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Irate Motorcycle Group.

The *Official* Trials Bike Thread.

What a wicked trial with New Mexico Trials Association at a new venue!
I had a pretty gnar crash on Thursday that bloodied and bruised me up pretty good.
I'll live.
Dad killed it as his first time as Trials Master (TM) for Saturdays AM lowers. Set them a bit on the difficult side but not too many complaints.
Saturday PM Uppers was pretty easy on me (thankfully). I ended up riding well and taking 2nd place in Sportsman.
Sunday PM Uppers was freaking brutal. Easily the most insane things I have ever ridden. Ended up in 3rd even with (2) semi-expert and (1) Expert rider who moved down to SP for the day. Unfortunately I lost the weekend overall by 1 freaking point! Argh!
Dad rode well Sun but was exhausted from the week of setting. Had fun either way.

Spent today scouting an adjacent piece of property that is for sale. Hmmmm... Many ideas.
Packed appropriate socks...
Long overdue post. My apologies.

I had a pretty shit crash last month that ended with 7 fractured ribs (2 with multiple fractures) and a broken clavicle, all on my right side. I ran out of talent on Sat section 5(?) Loop3 and took an over the bars nose dive 12'+ down. I was screaming, April was gasp-screaming. it was not pretty. I ended up face down in the dirt, head down-slope, bike on top of me, gasping for breath. I have previously broken my back (story for another time) so I felt confident in having first responders help me move around some. Things are a bit hazy but I know that Bruce and Curtis were some of the first there, removing the bike from me, talking to me, and helping get me head uphill, and "sitting". Getting my helmet off, sharing their water. TM Monte, my riding partner Jake C, April, and a host of others gathered around quickly. Some how someone got my dad from checking section 1 and up there damn fast too.

Bruce and Curtis (I don't know why I keep thinking it wasn't Curtis but damn I'm pretty sure. If I am wrong, please forgive me) pretty much carried me by my waistband ~100 yards down to the road where I was certain I could get into my friends car and have her take me to the hospital. Yeah, no. That wasn't going to happen. I called an audible and requested an ambulance. Someone ran up the road and called 911. I don't think it was 15 minutes before EMS arrived. Insane response time.

I was transported to the hospital in RR where after evaluation it was decided I needed to go to the UNM trauma center.

badda-bing- badda-painkillers... ... they finally let me leave a week later.

5 weeks later (today) and I'm doing ok. Still can't sleep for shit. Still in a fair amount of pain but aint nothing to be done other than deal with it.


THANK YOU. Everyone.

I cannot express my gratitude enough to everyone at NMTA as well as the EMS first responders. I am humbled and as always proud to be part of/welcomed into this "family".

Planning on being at Sipapu next week but definitely not going to be riding.

Edit: Forgot to thank my wife, and my dad. Who have spent the last 5 weeks by my side, modifying the house so i can get around and attempt to be comfortable, picking things up and putting them down, and just generally being my right torso.
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Had a kick ass 1st ride back. Dropped down 3 classes to AMA. Rode Non-Comp to not fuck with their year end points. Swept both days with a total of 8 points for the weekend. :smokin: I had a blast just bombing around. Got a little bored on my 2nd loop Sun so decided to go for speed. Ran the whole loop and all 8 sections in 14 minutes. :eek:


Had an out of towner ride with us and he took some great video of the AMA class lines. Cool to see the way he approached them compared to me. We ride very differently. He ended up in 1st place for the weekend with 14 points.

willis_racing even showed up and stole a bike and fumbled around a bit. :beer:
Trials is a really cool sport. I really dig the idea of riding around on a loop and being scored on small sections, kinda like a classic enduro.

I borrowed a Beta 250 4 stroke from a lady camped right next to me and got to joy ride it around the full sunday lowers loop and try my hand at all the lines. I skipped straight to doing all the intermediate lines and got a few points on a few of them, and cleaned a few. With some practice (and being able to read the course gates properly since they'd actually be there if I was competing :laughing:) I feel that I could jump it at either intermediate or Sportsman level.

Gonna take me a long time to have enough disposable time to add another 2 wheeled competition hobby into the mix though. Although I admit it'll probably happen eventually :grinpimp:
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