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TJ, 5" stretch, D60 rear, Genright EXT Tank... pics/dims request


Picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue
May 21, 2020
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So I am in the process of rebuilding my TJ in a snowballing fashion (Project Iron III Oxide) after the frame rusted out at the control arm mounts. I bought a RockKrawler long arm kit (5" stretch) and have installed that. I am putting axles from a 1978 F250 under my 4 banger TJ (because why not). HP D44 front and D60 rear.

I was hoping someone here might have the Genright EXT tank with a D60 rear on a 5" stretch so I can verify that I am not going to run into issues. This tank is supposed to allow for a 5" stretch based upon stock axle location, but the D60 is beefier than my 8.8 that I had so I did not know how that would affect things.

I will be running coils so the new COMP20 tank or the other one they offer as a 23 gallon will not work for me.

Well this may be potatoes to apples but I got 5” out of the EXT on a YJ with a 14 bolt with a heavy cover
Actually that works for me. The 14bb is a pig and is beefier than the 60.
how close does your diff cover come to the recess? I did some rough measurements from my frame to the diff cover and had like .75" to spare or so to the full depth, not counting the recess... but again, rough measurements.
id be curious to see pics if you can manage.
My man. Thank you so much. When making a purchase like this, I can measure all day but never be satisfied.
I've a 7 inch stretch with the Genright tank, and I'm running a D60 with Dynatrack cover. It's so damn close that you'll have a hard time fitting a thickness of paper between the cover and the tank/skid, but, it doesn't hit.

Also, remember with most link arms, you'll have a LOT of adjustments in the length of the arms. I'm quite sure I could shorten mine quite a bit if I desired.

TJ at 100.5 inches, about a 7 inch rear stretch and a tad stretch in front.
You have the EXT Tank or one of their COMP tanks? I cannot run the COMP because I have coils that would hit the front pointy side part of that model.
i have an EXT tank. Pretty sure they don't make it exactly like this any longer, as it's probably 10 or 12 years old. But at that time, the EXT tank was set up for a 7 inch stretch and 19.5 gallons. The largest issue with my tank was routing the exhaust pipe along the side, as the tank is big.
Current GST2002 says 5 inch stretch. Standard TJ wheelbase is 93.5. I'm at 100.5 verified. So, with my D60 and HD Dynatrac cover I added at least 6.5 inches in the back and a touch in the front (which was limited due to OEM steering box). I'm not sure if my 2006 build date is indicative of differences in the design, or, if I just got more stretch than i was supposed to. I just remember that the advertisements back in 06 said 7 inches, however that memory could be jaded due because I did end up at 7.
This is the measurements that I was going off of when I was checking mine.
My fear is that I put my control arm mounts higher up on the tube, closer to horizontal, which would push the axle back just a hair more in addition to the extra thickness of the tube as well as the 5" stretch.

Got any more of those discount codes? :D

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