The revolver thread.

May 20, 2020
Member Number
Sunny Sequim, WA
Similar to the one on that other board.

I picked this one up while I was in Alaska.

I carried a S&W Mod 19 with a 6 inch barrrel for years love it miss it Jeremy Bastriski if you're out there return it and all will be forgiven otherwise know I am still hunting your ass

Been eye fucking a Taurus 605 2 inch barrel should have grabbed one in January when I had a chance before prices went though the roof
I carried a S&W Mod 19 with a 6 inch barrrel for years love it miss it Jeremy Bastriski if you're out there return it and all will be forgiven otherwise know I am still hunting your ass

So not cool

I got the same exact gun for the first Mrs because she couldn’t work the action on a 9mm semiauto I originally bought for her. This was one of the few things I fought for in the divorce. That gun is a classic

My Mrs (Mother of my children) is having the same issue as the first, she just can’t work a semiauto pistol. I think she is best suited for a pump 12ga, or a revolver, I’m thinking a S&W 3in bbl would be perfect
I carried a S&W Mod 19 with a 6 inch barrrel for years love it miss it Jeremy Bastriski if you're out there return it and all will be forgiven otherwise know I am still hunting your ass

Been eye fucking a Taurus 605 2 inch barrel should have grabbed one in January when I had a chance before prices went though the roof

I really miss my 4" model 28 "highway patrolman"... thing was heavy, but it was a tank. Now I'm lugging around a Ruger sp101 3" and I can't say enough good things about it. I do have an OLD Taurus 2" .38 spcl the wife takes with her everywhere... no bad words on the Taurus either. :grinpimp:
That is a sexy ass mountain gun! Been looking for a 4" 629 for a while... have yet to see a very good condition used one yet.

That’s a 6” compensated barrel, was my dad’s he gave me. Buddy of mine has a 4” that was his grandpa’s, it bites quite a bit harder. Would like to try them side by side with the same ammo at some point.
I really miss my 4" model 28 "highway patrolman"... thing was heavy, but it was a tank. Now I'm lugging around a Ruger sp101 3" and I can't say enough good things about it. I do have an OLD Taurus 2" .38 spcl the wife takes with her everywhere... no bad words on the Taurus either. :grinpimp:

I never liked the Ruger or the Colt cylinder release the colt pulling back and the ruger pushing in was unnatural. I loved the feel of the Gp 100, just not the release.
Just for fun I did a little searching on line, taurus revolvers seem to be sold out everywhere!
I had a chance at 629 back in 1990 guy needed money on a job, it went for cheap, but like a dummy I passed on it even though I love shooting big bore revolvers.
One of the many I wished I had kept was a S&W in .45 LC with an 9 inch barrel,once I had worked up the right load I could cut three hole clover leafs at 75 yards, from a bench rest. It was fun to go to the range, walk over to the rifle section and start setting up with a pistol, there was always some busy body wanting to tell me I was in the wrong place. Of course the range official would tell them to back off and watch!
I never liked the Ruger or the Colt cylinder release the colt pulling back and the ruger pushing in was unnatural. I loved the feel of the Gp 100, just not the release.
Just for fun I did a little searching on line, taurus revolvers seem to be sold out everywhere!
I had a chance at 629 back in 1990 guy needed money on a job, it went for cheap, but like a dummy I passed on it even though I love shooting big bore revolvers.
One of the many I wished I had kept was a S&W in .45 LC with an 9 inch barrel,once I had worked up the right load I could cut three hole clover leafs at 75 yards, from a bench rest. It was fun to go to the range, walk over to the rifle section and start setting up with a pistol, there was always some busy body wanting to tell me I was in the wrong place. Of course the range official would tell them to back off and watch!

And for me, the cylinder release is a perk on the ruger's, it's super simple to just push with my thumb and put a speed loader up with my off hand.... different strokes I guess. Years and years ago I watched a lady qualify for her ccw (when AZ still had a ccw course to carry in state) with a 629 8-38" barrel. All 10 rounds in the bullseye at 30 feet. I know, doesn't sound like a big deal, but she was like 4'11" tall and weighed maybe 100 lbs. :laughing:
I have a S & W and the triggers are TRASH out of the box.

It always pisses me off to take a brand new pistol and have the trigger worked and replace the firing pin with the longer one.
I have been thinking about the Heritage Rough rider as a carry around the place gun

I use it as my "snake gun". It's loaded with 22LR shot shells. I've shot it a bit with regular 22LR and it's a fine shooter for what it is. I've only used it for one rattler so far.

Just FYI, my cost was the same for the RR and the Wrangler revolvers and I think the Wrangler is a better pistol.
Colt King Cobra that I bought from Walmart in the late 80s back before they turned lib. It has only had a couple of boxes of ammo run through it.

Sweet. You obviously know what ya got there! I have been looking around at 4" python's... dam the price has really jumped in the last 20 years. :eek:
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