/rugby etc. 15 years of rugby and well now it's time to hang the boots up.
I tore my left Achilles back in 2015, had out patient surgery (Jan 16) and had to stay off 100% for almost 3 months. After that I was in a walking boot but told no weight. Was back to work in late May. Healed up great but that foot can now tell me when the weather is about to change. Very dull throbbing discomfort. Was 33 when this happened.
I was doing burpees in the sand beside a guy when his let go. I actually heard it before he started screaming and rolling. His snapped all the up to his knee. Never saw him again so far as I know they cut his leg off and gave him a parrot. Be even cooler if he lost an eye and inherited a badass ship.

ETA: I just remembered, one of the instructors kept yelling at him for doing burpees and pushups like a hyperactive retard. They called him Downey, short for downs syndrome. Idiot would actually throw himself at the ground during burpees and push ups. Sounded like he just fell off a roof every time he hit the ground. I still can't comprehend how he was able to do it.
Well my appointment is Tuesday. I guess I've just been on a cancellation list to try to get in sooner....:confused:
Depending on the severity, they may have to cut you open to stitch it back together. NWB for a while, then a walking boot and rehab.Youll be goodish in 6 months to a year, depending on how it heals.
A good friend of ours popped both of his, about 18 months apart. His recovery was about the same as yours.
It's been years now since it happened and he has no mobility issues.
Saw the doc today. Asked me how long I've been in the boot with elevated heel? (Within 20 hrs of the pop). Then did the calf/tendon check. Said it's torn. Asked if I wanted to keep playing rugby? (No...15 yrs of rugby , 10 good ones lol...I'm done). Asked if I wanted surgery or not? I said no but wanted an explanation on my tear and how it can heal without sewn back together.

He said getting in the boot with the heel raised within 72 hrs is a big factor. He also said that when he manipulates the torn tendon pieces that with the heel up and pushing the calf down that they align and meet up in my case. And that it can heal that way in cast/splint/boot. He said the tendon will be longer, I will lose quick twitch type strength/movement, and there's a higher chance for re rupture. But at year 1 recovery there is no difference between surgery and non surgery.

He also said I would be walking/in line jogging sooner with surgery. My tendon would be normal length. Re rupture can happen with surgery as well. That people usually get too active at the 3 month mark that had surgery and end up popping it again.

I had knee surgery 3 years ago and the pain I had the week following surgery was pretty fkn bad. So I was ok with not going through that again....although it does not mean that surgery might be necessary in the future for whatever reason. Re rupture , something else gone bad, etc.

So I asked, so there's some tendon left holding it together...he said no. We also didn't do an MRI though too. Doc said that in most cases the MRI doesn't show anything that the field diagnosis didn't show. Either way it just sounds like partial or full tear they still treat it with same protocol...boot, nwb, PT.

Although odd that I was given the option for surgery , I can understand the reasoning and that there has been studies regarding surgery vs no surgery. But I'm down to give the non surgery a go.

It didn't tear off the heel or off the calf...tore in the middle section of the tendon.
They had an x-ray from my previous appt last Wednesday. And there was a big calcium build up on the tendon. They had my x-ray from 10 yrs ago when I fkd that ankle up and there wasn't any calcium buildup then.
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