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Tom Brady Winning All Those Super Bowls During Black History Month Is “Racist”


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
Member Number
WTF?!? I’m not a fagball fan in the least but this takes the cake. Democrats = major mental disorder that I don’t think can be fixed. Instead it seems to just keep on spreading.
The problem with social media is that it gives every idiot a platform and people like Landslide are easily duped by clickbait so they see a headline that triggers them and click away, get more triggered, then have to share it so it makes the practice of dredging Twitter for idiotic takes and writing an "article" about them as if it's anything other than a handful of morons an actual thing.

Just ignore idiots and ignore people using them for a click. Problem solved.
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The problem with social media is that it gives every idiot a platform and people like Landslide are easily duped by clickbait so they see a headline that triggers them and click away, get more triggered, then have to share it so it makes the practice of dredging Twitter for idiotic takes and writing an "article" about them as if it's anything other than a handful of morons an actual thing.

Just ignore idiots and ignore people using them for a click. Problem solved.


No better than MSM baiting to get clicks and views. A couple idiots and their opinions on Twitter are not newsworthy and if they're upsetting you on any level you should probably re-examine your priorities in life.
The problem with social media is that it gives every idiot a platform and people like Landslide are easily duped by clickbait so they see a headline that triggers them and click away, get more triggered, then have to share it so it makes the practice of dredging Twitter for idiotic takes and writing an "article" about them as if it's anything other than a handful of morons an actual thing.

Just ignore idiots and ignore people using them for a click. Problem solved.

You need to dumb that down, type it in bold text and shorten it to a headline-length sentence so landslide will read it.

No better than MSM baiting to get clicks and views. A couple idiots and their opinions on Twitter are not newsworthy and if they're upsetting you on any level you should probably re-examine your priorities in life.

As long as they can keep us distracted they will keep doing it. If everyone shut off social media for a month those “in charge” would probably shit their pants in fear of the unknown. :lmao:
why even read a news site that considers this headline worthy?

of course someone is gonna post something to that effect somewhere, and get a few thousand likeminded bots to "like comment and subscribe"
that's just how the internet works now, billion monkeys on a billion keyboards all shrieking outrage at eachother
know why it works that way? because of people like you that repost shit like that
[486 said:
;n304159]why even read a news site that considers this headline worthy?

of course someone is gonna post something to that effect somewhere, and get a few thousand likeminded bots to "like comment and subscribe"
that's just how the internet works now, billion monkeys on a billion keyboards all shrieking outrage at eachother
know why it works that way? because of people like you that repost shit like that

My hero:beer:
[486 said:
;n304159]why even read a news site that considers this headline worthy?

of course someone is gonna post something to that effect somewhere, and get a few thousand likeminded bots to "like comment and subscribe"
that's just how the internet works now, billion monkeys on a billion keyboards all shrieking outrage at eachother
know why it works that way? because of people like you that repost shit like that

Yup. Was having a conversation with my boy last night about basically the same subject. He was talking about how stupid that Whistlin' Diesel guy is and I told him if everyone quit watching that dumbass, or the Kardashians, or any of the thousands of other similar idiots then they would basically cease to exist. They're basically like kids throwing a tantrum, don't give them any attention at all and they'll quit, because the only reason they are even relevant is because people watch that brain-rot. They provide no real value in life. Same goes for all these click-bait news stories.
Yup. Was having a conversation with my boy last night about basically the same subject. He was talking about how stupid that Whistlin' Diesel guy is and I told him if everyone quit watching that dumbass, or the Kardashians, or any of the thousands of other similar idiots then they would basically cease to exist. They're basically like kids throwing a tantrum, don't give them any attention at all and they'll quit, because the only reason they are even relevant is because people watch that brain-rot. They provide no real value in life. Same goes for all these click-bait news stories.

Part you’re leaving out is these dumbass stories have real world actions. People lose their lively hood because of people like who are calling Tom Brady a racist. I find stories like this one outrageous and way over the top and complete disconnect from reality. But anymore we’re living in bizarro world with lunatics running the show. Stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyeballs and yell out “lalalala” all you want but this shit is still fact and does real harm to innocent people caught up in it.
Part you’re leaving out is these dumbass stories have real world actions. People lose their lively hood because of people like who are calling Tom Brady a racist. I find stories like this one outrageous and way over the top and complete disconnect from reality. But anymore we’re living in bizarro world with lunatics running the show. Stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyeballs and yell out “lalalala” all you want but this shit is still fact and does real harm to innocent people caught up in it.

So why are you spreading the nonsense? It makes you part of the problem.
If there is any area of society where minorites aren't represented it's definitely pro sports:rolleyes:

The Asians complain about Black over-representation in media. Hollywood, music, TV, commercials. They post statistics on reddit and twitter and they are correct. I offset their argument by pointing out that Asians get the Smart, fast and furious, video game, and anime points in society so it all balances out. What they're really bitching about is that the Japanese dominate what the West considers 'Asian Culture' and the Asians are racist as fuck. :lmao:
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What they're really bitching about is that the Japanese dominate what the West considers 'Asian Culture' and the Asians are racist as fuck. :lmao:

The Japanese have had their way with China many times over the centuries, and with Korea as well, India and Pakistan hate each other, all of the Pacific island nations hate the Japanese. It ain't just Serbs and Bosnians, Turks and Armenians or Tutsi's vs Hutu's, there's plenty of opportunity for fun wherever you go.
The Asians complain about Black over-representation in media. Hollywood, music, TV, commercials. They post statistics on reddit and twitter and they are correct. I offset their argument by pointing out that Asians get the Smart, fast and furious, video game, and anime points in society so it all balances out. What they're really bitching about is that the Japanese dominate what the West considers 'Asian Culture' and the Asians are racist as fuck. :lmao:

Oh for sure, all those asian cultures hate each other. Ask someone from Japan their opinions on koreans and the chinese and sit back for example!!

But hey only white people can be racist.
Oh for sure, all those asian cultures hate each other. Ask someone from Japan their opinions on koreans and the chinese and sit back for example!!

But hey only white people can be racist.

Like that camp that treated people like logs at a logging facility or something. infecting each other with STDs and shit. some of the most fucked up things I've read about. Village 719 or some shit.
Like that camp that treated people like logs at a logging facility or something. infecting each other with STDs and shit. some of the most fucked up things I've read about. Village 719 or some shit.
Unit 731. And it was much worse than STDs and treating people like logs
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