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Awesome, Busted.
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Testing an ethos, please feel free to poke holes in it...

1. We're all human, I don't give a fuck what your colour, race, religion, sexual orientation, or whatever the hell you think you are. I'm going to treat you equally and you're no more special or less special than anyone else out there no matter what you think.
2. To each their own, I don't give a fuck what you do, as long as it doesn't negatively effect me, my life, and my loved ones in any way. If you do, I'm going to call you out on it and take legal action if necessary, too bad.
3. Don't push your beliefs on me...I may or may not agree with you but that's none of your fucking business and I don't need to follow you.
4. Be good. Not because someone/something told you to, just because it's the decent fucking thing to do. Also don't be a selfish prick, consider the greater good at times.
5. Stop the divisiveness, it doesn't always have to be us versus them. There's no need, it's not doing anyone any good and just fucking this world up.

Background: I'm fed up with all the shit in this world.

*edit* here's a PC version:

1. We're all human, I don't care what your colour, race, religion, sexual orientation, or whatever you think you are. I'm going to treat you equally and you're no more special or less special than anyone else out there no matter what you think.
2. To each their own, I don't care what you do, as long as it doesn't negatively effect me, my life, and my loved ones in any way. If you do, I'm going to call you out on it and take legal action if necessary, too bad.
3. Don't push your beliefs on me...I may or may not agree with you but that's none of your business and I don't need to follow you.
4. Be good. Not because someone/something told you to, just because it's the decent thing to do. Also don't be a selfish prick, consider the greater good at times.
5. Stop the divisiveness, it doesn't always have to be us versus them. There's no need, it's not doing anyone any good and just messing this world up.
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Maybe don't fucking use the word "fuck" so much if you fucking want people to fucking take you fucking seriously?

I mean FUCK. Come the fuck on man.

Maybe don't fucking use the word "fuck" so much if you fucking want people to fucking take you fucking seriously?

I mean FUCK. Come the fuck on man.


If this weren't posted on irate, I'd fucking agree with you ;) if this were anywhere else, it would need to be toned down to not upset everyone.

Here, a PC version:

1. We're all human, I don't care what your colour, race, religion, sexual orientation, or whatever you think you are. I'm going to treat you equally and you're no more special or less special than anyone else out there no matter what you think.
2. To each their own, I don't care what you do, as long as it doesn't negatively effect me, my life, and my loved ones in any way. If you do, I'm going to call you out on it and take legal action if necessary, too bad.
3. Don't push your beliefs on me...I may or may not agree with you but that's none of your business and I don't need to follow you.
4. Be good. Not because someone/something told you to, just because it's the decent thing to do. Also don't be a selfish prick, consider the greater good at times.
5. Stop the divisiveness, it doesn't always have to be us versus them. There's no need, it's not doing anyone any good and just messing this world up.
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Maybe don't fucking use the word "fuck" so much if you fucking want people to fucking take you fucking seriously?

I mean FUCK. Come the fuck on man.


When I got out of the Army, it took me a while before I could answer someone prior to running the answer through “swear check” in my head

I now have a SIL serving in the Infantry, “Fuck” has found it’s way back into our normal vocabulary :laughing:
I now have a SIL serving in the Infantry, “Fuck” has found it’s way back into our normal vocabulary :laughing:

My budy and I used to say that our kids would be able to use "the fuck word" properly before they got to school. His kids don't talk (autism)...my boy is going to be homeschooled, and at 4, he can read and cuss properly when appropriate. We're finalizing the "when appropriate" now.
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The problem you're having is the ethos you're talking about has no bearing on the desire of the other side. Antifa, ANCA, Youth Liberation Front...they don't care what you think. There have been several ivy league educated attorneys arrested. Your logic is not relevant.
My budy and I used to say that our kids would be able to use "the fuck word" properly before they got to school. His kids don't talk (autism)...my boy is going to be homeschooled, and at 4, he can read and cuss properly when appropriate. We're finalizing the "when appropriate" now.

My girls learned their “sailor language” from their mother (Her Dad is retired Navy) :laughing:

Our girls are 21 & 18, I cannot imagine the challenges ahead of you with all of this pandemic crap

Best wishes, one Dad to another :beer:
My girls learned their “sailor language” from their mother (Her Dad is retired Navy) :laughing:

Our girls are 21 & 18, I cannot imagine the challenges ahead of you with all of this pandemic crap

Best wishes, one Dad to another :beer:

I'm 12th generation American and decendant of either patent holding builder/constructor/fabricators (several), or pastors...but Im not the pastor side. Put tools in someone's hands and the know how to use the language.
Agree the reduction of cursing could make it more palatable...but fuck it. I agree and am not offended...

Testing an ethos, please feel free to poke holes in it...

1. We're all human, I don't give a fuck what your colour, race, religion, sexual orientation, or whatever the hell you think you are. I'm going to treat you equally and you're no more special or less special than anyone else out there no matter what you think.
2. To each their own, I don't give a fuck what you do, as long as it doesn't negatively effect me, my life, and my loved ones in any way. If you do, I'm going to call you out on it and take legal action if necessary, too bad.
3. Don't push your beliefs on me...I may or may not agree with you but that's none of your fucking business and I don't need to follow you.
4. Be good. Not because someone/something told you to, just because it's the decent fucking thing to do. Also don't be a selfish prick, consider the greater good at times.
5. Stop the divisiveness, it doesn't always have to be us versus them. There's no need, it's not doing anyone any good and just fucking this world up.

Background: I'm fed up with all the shit in this world.
I agree with this profanity laden message.
So you finally realized you are a libertarian. Many Dems and Republicans are unknowing libertarian's, primarily due to the idiots running my party putting total clowns up for election. They can't communicate clearly.
for whom and to what end?

For everyone, as long as it doesn't negatively effect your own life.

The Ten Commandments kinda had it right too.

I'm not overly religious, but more less yeah...

Agree the reduction of cursing could make it more palatable...but fuck it. I agree and am not offended...


Posted a PC version too lol

The problem you're having is the ethos you're talking about has no bearing on the desire of the other side. Antifa, ANCA, Youth Liberation Front...they don't care what you think. There have been several ivy league educated attorneys arrested. Your logic is not relevant.

See point 2, I don't care what they think either as long as they stop negatively effecting my life. But you're right, there is going to be no convincing stupid people.
So you finally realized you are a libertarian. Many Dems and Republicans are unknowing libertarian's, primarily due to the idiots running my party putting total clowns up for election. They can't communicate clearly.

Except I'm Canadian...but if I were down south, probably?
Except I'm Canadian...but if I were down south, probably?

you just laid out the basics, minus the goal of government part. .gov role is to protect the boarders and defend our freedoms.
Congratulations. You just described the Libertarian party philosophy.
The problem you're having is the ethos you're talking about has no bearing on the desire of the other side. Antifa, ANCA, Youth Liberation Front...they don't care what you think. There have been several ivy league educated attorneys arrested. Your logic is not relevant.

that is why the fundamental issue, the only "duopoly" worth even discussing, the individualism and cooperation, broadly, versus collectivism and coercion, broadly. Those groups are collectivists. Marxism/communism and the many variations of his core ideologies are built on the notion that factors beyond our control define all society PROPERLY as large groups, easily defined. the only way that those large groups can be viewed is as the large group, the individual is not as important but the group dynamics are all that matter. Marx broke it down to asset owners and workers, as if they cannot be the same. That created and easy to consume and rewarding bubble by removing responsibility from the individual and placing it on the circumstances or collectives. it requires coercion to be a part of it because it is not a natural state of being, individuals are the smallest minority etc. and while we can all be empathetic to the collectives and whole notions, we cannot deny the role of the person. So Marx thoughts are expanded and reapplied and new collective groups take up the mantle. it gets morphed into a competition, because individualism in persistent, for viewing collective disadvantages as symbols of suffering. Suffering has LOOONG been viewed as a worthwhile struggle, the more suffering that you have, the more 'power' you wield in the coercion model and the more 'power' you can validate to yourself for either the long struggle or to overcome it. In death, Rest In Peace has long been common as death is the only end to struggle and the only way to meet peace. Now it is very common to see and hear in death "Rest In Power" because you have either garnered power for overcoming your struggle OR by saying that death is the ultimate suffering and you will now be eternally useful for coercion and power plays.

individualism recognizes that people are people and their values are and will be evident in their actions. while uncontrollable external forces may exist, they are not insurmountable. things you can influence vs things that you cannot and focusing your efforts on things you can influence, which at the base and most influential is yourself, the individual. it relies on cooperation rather than coercion because, if we view ourselves as capable of self-control and think the same of others, than we recognize the damage of coercion and focus our efforts on how to influence others to cooperate with our goals in a mutually beneficial relationship. It still recognizes suffering as a worthwhile motivator, but there is little value in the notion "anybody in my similar group must feel the same and everybody outside must be bad/wrong". it allows for "nobody is in my exact same group (inside my skin) and others are likely working for different things, what merits might I incorporate into myself to improve my situation as I see fit"

It is because individuals don't feed into the collectivist notion of molds being superior to individuals, and their inherent lack of support for coercion and preference for cooperation based on examination and merit of ideas and action, that we get things like "individualism is toxic" and "individualism is racist" and "individualism should be suppressed" and "won't somebody please think of the children". those are all tools of coercion, not cooperation. That is a fundamental, foundational difference between the two groups. There are BROAD ranges among them, but that core issue must be resolved.

that is also why collectivists are anti-"western"/anti-modernism/anti-meritocracy/anti-equality of opportunity. Individualism is foundational to "western" ideology and government. there are a great many "collectivist" countries around the globe and nearly all of them are neutral or anti-western. in their many forms, it is that base notion. hence why the only people i'd rather leave and go somewhere else are devout collectivists. soft collectivists can still be converted :rasta:
Testing an ethos, please feel free to poke holes in it...

1. We're all human, I don't give a fuck what your colour, race, religion, sexual orientation, or whatever the hell you think you are. I'm going to treat you equally and you're no more special or less special than anyone else out there no matter what you think.
2. To each their own, I don't give a fuck what you do, as long as it doesn't negatively effect me, my life, and my loved ones in any way. If you do, I'm going to call you out on it and take legal action if necessary, too bad.
3. Don't push your beliefs on me...I may or may not agree with you but that's none of your fucking business and I don't need to follow you.
4. Be good. Not because someone/something told you to, just because it's the decent fucking thing to do. Also don't be a selfish prick, consider the greater good at times.
5. Stop the divisiveness, it doesn't always have to be us versus them. There's no need, it's not doing anyone any good and just fucking this world up.

Background: I'm fed up with all the shit in this world.

*edit* here's a PC version:

1. We're all human, I don't care what your colour, race, religion, sexual orientation, or whatever you think you are. I'm going to treat you equally and you're no more special or less special than anyone else out there no matter what you think.
2. To each their own, I don't care what you do, as long as it doesn't negatively effect me, my life, and my loved ones in any way. If you do, I'm going to call you out on it and take legal action if necessary, too bad.
3. Don't push your beliefs on me...I may or may not agree with you but that's none of your business and I don't need to follow you.
4. Be good. Not because someone/something told you to, just because it's the decent thing to do. Also don't be a selfish prick, consider the greater good at times.
5. Stop the divisiveness, it doesn't always have to be us versus them. There's no need, it's not doing anyone any good and just messing this world up.

I think I can sum it up

-we put to much value on human life and feelings
-mind your own damn buisness

This is how I fucking feel. Let me live my life and go live yours. Do whatever you want as long as it doesn't harm someone else. If you harm someone else, be prepared to face the consequences.
Congratulations. You just described the Libertarian party philosophy.

As said, probably would be my party of choice in the US if I were voting...but political views is only one small part of my overall ethos and I wouldn't want to confuse my ideas of generally being a good person with that of some labeled politics and the baggage that comes along with that.
As said, probably would be my party of choice in the US if I were voting...but political views is only one small part of my overall ethos and I wouldn't want to confuse my ideas of generally being a good person with that of some labeled politics and the baggage that comes along with that.

it is a fairly natural state and reasonably a majority opinion. that is why most people can adapt and live well, to the best of their abilities and notions, under rather oppressive conditions. why don't people in North Korea "rise up and join the SK brothers in liberty?" well, because they are still generally able to live as decent people on a whole even in abject poverty. a struggle to benefit the masses that will still potentially leave them in a similar situation, as they see it, doesn't offer much value.
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