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Tomato soup


Red Skull Member
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Syracuse, NY

3 lbs Roma tomatoes
2 bulbs garlic
1 yellow onion
2 carrots
2 cups chicken stock
2 tbs butter
2 tbs flour
Italian seasoning


1) cut the tomatoes in half and put them on a baking sheet, crush up 1 of the bulbs of garlic and put them on the tray with the tomatoes. Drizzle with olive oil, salt, and Italian seasoning. Put them in the oven on 450 to roast for 25 minutes. If you have a broiler that works good too, or one of those fancy pizza ovens you can fire roast them.

2) dice the carrots and the onions and mince the second bulb of garlic. Melt 2 tbs of butter in a large pot. Add the Minced garlic first, after a minute add the onion. After 5 minutes add the carrots. Salt the veggies heavily while you sauté.




3) next you want to sprinkle in the flour. Your going to make what's called a rue. It will absorb all the liquid and will burn a little and stick to the pan. That's what you want to happen. Just keep stirring. Add the flour a little at a time, don't just dump it all in.


4) after the flour is stirred in pour in the stock. You'll deglaze the burnt on bit with the stock. Mix it up and let it simmer. At this point take your roasted tomatoes and garlic out of the oven.



5) transfer all the tomatoes and garlic into the pot. Scrape in any juices from the baking tray.


6) for this step I used an immersion blender. It makes life wayyyy easier. If you don't have one put everything in a blender then transfer back into a pot. Don't burn yourself.


At this point your pretty much done. Let the soup simmer in the pot a little while and serve. If you like fresh Parmigiano cut the rind off and toss it in the pot to simmer while you make grilled cheese. Be careful because the soup will burn. Grate a little fresh Parmigiano on and garnish with parsley if your feeling fancy.

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I have a Roma plant that was a late bloomer. It must have several pounds of slowly ripening tomatoes on it. I know what I’m going to do with them now :homer:

* Do you have a printer friendly version of the recipe?
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I now need to figure out how to get 12 lbs of Romas....
I don't, but I could make one tomorrow.
I jumped the gun (with some edits for clarity):


3 lbs Roma tomatoes
2 bulbs garlic
1 yellow onion
2 carrots
2 cups chicken stock
2 tbs butter
2 tbs flour
Olive oil
Italian seasoning


1) Cut the tomatoes in half and put them on a baking sheet, crush up 1 of the bulbs of garlic and put them on the tray with the tomatoes. Drizzle with olive oil, salt, and Italian seasoning. Put them in the oven on 450 to roast for 25 minutes. If you have a broiler that works well too, or, one of those fancy pizza ovens such that you can fire roast them.

2) Finely dice the carrots, the onion, and the second bulb of garlic (make big into small for you window lickers). Melt 2 tbs of butter in a large pot over low heat. Add the garlic first, after a minute add the onion (this is called “sweating”). After 5 minutes or so add the carrots. Salt the veggies heavily while you sauté. Stir/turn so they don’t burn; caramelization is what you are after.

3) Next you want to sprinkle in the flour. You’re going to make what's called a rue. It will absorb all the liquid and will burn a little and stick to the pan. That's what you want to happen. Just keep stirring. Add the flour a little at a time, don't just dump it all in.

4) After the flour is stirred in, pour in the stock. You'll deglaze the burnt on bits with the stock. Mix it up and let it simmer. At this point take your roasted tomatoes and garlic out of the oven.

5) Transfer all the tomatoes and garlic into the pot. Scrape/pour any juices from the baking tray – that’s liquid gold.

6) For this step I use an immersion blender. It makes life wayyyy easier. If you don't have one (go get one), put everything in a blender then transfer back into a pot. Don't burn yourself.

At this point your pretty much done the work. Let the soup simmer in the pot a little while and serve.

If you like fresh Parmigiano cut the rind off and toss it in the pot to simmer while you make grilled cheese. Be careful because the soup will burn. Grate a little fresh Parmigiano on and garnish with parsley if you’re feeling fancy.

Lesson #2 – How to make a grilled cheese =)
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You can roast a red bell pepper with the tomatoes if your feeling foggy. You can also add a little extra broth and heavy cream to make cream of tomato.

3 lbs Roma tomatoes
2 bulbs garlic
1 yellow onion
2 carrots
2 cups chicken stock
2 tbs butter
2 tbs flour
Olive oil
Italian seasoning


1) Cut the tomatoes in half and put them on a baking sheet, crush up 1 of the bulbs of garlic and put them on the tray with the tomatoes. Drizzle with olive oil, salt, and Italian seasoning. Put them in the oven on 450 to roast for 25 minutes. If you have a broiler that works well too, or, one of those fancy pizza ovens such that you can fire roast them.

2) Finely dice the carrots, the onion, and the second bulb of garlic (make big into small for you window lickers). Melt 2 tbs of butter in a large pot over low heat. Add the garlic first, after a minute add the onion (this is called “sweating”). After 5 minutes or so add the carrots. Salt the veggies heavily while you sauté. Stir/turn so they don’t burn; caramelization is what you are after.

3) Next you want to sprinkle in the flour. You’re going to make what's called a rue. It will absorb all the liquid and will burn a little and stick to the pan. That's what you want to happen. Just keep stirring. Add the flour a little at a time, don't just dump it all in.

4) After the flour is stirred in, pour in the stock. You'll deglaze the burnt on bits with the stock. Mix it up and let it simmer. At this point take your roasted tomatoes and garlic out of the oven.

5) Transfer all the tomatoes and garlic into the pot. Scrape/pour any juices from the baking tray – that’s liquid gold.

6) For this step I use an immersion blender. It makes life wayyyy easier. If you don't have one (go get one), put everything in a blender then transfer back into a pot. Don't burn yourself.

At this point your pretty much done the work. Let the soup simmer in the pot a little while and serve.

If you like fresh Parmigiano cut the rind off and toss it in the pot to

Lesson #2 – How to make a grilled cheese =)
Awesome, thanks!
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