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The last half of 2020 predictions


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
Member Number
So far, 2020 has without a doubt, one upped modt of the years before it. Mostly with insanity and lunatics. It’s like half the people in this country are just trying to keep working and build a better future and the other half are a cancer.

Top that off with the rest of the world coming unglued

with all this excitement in 2020 so far, I’m wondering if the bar can get raised even higher for the remaining 2020.

All you can do really is grab a bowl of 🍿 and eyeball fawk your firearm wondering if you’re gonna need it before years end.

The timing of all this is sure suspect though
I’m thinking the 3 months between election and trump’s 2nd inauguration are going the climax of insanity. Like live streamed public suicides with notes that say ‘I can’t live through 4 more years” type shit:laughing:
It's going to get worse with the lunacy.

After the election it'll get even worse.
As the riots die down, the second wave of covid will blow up. The people will revolt, martial law will ensue. They will try to take guns. Major unrest will begin. The Fed will completely collapse.
We will unite, and remove the ruling class. There will no longer be a US government. We will learn what real freedom means.
I think we are overdue for a muslim attack, aloha snackbar kinda shit
As the riots die down, the second wave of covid will blow up. The people will revolt, martial law will ensue. They will try to take guns. Major unrest will begin. The Fed will completely collapse.
We will unite, and remove the ruling class. There will no longer be a US government. We will learn what real freedom means.

Yaknow, I can’t help but think that the left really wants martial law, it’s their end game.
The last quarter will be the election and the fallout from
how that breaks. I suspect the economy will go into a deeper recession after Biden wins after the Dems & media finish whipping anti Trump sentiment.

second scenario is a few months of getting Biden replaced on the Dem ticket.
Because it's an election year. We are 6 months in and their hasn't been much in the way of campaigning, and your side can only come up with creepy Joe, and they are fine with it. You dont think any of that is odd?

Sure made Tara Reade go away really quick didn't it?

Covers up rosenstein testimony on fisa and the burisma/ukraine calls and the link to Schiff there.

Provides cover for the Obama admin running the spy op on trump, biden unmasking and susan rice emails etc

Helps quieten down the truth on Obama-bengahzi, stinger missiles, and bowie bergdahl links.

Because it's an election year. We are 6 months in and their hasn't been much in the way of campaigning, and your side can only come up with creepy Joe, and they are fine with it. You dont think any of that is odd?

The Left sees a Trump 2nd as an end to Roe v Wade, but no one serious believes that'll happen even if Trump gets 2 more picks.

What's really on the table are the panoply of Leftist-era legislation and regulation like:

Affirmative Action
14th Amendment
Legislative districting (gerrymandering)
Free Speech (under assault across the board from the Left)
Sanctuary Cities (this should be easy but Leftist Courts won't even hear it)

Trump has already stacked the lower Courts with picks, and this changes the nature of what can be brought to SCOTUS. All of those Clerks really make a difference, John Roberts was a Clerk. They and the lower Courts determine *how* cases get brought before SCOTUS. For example, AA cases are not being brought to SCOTUS to overturn AA right now... they're being brought to determine if Institutions comply with existing rulings. So lower Courts determine if a case can even be brought to SCOTUS which challenges an existing ruling to over-turn status. The SCOTUS can refuse to hear cases... but eventually they'll have to if the Lowers keep handing them up.

Still, that's only half the equation. SCOTUS is still split. If we get a Conservative majority that not even Roberts can do anything about, then a whole bunch of shit is on the table, the stuff that matters that isn't covered much in the media but which really determines how our society is run, and which the Liberals have an iron grip on.

Make no mistake, Liberals run this country through Legislative and Judicial Activism, and that's on the table in November. Trump has made a YUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGE legal impact that will be felt for decades. A win in November is a permanent seismic shift in how this country is run, and it NEEDS to happen.

The Left will burn down all of their own cities to prevent it from happening. That's what's at stake.
The Left sees a Trump 2nd as an end to Roe v Wade, but no one serious believes that'll happen even if Trump gets 2 more picks.

What's really on the table are the panoply of Leftist-era legislation and regulation like:

Affirmative Action
14th Amendment
Legislative districting (gerrymandering)
Free Speech (under assault across the board from the Left)
Sanctuary Cities (this should be easy but Leftist Courts won't even hear it)

Trump has already stacked the lower Courts with picks, and this changes the nature of what can be brought to SCOTUS. All of those Clerks really make a difference, John Roberts was a Clerk. They and the lower Courts determine *how* cases get brought before SCOTUS. For example, AA cases are not being brought to SCOTUS to overturn AA right now... they're being brought to determine if Institutions comply with existing rulings. So lower Courts determine if a case can even be brought to SCOTUS which challenges an existing ruling to over-turn status. The SCOTUS can refuse to hear cases... but eventually they'll have to if the Lowers keep handing them up.

Still, that's only half the equation. SCOTUS is still split. If we get a Conservative majority that not even Roberts can do anything about, then a whole bunch of shit is on the table, the stuff that matters that isn't covered much in the media but which really determines how our society is run, and which the Liberals have an iron grip on.

Make no mistake, Liberals run this country through Legislative and Judicial Activism, and that's on the table in November. Trump has made a YUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGE legal impact that will be felt for decades. A win in November is a permanent seismic shift in how this country is run, and it NEEDS to happen.

The Left will burn down all of their own cities to prevent it from happening. That's what's at stake.

Damn I have to agree with you, I feel so dirty now! :flipoff2:
The Dems STARTED the year off on a rotten note and will they end the year with it? Biden or ? wins? Dems finnally get the civil war to kick off they are trying to start becuase Trump is re-elected. Yellowstone blows? China attacks like in how Red Dawn 2 was supposed to be done before it was re-worked so not to upset the ChiComs? China virus 2.0 mixed with ebola, maybe even a real Zombie virus is "accidentally" released in a wet market. China Attacks Taiwan? Muslims being Muslims?
The Left sees a Trump 2nd as an end to Roe v Wade, but no one serious believes that'll happen even if Trump gets 2 more picks.

What's really on the table are the panoply of Leftist-era legislation and regulation like:

Affirmative Action
14th Amendment
Legislative districting (gerrymandering)
Free Speech (under assault across the board from the Left)
Sanctuary Cities (this should be easy but Leftist Courts won't even hear it)

Trump has already stacked the lower Courts with picks, and this changes the nature of what can be brought to SCOTUS. All of those Clerks really make a difference, John Roberts was a Clerk. They and the lower Courts determine *how* cases get brought before SCOTUS. For example, AA cases are not being brought to SCOTUS to overturn AA right now... they're being brought to determine if Institutions comply with existing rulings. So lower Courts determine if a case can even be brought to SCOTUS which challenges an existing ruling to over-turn status. The SCOTUS can refuse to hear cases... but eventually they'll have to if the Lowers keep handing them up.

Still, that's only half the equation. SCOTUS is still split. If we get a Conservative majority that not even Roberts can do anything about, then a whole bunch of shit is on the table, the stuff that matters that isn't covered much in the media but which really determines how our society is run, and which the Liberals have an iron grip on.

Make no mistake, Liberals run this country through Legislative and Judicial Activism, and that's on the table in November. Trump has made a YUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGE legal impact that will be felt for decades. A win in November is a permanent seismic shift in how this country is run, and it NEEDS to happen.

The Left will burn down all of their own cities to prevent it from happening. That's what's at stake.

I'm watching the warmup show just north of me in Minneapolis.
As the riots die down, the second wave of covid will blow up. The people will revolt, martial law will ensue. They will try to take guns. Major unrest will begin. The Fed will completely collapse.
We will unite, and remove the ruling class. There will no longer be a US government. We will learn what real freedom means.

I hope and pray this is correct, and I'm willing to stand and fight. :smokin::grinpimp:
The Dems STARTED the year off on a rotten note and will they end the year with it? Biden or ? wins? Dems finnally get the civil war to kick off they are trying to start becuase Trump is re-elected. Yellowstone blows? China attacks like in how Red Dawn 2 was supposed to be done before it was re-worked so not to upset the ChiComs? China virus 2.0 mixed with ebola, maybe even a real Zombie virus is "accidentally" released in a wet market. China Attacks Taiwan? Muslims being Muslims?

The only one on that list that actually worries me is Yellowstone erupting. That one might tough to come back from.
The Left sees a Trump 2nd as an end to Roe v Wade, but no one serious believes that'll happen even if Trump gets 2 more picks.

What's really on the table are the panoply of Leftist-era legislation and regulation like:

Affirmative Action
14th Amendment
Legislative districting (gerrymandering)
Free Speech (under assault across the board from the Left)
Sanctuary Cities (this should be easy but Leftist Courts won't even hear it)

Trump has already stacked the lower Courts with picks, and this changes the nature of what can be brought to SCOTUS. All of those Clerks really make a difference, John Roberts was a Clerk. They and the lower Courts determine *how* cases get brought before SCOTUS. For example, AA cases are not being brought to SCOTUS to overturn AA right now... they're being brought to determine if Institutions comply with existing rulings. So lower Courts determine if a case can even be brought to SCOTUS which challenges an existing ruling to over-turn status. The SCOTUS can refuse to hear cases... but eventually they'll have to if the Lowers keep handing them up.

Still, that's only half the equation. SCOTUS is still split. If we get a Conservative majority that not even Roberts can do anything about, then a whole bunch of shit is on the table, the stuff that matters that isn't covered much in the media but which really determines how our society is run, and which the Liberals have an iron grip on.

Make no mistake, Liberals run this country through Legislative and Judicial Activism, and that's on the table in November. Trump has made a YUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGE legal impact that will be felt for decades. A win in November is a permanent seismic shift in how this country is run, and it NEEDS to happen.

The Left will burn down all of their own cities to prevent it from happening. That's what's at stake.

Seems insane for the Dems to be helping and pushing the violent protest destroying the very cities they govern. I can not for the life of me see how their inaction builds their voter base. Imo it’s just the extreme left causing all this shit and they aren’t Trump supporters to begin with.
I hope and pray this is correct, and I'm willing to stand and fight. :smokin::grinpimp:

Oh.... SHUT UP

No you're not 🤣

You didn't do shit in the LA riots. You didn't do shit with coast-to-coast race riots over the last 2 weeks. You didn't do shit when they tore down Confederate soldier statues. You didn't do shit after Ruby Ridge. You didn't do shit after Waco. And you won't do shit in the future.

You. Won't. Do. Shit.

Now go back to polishing your proxy-cock and dressing up as a sowjuhman.
Seems insane for the Dems to be helping and pushing the violent protest destroying the very cities they govern. I can not for the life of me see how their inaction builds their voter base. Imo it’s just the extreme left causing all this shit and they aren’t Trump supporters to begin with.

The Corporations which own those properties will simply price-hike on everyone who didn't participate, and we will pay those prices. Furthermore the mom&pops driven out of business will have their market share gobbled up by the big Conglomerates.

Federal Assistance will be given to Cities if they are substantially damaged in riots, again taken partially from areas that opposed the riots.

It's nothing for the Lefties to destroy shit, because they can always count on you paying for it. It's all win for the Left, I haven't even begun to list the advantages of violent riots for them.
You really should seek professional help if you truly believe that.

Really? Try googling the articles from CNN, NYT, etc that contain "martial law". They speak about it like it's a good thing.
I know you live in the desert, but that doesn't mean you should keep your head burried in sand all the time.:flipoff2:
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