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The wake of other boats in a pro-Trump parade in Texas caused 5 boats to sink


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May 20, 2020
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The wake of other boats in a pro-Trump parade in Texas caused 5 boats to sink, sheriff's office says

By Paul P. Murphy, CNN

Updated 11:22 AM EDT, Mon September 07, 2020

(CNN)The wake generated by other boats caused five boats to sink on a Texas lake during a parade in support of President Donald Trump, according to the Travis County Sheriff's Office.

The weather on Lake Travis, which is west of Austin, was calm Saturday, but the large number of boats moving together produced large waves, the sheriff's office said in a news release.
Boats flying flags honoring President Donald Trump crowd Lake Travis during a boat parade Saturday that attracted hundreds of watercraft of all sizes. Bob Daemmrich for CNN

"It was like an ocean out there. I'm surprised I survived it. We didn't make it all the way around the parade, because it was just too much," Danielle Severn told CNN affiliate KXAN. "The boats were mainly just teeter-tot-erring. A lot of them took on water by the nose. After that it was over, especially for the smaller boats."

The event began at noon Saturday, and the sheriff's office says they began to receive calls "almost immediately." The sheriff's office responded to 15 distress calls, and a local towing company said there were "three additional reports of boats taking on water," according to the sheriff's office.
Boats flying flags honoring President Donald Trump crowd Lake Travis during a boat parade Saturday that attracted hundreds of watercraft of all sizes. Bob Daemmrich for CNN

Of the five boats that sank, three have been towed out and two others remain on the bottom of Lake Travis, the sheriff's office said.

"Most boats that were taking on water, or even fully submerged," the sheriff's office said, "were able to be hooked up and towed before they sank to the bottom of the lake."
This is what happens when Idiots with money buy a Boat and have no clue on how to operate it, or even to Respect others on the water.

Makes the rest of us Competent Boat Operators look bad. 5 boats in less than an hour that needed recovery WTF ?
that awesome, explains the whole "there was no strom" thing

It was Storm alright. A Storm of idiots that shouldn't be the Captain of a Kayak let alone a Boat with enough thrust to sink another boat.
This is what happens when Idiots with money buy a Boat and have no clue on how to operate it, or even to Respect others on the water.

This. Two athletic dudes in a canoe can handle surf like that. Anything with a motor should have no problem.
I’m glad this is here. I could have easily been sunk at the Trump boat parade. Life long boater on a boat with other lakers.

In July on a local lake there were 40ish of us gathered waiting to start the parade. We said the pledge and the boats were off. 40 boats taking off facing different directions created a fairly dangerous situation. I bet you 5-6 boats were in trouble in the first 3 min. Couldn’t turn, couldn’t predict the waves to get away even. Our driver worked it out but I wouldn’t have blamed him if the boat sunk. He did a great job. We’re were in trouble and like many other boats we had to throttle out of trouble and doing so we had a lot of unplained boats creating bigger wakes.

I’m really not surprised. Been on the lake my entire life and driving boats since 8or so. At 14 I had a POS ski boat at my disposal.

if you were with us in July you’d be understanding and not criticizing the boaters.
I've done the math, and 80% of the people that drive boats shouldn't be allowed to drive shopping carts. So let's toss them in a crowded body of water, probably with booze involved, and see what happens.

I can't figure out why boats would need to be on plane for a parade. You're supposed to putt-putt around, listen to music and wave.
I can't figure out why boats would need to be on plane for a parade. You're supposed to putt-putt around, listen to music and wave.

Its the start of them. boats floating facing all directions some want to be up front. 10mph makes a hell of a wake when people are falling in line. People throttling up to turn around etc. Communication over a floatilla sucks. You'd need a massive sound system to talk to people and keep it organized. Even then most boats are playing music.
I’m glad this is here. I could have easily been sunk at the Trump boat parade. Life long boater on a boat with other lakers.

In July on a local lake there were 40ish of us gathered waiting to start the parade. We said the pledge and the boats were off. 40 boats taking off facing different directions created a fairly dangerous situation. I bet you 5-6 boats were in trouble in the first 3 min. Couldn’t turn, couldn’t predict the waves to get away even. Our driver worked it out but I wouldn’t have blamed him if the boat sunk. He did a great job. We’re were in trouble and like many other boats we had to throttle out of trouble and doing so we had a lot of unplained boats creating bigger wakes.

I’m really not surprised. Been on the lake my entire life and driving boats since 8or so. At 14 I had a POS ski boat at my disposal.

if you were with us in July you’d be understanding and not criticizing the boaters.

I dont need to be with you and I will still criticize. If that was the case it was poor planning, poor seamanship, and poor choices. Theres no reason any boat in a flotilla like that should have been operating at anything other than clutch ahead. Especially with the amount of boats in such a small area. Every person operating a vessel is responsible for their wake, unless that vessel needs to maintain speed to control the vessel, thats actually part of COLREGS(think tug or ship in a confined channel). That isnt the case for the size of any of those boats. That was just a bunch of morons showing their ass and the operators of the vessels that caused the issue should be charged.
I dont need to be with you and I will still criticize. If that was the case it was poor planning, poor seamanship, and poor choices. Theres no reason any boat in a flotilla like that should have been operating at anything other than clutch ahead. Especially with the amount of boats in such a small area. Every person operating a vessel is responsible for their wake, unless that vessel needs to maintain speed to control the vessel, thats actually part of COLREGS(think tug or ship in a confined channel). That isnt the case for the size of any of those boats. That was just a bunch of morons showing their ass and the operators of the vessels that caused the issue should be charged.

I agree with you somewhat. I meant don't criticize the boaters that sank. They were put in a situation by the other boats around them and obviously couldn't get out of it
I dont need to be with you and I will still criticize. If that was the case it was poor planning, poor seamanship, and poor choices. Theres no reason any boat in a flotilla like that should have been operating at anything other than clutch ahead. Especially with the amount of boats in such a small area. Every person operating a vessel is responsible for their wake, unless that vessel needs to maintain speed to control the vessel, thats actually part of COLREGS(think tug or ship in a confined channel). That isnt the case for the size of any of those boats. That was just a bunch of morons showing their ass and the operators of the vessels that caused the issue should be charged.

Ha, you said seamen
We were on Table Rock Lake (Branson, MO) for the parade. It was massive, guesstimates were ~ 4,000 boats. An awesome sight for sure. A little crowded at times, but nobody died! My ex-cousin-in-law (ya, it's the Ozarks!:flipoff2:) was on a boat that flipped on Lake Travis. She was a bit panicked when they couldn't get out from under the boat, but again, nobody died.
Lakes are a hell of a thing with boats tightly packed. We have a resort that does a fireworks display on the 4th every year and there are boats everywhere tied out in the main channel. There are marinas and ramps in all 4 directions and private docks all along the lake. It's dark when it's over and impossible to see wakes coming at you. It's like boating in a washing machine. I can easily see how a boat would get overwhelmed in that situation. I also get you are responsible for your wake. Newsflash, drunk Kenny in his 40' yacht gives no fucks about you or his wake. There is no coast guard presence and sheriff's dept is not staffed enough to enforce even the worst offenders. I have decided no more large gatherings where there is mass take offs for me.
After spending the weekend down on the bay, I can agree that 95% of people have no business in a boat. They think its just all fun and games. I saw more near hits in front of my fathers house, while watching from the pool than I can even imagine. There was no reason for boats to be that close yet they were.
That's what the one we were in looked like. It started off slow but not slow enough for 'no' wake. 150 boats will fuck up the water. when the waves stat pushing the boat you have to pick up speed. and so the whole thing gets faster and shittier. We bailed after about ten miles. Nobody sunk and shitloads of boats were overloaded.

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